Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 21, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This twenty five years old blackhaired whitey called ghetto boy was arrested when he attacked a black guardthat was watching the whiteys that were trying to go in and out from theghetto.

Some days ago there had beenguards change, and the guards that now were watching the whites had treatedthem in a human way and they weren ´t inspected them unless they saw somethingsuspicious in the behavior of one of the inferior whiteys.

But that morning again was as aguard a black boy that hated the whites and always were looking for any excuseto make the whites ´ life as miserable as possible in both in the ghettoentrance or even in the communal bathrooms and showers, and as was well knownthe blacks had unlimited power over the whites and they could do anything withthem, and this boy what loved at most was raped the white teenage boys with histhick and huge cock, beside that he humiliated them for the tinny size of theirinferior white cocks that were small in comparison with his, and he justifiedhis rapes saying that the whites ´ cocks were so small that they couldn ´t fuckanyone even they couldn ´t fuck a female, and only they were useful to be penetratedby their anuses by the cocks of the true men the blacks.

The sin of this misfortunatewhitey was defend his eighteen years old half-brother which was naked and hadbeen raped by the black boy in the ghetto ´s males communal shower, and he wasbeing brutally kicked in his buttocks and back by the black since the boy wasangry because the wretched boy had screamed in the moment when the giganticcock was going into his body for the first time by his little, thigh andvirginal anus.

This whitey wasn ´t in the placein the moment that his half-brother had been raped and even he had to go nakedfrom his house to the communal bathroom to take a shower, because this blackboy had given the order that all the ghetto white males had to go to thebathroom in that condition, although his half-brother had gone before that theorder was given.

When he was close to the bathroomhe heard the pain scream of the wretched boy that was being punished, and thesilence in the bathroom was total and the crying and the scream of the blackboy insulting the wretched boy could be heard clearly, but the whitey was soworried to cover his buttocks, cock and balls with his hands to avoid that thewomen could see his body's most intimate parts, that he didn ´t put muchattention about what was happening in the bathroom because the only thing thathe wanted was arrived to the bathroom and can go in, even when he was in andarrived to the area where the showers were and saw the wretched boy body back thatwas laying on the floor protecting his head, stomach, balls and cock and theback part of his thighs and the lower part of his buttocks with blood, hedidn ´t say a word since he knew that despite that one whitey was being brutallyraped, trying to help him would result in a brutal punishment for all theghetto males that had pubes doesn ´t matter if those were incipient, so as theother males he decided don't try to protect the boy as the other males had done and only waituntil the anger of the black boy ceased and leave the room to try to help thewretched boy that had been his victim.

But when the black guard forcedthe boy to be on his feet taking him by his hairs and he saw that the boy washis half-brother, he lost the control and he attacked the guard punching him,but for his misfortune the punch wasn ´t very strong and the guard went out ofthe place running while the other whites very worried looked at what one oftheirs had done, and now the only thing that was left was see what punishmentthey would have to face.

The black guards very fastarrived to the bathroom where yet the frightened naked whiteys were looking atthe older brother trying to help the younger boy, but the punishment wasimmediately because the whiteys that were in the bathroom without matteringtheir ages were immediately enslaved and sent to unknown destinations, and forthe two half-brothers the punishment was worst because the boy that was rapedwas sent to clean the waist water pipes and he has to be naked inside them andlive with the rats and the other animals that are there, and the older brotherwas sent to the Slave Processing Center where he is kept inside a cell, withhis hands and feet immobilized by a metal bar, and he has been naked severaldays and he ´s desperate because he can ´t move and go out of that cell, and asthe days right now are cold he ´s freezing because the cell where he's kept isin one of the reception yards and only has bars that allow the wind goes in andout, but what he didn ´t know is that soon he ´s going to be crucified in publicinside the ghetto where his half-brother is going to witness his suffering tobe hang several days and being fucked by a huge and thick dildo, and if hesurvives he is going to join his brother working inside the city ´s waste waterpipes cleaning them naked and with any protection as his brother is doing thatjob, but he's going to be gelded and his half-brother is going to be forced torape him constantly.

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Next: Chapter 382: El Experimento 17

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