Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 16, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These three slaves were forced tochange their lives path, because until few day a go their personal interest wasbe successful businessmen and make their parents proud of them, but now theyare focused in something very important that is please their master and followthe orders that he gives them otherwise punishment and pain will be something recurrentin their lives.

The blond slave and the slavewith the light brown hair were brother on their former lives while the slavewith the black hair was the best friend of the blond boy with long hair, andtheir fathers were partners on several businesses.

However they weren't rich and asspoiled brats they wanted have the wealthy boys' life, so they decided registerinto the "Millionaire Contest", the oldest brother the one with short hairchosen to run on February, the friend with the black hair on May, and the youngbrother on July and when they went to register they were warned that they wouldhave to run almost naked only wearing a loincloth and they would have to bebarefoot.

The oldest brother that had torun on February considering that the month was one of the coldest of the yearwas told the race would take place on a warmer place, and they would have to beattentive because might be last minute changes, and like them already had registeredwas their responsibility participate in the contest otherwise they would beenslave immediately.

So the three boys began to trainand like they were excellent runners they were sure that they were going towin, but one month before the February run took place the "Millionaire Contest"authorities called the younger brother and his best friend to tell them thatdue the dates that they had chosen to run were saturated of participants, theywere forced to make changes and they were chosen together with other boys torun on February, that news left frozen the two brothers and the best friendbecause now only one could be the winner and that meant that at least two ofthem would be enslaved, so they talked with the contest's authorities toexplain them the situation but they didn't hear them, because they were onlyparticipants who were warned that could have changes and they had decidedanyway register, so now the three boys had to run on February.

But their parents didn't knowwhat they had done and when they heard the news they were very angry, becausedue to their ambition to be rich at least two of them were going to be enslavedand even the three of them could end up as slaves, and as was expected Februarywas a very cold month and two days before the race took place, the "MillionaireContest" authorities call the boys to tell them that the race would take placein their city instead of a warmer town as they were told when they went toregister, and due to the climatologic conditions they would run five kilometers and they would be allowed towear flip flop shoes instead to run barefoot to protect their feet of thefrozen concrete, and they would be given a loincloth the day of the race on the star line.

The event's day they registeredon the star line and in front of the audience they had to took off theirclothes to put the loin cloth on and the flip flop shoes as well, but they wereamazed to see the huge number of participants, so they were divided in tengroups of fifty runners and the runner who had the best time would be the winner.

The younger brother and his bestfriend were on the same group that was the seventh while the older brother wason the last one the tenth, the temperature was so low that it affected all thecontenders since the maximum number that crossed the finish line per group wereten, and the others for different circumstances abandoned the race.

When the time to run for theyounger brother and his best friend arrived they felt confident to win, becausethe time of the last winner was verylow, but when they began to run they released that they were in serioustroubles because the flip flop shoes instead to help them to run faster were animpediment to reach the speed that they wanted, and one of the rules that wasincluded before the race began was that they couldn't take off or lose one orthe two flip flop shoes otherwise they would be disqualified.

Considering the circumstances thetwo friends ran as they never had done in their young lives, they saw felt downseveral contenders and when it happened they showed to the audience theirbuttocks, anuses, balls and even their cocks, while the audience was enjoyingthe view, others lost one of their flip flop shoes and were disqualifiedimmediately, and that made that the twofriends ran with more precaution, but at the end the black haired boy wasthe first to cross the finish line anduntil that moment he had the best time and he was a free citizen yet while hisbest friend was enslaved immediately.

When the older brother turn torun arrived on the last group still his brother's best friend was on firstplace, but the older brother was decided to win to take revenge of his youngerbrother enslavement because he was blaming the black haired boy of his brotherbad luck, so the older brother as his brother's best friend ran like neverbefore he had done but like the others he had problems with the flip flop shoesas well, and several times he almost lose them so he had to be more carefulwhen he was running, and when he was very close from the finish line only otherparticipant and he had the possibility to win and at the end the two runnersarrived at the same time and a tie was declared, whoever his brother bestfriend was enslaved immediately because they had a better time, so then it hadto be established a criteria to break the tie, and then was decided that theloincloth would decide who would be the winner and who would have to beenslaved, since it was decided that the winner would be the contender that hadshown less times his cock, balls and buttocks considering the loincloth movement.

So all the race was reviewedwhile for the two participants the agony and the uncertainty about don`t knowif they will be free citizen yet or slaves was so distressing that even theyurinated, and at the end the older brother was defeated and enslaved becausewas the one that showed more times his cock, balls and buttocks.

The two brothers and friend were bought by aSport Center, and in addition that they have to train the runners that are freecitizens that are members of the club also they are used to give sexualpleasure to the members of all ages, and in this moment they are using their naked bodies to show to other slaveshow a male can give pleasure to otherman showing the most intimate part of their bodies such as the anus, cock andballs, and the younger brother beside to be caressing his former best friend'sbuttocks and even his anus, he's embracing his former older brother on his hipsand caressing his buttocks, while the older brother is explaining to the slaveswhat is what they had to do under the watchful eye of the slaves' masters andthe sport center authorities.

But their real shame is that thetwo brother are forced to have sex between them, although for the friend hasbeen easy to accept have sex with the two brothers, for the brothers has beeneasy have sex with the other boy, but each time that they have sex with eachother they feel sick because they consider that they are committing incest.

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Next: Chapter 360: Hora De Cobrarselas 28

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