Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 21, 2018


“As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you”.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou’re offended by this content don’t read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you’re certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These boys once were members oftheir school swimming team, and also the school once allowed only white boys,but since the Latins took the government control they were sold as slaves andthe same school bought them to do the menial jobs such as cleaning thebathrooms, classrooms, dormitories, wash the school employees and even studentscars and vehicles, take care of the yards, wash the Latin students’ clothesbetween many more things, and also they were allowed to be part of the school’sswimming  team but following the lawregulations that indicate that always they have to be naked and wear thecollars all the time, and always they have to be supervised due that schoolsare considerate public places because always are visitors there.

When the white students saw thatthe school Latin authorities began repress and mistreat them, they immediatelyrevolted and for a few more weeks managed to have the school control bypreventing Latin students from entering it and even managed to get the Latinauthorities out, and although that on those moments they were who had the schoolcontrol they didnt have professors and neither security guards that couldprotect them, but in reality it didnt was their main problem since their realproblem was that they were isolated and they had enough food for few weeks, butwhat made that at the end they surrendered and were enslaved was that the Latinauthorities cut off the water supply and the electrical power, and even themoment arrived when they had to drink their own urine and how the food was rotten, the only thing that theycould eat was their own excrement thing that they didn’t do and thereforethirst and hunger caused them to end up surrendering.

As soon as the white studentsstared to leave the school with their hands up were stripped naked by the SlavePolice (SP) agents, and even though that they stunk for all the time that theyhad been without showering were forced to knelt and looking at the wall withtheir hands on the back of their heads, then the Latin student associationpresident that had been deprived to go into the school by the revolt whites,while he kicked the buttocks of each student that had been arrested and thatnow naked were exhibited in front of the Latins that were making fun of them ,gave to each Latin student a piece of paper so they could write which punishmentdeserved the slaves because they had rebelled to obey the Latin authority.

The Latin students proposed manythings and every time that a Latin student gave the paper where had written thepunishment that was proposing, he kicked them on the butt or even the wretchedwhite students where slapped very hard on their heads, because now they knewthat were slaves and they were helpless to protect themselves about what theirnew master wanted to do with them, and between the punishments that weresuggested even the castration was considered, but at the end the punishmentthat won was that the white students were crucified and penetrated by a thickdildo for several days.

The Latin students after knowingwhich was going to be the white boys punishment, they took them by their hairand on full fours were take where the school’s cold dungeons were, and theywere kept naked and hungry, until they could eat cereal soaked with water inthe nigh and they were forced to eat all licking as a dogs from the dishes infront of the Latin students, that already had taken possession of thedormitories that were used by the white students,  and had been cleaned previously by otherwhite slaves that had been brought for that purpose, beside that the school alreadyhad back the electricity and water services.

The wretched enslaved studentsthat made all that was in their hand to keep their dignity and freedom, had toslept one over the other and even for two days they couldn`t go out of thetinny dungeon where they had been locked, and they had to urinate and defecatein front of their mates and in despite of the stench that was unbearablebecause the room was built of stone and windowless, and were forced to eatwithstanding the room’s stench, and they thought that that was their punishmentfor having rebelled without knowing that they had a head a worst punishment.

The white boys’ crucifixion wasall day and night long for the Latin students delight who weren`t going tobegin classes until one week later, but they wanted to arrive earlier to canenjoy the punishment that the white students would have to face and that nowthey weren’t other thing than slaves with any value as humans been, andtherefore they could be treated as they wanted so they decided to take out fromthe dungeon where were locked the wretched and filthy white boys that stunk, andthe dirty white boys sobbing were begging that they allow them to clean theirbodies and be taken out because they couldn’t endure anymore the stench, andwhen the Latin boys smelt the odor of the slaves and the dungeon some of themwanted to puke but they could endure it, and again taking the wretched andnaked white boy by their hairs and on full fours were taken to the area werethe buckets were filled to clean the cars, and one by one the slaves were wetwith a house while another companion of misfortune was taking off from theirbodies the filthy, including the one that was in their anuses having to openthe buttocks under the close watch of a Latin boy, and while the white slaveswere cleaned the crosses were placed through the school by white slaves whomalways were naked and had been brought to serve the Latin students andemployees.

The whites slaves were crucifiedthroughout the week some of them during the day and others during the night,all those that were crucified on night, were illuminated by very powerful lightthat were on the floor so the slave naked body that was hanging on the crosscould be seen, when the wretched white boys saw what was the punishment thatawaited them begged about forgiveness but nobody heard them and they werecrucified, and any white boy wanted to be penetrated by the thick dildo becauseall of them were heterosexual boys, so at the beginning for a long time theyleft their bodies hanging while the Latin boys made very high money bets, tosee who was the first white boy who got tired to be hanging and tried to sit onthe tinny wooden base that had the dildo and penetrated himself, and when thewretched white slave couldn`t handle anymore be hung and began to sit andfucked themselves, the Latin students began to hear the screams of pain whenthe thick dildos head went into their bodies, and was expanding more and morethe anus until the dildos was inside the rectum of wretched slave that hadseated, and on the nights the slaves sweaty bodies shined by the lights andeven the girls and girlfriends of the Latin students went to see the specialspectacle, where not only they wen to hear scream the wretched white slaves bythe pain when they were penetrated but also they saw how their cocks were harddue to the penetration, and even several Latin students began to jerk off them andmake bets about which slaves was the first to cum.

At the end the slaves ended upbeing broken and accepting their new condition and although that they yet feelashamed be naked servicing the Latin masters only wearing the collar thatidentifies them as slaves, they didnt have more option but exhibit their nakedbodies as the animals that now they’re if they dont want be punished, besidethat the school’s Latin authorities classified them according to theirabilities so they could serve in the different areas where they are good such asathletes, mental of physically, and the school authorities allow the whiteslaves to participate in the swimming races to exhibit them in public as theanimals they’re and also to give sexual pleasure to the visitors, students andemployees, and soon this slaves will be required to give pleasure to theirbetters.

And now thirteen naked whiteslaves are in the pool’s opposite side were their better Latins are, some of theslaves are seated with their feet inside the water and others standing waiting thatsome student calls one of them to serve his better in a sexual way, even thoughfor the good look of this slaves that are good swimmers and that train nakedtheir Latin betters and as free citizens they decide if they want swim wearingthe swim suit or naked, the students are not strict with them about how theyhad to wait to be called, because their posture is very relaxed, but thatdoesnt mean that if they dont please their Latin betters or they dontperform the tasks that they have to do as is expected, they are punished in aharsh way by the students or the school authorities, and despite that theseslaves looked relaxed and even happy they have resentment against their bettersbecause they are forced to have oral and anal sex but as slaves they are powerlessto stop that, and many times the whites are fucked by the Latins inside thepool, so always the white slaves have to be cleaned both inside and outside,because if they dont fulfill that requirement the punishment that is awaitingthem is to be crucified in the school main entrance fucking themselves with thethick dildo to welcome the visitor with such erotic spectacle.

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Next: Chapter 380: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 29

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