Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 28, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



The Scientists are observing thereaction of these two males that were included in The Experiment now that theyare in danger, several hours ago they have been persecuted by several hungryHermas, and if they are not capable of climb the threes and reach a safe highthat the Hermas can't reach they'll be lost.

The male that is on the left isthe dominant known as alfa and on the right is the submissive known as beta andhis slave including in the sexual aspect and now the beta depends on the alfa,but in this moment each one has to see the way to save his own life.

However in this moment the onethat is in more danger to be hunted is the dominant, because when they wereaware that the Hermas were close, he was fucking the submissive and he had cumseveral times, and his smell told the Hermas that he was the one that producedmore spunk that is the food for the Herma while he kills his prey and canengulf him, although because are several Hermas hunting them the beta male alsois in great danger because when the alfa male is hunted by one of the Hermas,then he is going to become the next prey to be hunted.

How the Hermas are humanstransformed into depredatory animals, once they have hunted their prey whocan't be swallowed immediately while they can do that they have to eatsomething, so the male human body transformed into a hunting animal produces asubstance that is nutritious and that is vital for the Hermas and this is thespunk, and while the Hermas' prey the hunted human animal dies and can beengulfed the herma feeds on his jizz, and the wretched prey is furiously wankedmany times a day so the depredator canget his food, which needs it becausebeside that he`s dragging an additional weight when he's moving or is climbingthe trees that makes him consume much more energy that he usually consumes, andhis prey spunk gives him that energy, and this is the reason why the Hermas if theyhave the opportunity to choose among several preys the first things that theylook at is in their preys balls size to hunt him, because the bigger the ballsmore jizz will be produced to be fed, and with the viscous liquid that the preyis forced to swallow once his head is trapped in the "washer" (The washer isthe zone inside the herma's body where keeps his prey's head trapped) thatmakes that the balls are stimulated to produce huge quantities of spunk in anabnormal quantities, so the Hermas constantly and furiously are wanking theirpreys to get the jizz and when the prey cum they swallow the spunk.

The two males that are in greatdanger to be hunted are whites the alfa male is slim but muscular and is lightbrown haired and the beta males has the alfa same physic but is black haired,the alfa male is twenty two years old while the beta is a year younger, but forthe scientists surprise the two white animals has shown a clumsiness never seenbefore first in climbing a tree, and then the place they chose to hide, sinceinstead to go into island's forest and climb the trees there and try to escapemoving among the branches, the have chosen two trees that are isolate from theother without having the opportunity to change of tree in case to be necessaryand they will end up surrounded by the hungry Hermas, and the only defense thatthe wild human males have when they are climbed on a tree is their urine andshit, because if a Herma is climbing a tree and the wild human male pee or shitand his piss or shit went into the Hermas eyes, the herma will be blind forseveral minutes and this will allow to the prey can flee, and the advantagethat the wild human animal has is that in case of danger he can pee as manytimes as he wants, but the hard thing is that his urine or shit goes into theHerma eyes, and even he can carp as many times as we want trying that his shitfalls in his depredator's eyes with the same effect, but get that is not goingto be easy because in most of the cases the prey ends up being hunted.

Although the Hermas cant beenseen in that moment by the naked human wild animal they had sniffed them andthey need to climb the trees as soon as possible, and even though they aresniffing the air to can detect if there area other males of their same speciesclose by so they could distract the hungry Hermas, by the moment they cantdetect any and even the alfa male is turning looking at the forest that is notfar away to see if they can arrive there, but is confused, and the clumsinessof both the beta and the alfa males is evident even trying to climb a tree, andthe scientists have concluded that the two males must not have fully developedtheir senses of smell due of their confusion and that even they haventacquired the necessary abilities to react fast when they are in danger, so theyare going to check the expedients to see when this animals were included in theexperiment and see if is normal that they behave in that way or they should besubject to study doesnt matter if they are hunted by their Hermas or not, anywayin the experiment many wild male humans are hunted daily by the Hermas andother more arrive there either by birth or because they are taken there, and how they implant in all the new arrivalschips by the anus in their rectums andin their brains to can follow them and study how their brains are changing andall is registered in a computer, although that a subject isnt in theexperiment anymore because he has been hunted by a Herma the computer has hisdata registered, however this procedure didnt apply to those that had born inthe experiment because the scientist didnt dare yet to go into the zone wherethe radiation are applied, because they were afraid to be affected by themtrying to implant the chips in the bodies of those that had born there, butbeing studied them they have released that they behave as they parents do andwith the research that they have of those that arrive they have a clear ideaabout how their brains work, even though what they dont understand at all yetis the fast way that they grow because from be babies to go to be young boys isvery fat and the long time that stay as young boys, although they believe thatthis is due that they have needed to adapt to a hostile environment where canmove is necessary to stay alive, and is the same that happens with the Hermasthat born there and they have not been implanted the chip to see how theydevelop when they born and how their brains work.

Considering what the scientistsare observing the submissive apparently chosen the best tree to climb becauseit has a low branch that can help him to go up, however that also can help theHerma that is hunting him, and is useless that they try to go into wood and tryto hide in the foliage because the Hermas would smell their essence, and ifthey are in the ground they would be an easy preys because even though theplants smells can hide them, both white animals issue the alfa male's cum smellwhich is so strong that is easily be detected by the Hermas, and the Scientifics are amazed becausethe males have not the Hermas' resistance and strength and they are easy preysto them.

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Next: Chapter 384: Victimas 29

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