Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 16, 2018


d "As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These two whiteys are their blackmaster entertainment, being father and son they were bought in auction asexotic animals.

These two males were very luckyto have been sent into the same Reunion Camp, when the government under theblacks control issued the order that all whites had to be enslaved, because theyounger whitey was arrested at his school and the mature at his job, but theynever saw again the other family members.

After be forced to live severaldays naked and outdoors and even had to shit on holes that themselves had todig with the shovels that the black guards gave them and in front of them, theywere taken to one of the many auction centers where several potential buyerswhen they knew that were father and son were interested to buy them, that salewas something unusual because the norm was that every family member had to besold in different auctions centers.

The whites hunt was somethingvery fun for the blacks specially to the black teenage boys that were on vacations,because the black authorities didn`t send the feared Slave Police (SP) to the residentialplaces where the whites used to live, but they wait that they went out to go towork or buy things to arrest them there, and despite that the whites made allthat was in their hands to avoid the checkpoints that the blacks put and bytheir whim they decided which white was sent to the Reunion Centers and thosewho kept being free at least one more day, was impossible to know where theywere going to put the check points.

Each morning the eighteen yearsold dark brown haired white slave boy went to his school with fear because hedidnt know if he was going to go back home when the school day was over, andsince the day that his mother and his two older brothers didnt go back hedidn't want go to the school, but the black authorities had put a rule thatsaid if a white student stopped to go to the school then the SP would go to hishouse to enslave him, so there wasn`t a way that they could avoid to go to theschool because if they go then at least they had the opportunity to be free onemore day.

For the father also a fifty yearsold dark brown gray haired white man, go to his job on his luxury car wassomething that he was afraid too, but as his son he couldnt do anything toavoid it, since if he didnt go to work now the blacks that had took thecontrol of his business then they dont pay them and they wouldnt have moneyto buy the food, and as he was a lawyer and he knew that the best way to cankeep being free as long as possible, was collaborating with the blacks whountil that moment had shown him sympathy, but when his wife and two sons haddisappeared anyone of the blacks that he knew wanted to help him to find them.

At the school the teenager boywas an excellent student and was a member of the swimming team, and althoughthat they wore the tinny speedos as bath suits to compete and they have toshave their bodies to avoid that their body hair made friction with the waterwhen they were swimming, and for him that wasn't a problem because his body wasalmost smooth and only had body hair on his pubis and armpits, and when hecompeted and there were girls in the stands they loved show them their almostnaked bodies and the girls were there hopping to see a bit of the ass crack, oreven part of a buttocks when the swimming suit went into the ass crack so wascommom went to see the boys compete, and the boys didn`t feel ashamed to showthose parts of their bodies considered as privates, and even their cocks andballs were perfectly delineated on the wet fabric for the girls delight, whomhave a very good idea about the boy's tackle in his manhood department.

But the things for the white boysbegan to change, because although their school stills was for white boysexclusively, now were black guards who watched the boys, and the feared blackboys went to their school to do surprise inspections and if they were in themood to enslave a white boy that hadn`t fallow the rules they did, but whatkept the white boys very worried was that the black boys were who see themtraining almost naked only wearing the tinny speedos, and when they had tocompete they no longer saw the girls in the stands but the black boys, and nowthe swim suit that they had to wear was a G-string that leaved uncovered theirbuttocks, and when they had to assume the staring position, their buttocksopened leaving their anuses exposed and only covered by the thin string thatallowed to see the sides of the anus skin and of course, they also had to haveshaved that part of their bodies and their pubic area leaving the groinshairless to the black boys sight, and what put the white swimmers very nervouswas that the blacks looked at them with interest and they made comments thatthey supposed that were about their practical naked bodies, beside that many ofthem took notes on their cell phones.

In one of the training sessionsone of the black boys ordered the coach that all the white boys that didntreach the time of the state swimmer winner they would have to swim naked, andthis was as this slave ended up swimming naked enduring the black boys teasingbecause he had very small balls and cock compared with the black boys, and eventhough that they were listening the black boys teasing, the naked white boydidnt have more option but endured it, and even several black girls went tosee the once powerful white boys' training session and also they make teasingcomments because the boys had tinny genitals in compassion with the black boys,and several white boys that were swimming naked tried to cover their genitalswith their hands, but the black guards didn`t allow them do that spanking themvery hard, and the sound of the spanking could be heard around the pool areaand that made the white boys jump and scream in pain to the blacks delight,when they saw how the shaved and trimmed whitey cocks bounced from one side toother when they jumped.

But as the time passed by theblack authorities were sending each time more and more whites to the ReunionCenters and they were told that they were would be assigned new homes once allthe families were reunited again, and even though many whites didnt believe theblacks they didnt have more option to go when the blacks authorities told themto leave their homes, otherwise in public they were brutally punished andforced to board the trucks, so reluctantly the whiteys boarded the transportswhen they were told to do it, because many of them didn`t want to flee becausethey had heard that in the forest and beaches and the borders as well the blackguards were waiting from them to capture them and apart of being brutallypunished, instead to be sent to their new houses with their families they wereenslaves and sent to other countries where slavery had been established.

This teenage whitey boy had justfinished his swimming training and he was walking to the dressing room wearingthe impudent G-string swimming suit, that now had become the whiteys mostprecious possession to avoid be swimming naked when they had reached theminimum time that the blacks had imposed, and he was talking with a team matethat was naked while their buttocks movement was closely being observed by the black boys, and even the naked boy'scock bouncing had been watched as well, when two black overseers of the whiteboys same age stooped them, and after observing them carefully while the two whiteboys were nervously waiting without knowing why the two black had stopped them,they told the naked whitey boy to keep going towards the dressing room so thenaked circumcised boy running went into the dressing room while the black boysthat were looking at them were laughing.

But this whitey didnt have thesame luck and the two black overseer told him to get naked, the white boywanted to protest but he knew if he did anyway he was going to get naked and hewould be merciless punished beside that sometimes before he had already beennaked, so he took off his baths suit and leaved it on the floor because is whatone of the black overseer had told him, and when the blacks saw that he wasuncircumcised they told him to uncover his glans so they could see it, andafter have a long discussion observing the fear that the white boy was feeling,they told him that he was going to besent to a Reunion Center to be reunited with his family, because a white boywith such small glans didnt deserve live in a big house and that made that allthe black boys that where in that place laughed out loud, while the naked whiteboy was walking escorted by the two overseers to the transport and was put intoa cage and forced to be in the full fours position without can move, andshowing his anus, balls and cock hanging between his legs, and he joined othergroup of whiteys that also were caged on the transport, although some of themwere dressed or just wearing underwear or briefs but at least they weren`tnaked as him, and while those that were dressed or almost naked were put intothe cage that were in the middle those that were naked were put on the cagesthat were on the sides of the truck, and many times were put two whites on eachcage so that they were one on top the other.

But the cages could be seen bythe citizens that were walking on the street and on each side of the truck hada sign that allowed the pedestrians to touch any part of the caged whiteys'bodies, but they were warned about do not introduce any object into the cagedwhiteys by their anuses or pussies since the slaves weren't cleaned and theobjects that had been introduced by the anus might go out whit excrement, andwasn`t wise introduce by the females pussies anything to avoid a vaginalinfection, so this slave that has been put in a caged with other boy that ashim was naked and he came from his house, both of them suffered the outrageous situationto be touched on his cocks and balls while the truck wasn't in motion, and theywere helpless to stop them while tears of frustration and shame were runningdown by their cheeks, and the only hopethat now they had was arrive as soon as possible to the Reunion Center to bereunited with their families and be sent to their new homes together.

When they arrived to the ReunionCenters the whiteys that were naked were immediately registered and sent to thedisinfection area to take a shower and be interned in the center until theywere called together with their families to go to live to their new homes, whatthe blacks had told them bring some relief to the stunned and ashamed whiteswhom without resisting whishing that the nightmare ended as soon as possible,they showered and they were waiting receive clothes to cover their nakedness,and in the shower these two enslaved whites father and son they met, the fatherhad arrived earlier in in a transport that came from other part of the citycaged but dressed, and after being registered he get naked to take a shower andtold his son that the blacks that now had his business control, had told himthat he was going to be taken to the Reunion Center where he was going to meetwith the other family members.

But when they finished bathingand were disinfected and went out from de administrative building they weresurprised to see how many whiteys both males and females that were there werenaked living outdoors, and while father and son with desperation looked for thedisappeared and lost brother and mother without find them, the son that hadmade friends and to avoid be criticizedbegan to suck cocks, lick balls and kiss his new friends but he had to dosecretly to avoid that the adults saw them and they were going to be chastised,but he never had anal sex although some of his friend had it between them, and even the boy had sex with girls andunknowingly he leaved them pregnant.

Shit and pee was something veryhumiliating for the whites, because they had to dig holes with shovels andpicks and then squatting expel the turds and the urine being watched by theblack guards, and then they had to clean their butts with a jet of frozen waterfrom a hose that was hold by other whitey having to open their buttocks beforethe guards funny look, and while the father was looking with desperation hislost wife and sons, the son spent more and more time with his friends havingoral sex and kissing them beside to explore the place that was huge and that itwas very well guarded by the blacks.

But one day the naked father andson were told that they were going to be sent to their new home, and withoutany belonging the went to the administrative building where many other nakedwhiteys were there some alone, other with family members and in very few casesthe whole family together were waiting to be taken to their new homes withoutknowing that they would be sent to the different auction centers to be sold asslaves, and when they boarded the transport, despite that they were likeanimals caged as they had been taken to the Reunion Center at least they feltsome relief believing that they were going to their new homes, while again theywere touched impudently by the pedestrian when the transport stopped, andfather and son were put in different cages because they should be taken todifferent salves auction centers wherethey should have to be sold.

When the whites releases what wasgoing on they panicked but as they were caged the were powerless to dosomething, because the cages were opened one by one and the two whites thatwere in there were taken out, whether they were, female and female, male andmale or female and male, under the SP guards watchful surveillance, so thehelpless whiteys being naked and unarmed couldn`t do anything against thedressed and perfectly armed guards, while the whiteys looked at how were takenfrom the cages their wretched companions that stayed in the auction center.

The father saw how he was takenout the cage and with sadness he turned his head to see his son who was withother whitey boy of his same age in other cage, and he wanted to say good byebut he couldn't, because immediately a SP guard shoved him roughly towards thetruck`s open door, and when they were formed to be registered he turned to seehow the truck was moving away, but for his surprise he saw that in other linewas his son with this legs separated and his hands on the back of his head, andboth were punt in different cells and when they were inspected before theauction the blacks that now had the father's control saw them, and offered animportant amount of money to buy father and son, and once that they were boughtas the father was circumcised the black master ordered that the son had to becircumcised too and his white foreskin stay as a trophy exhibited in one of thehouse's walls, and after put on their necks the collars that identified them asslaves, they decided keep both the father and son virgins until they had thechance to take their cherries in a very special occasion.

Now while their black owners arehaving dinner with some friends, they were told that the mature slave had tofuck the young one, the father didn't want to do that because fuck his son wasincest, but when he was threatened to be sent to the organ bank he didn't havemore option but obey.

Now the mature slave is enjoyingthe pleasure to have buried his enslaved cock into his former son tightvirginal hole, and the younger male is confused because he's feeling pain andpleasure at the same time, because the cock that gave him life is stimulatinghis prostate, but after this the slaves will have to be put in chastity toavoid that they can fuck each other when nobody is watching them.

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Next: Chapter 362: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 28

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