Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 9, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


(Is the continuation of Foolish boys 27)


The buyers weren ´t satisfied justto look at the slave that was on auction from his front, everyone hadconsidered him as a good looking merchandise, but what they had seen until thatmoment wasn't enough to take a decision to bid for him.

So they demanded that the slaveshould show them his anus so they could see how much the slave had been fucked,and the slave dealer in a very authoritarian way that showed who was in commandordered the boy to show his most intimate body part to the audience on the fullfours position and he had to open his buttocks with his hands.

The young slave didn't have moreoption but obey, he never in his young life thought that he would be humiliatedin that way, and he was wondering where his parents were, but he already knewthe answer, his father already had been arrested because he had committed fraudand sold as slave and his young mother probably had follow his father stepsabout be sold as slave.

So with shame he assumed theindicated position with his legs separated and he opened his buttocks with hishands, so every spectator could see his balls hanging and his hard cockpointing towards his belly button, while his pink hole was completed exposed tothe sight of every one in that room, and he had to stay like that until he was ordered to change the position,but for his desperation and sadness he released that for the potential buyershe wasn ´t a human been anymore but a merchandise, and as his slaves andspecially his personal slave girl have been for him and in that moment hewondered what had happened with his slaves.

When the audience that went tohis auction saw the pink almost red exposed anus, the face of the young blackhaired white slave was red for the shame that he was feeling and with reproachingface he turned to see the audience but he couldn`t see them due to the powerfullights, but what worried him most was thathe heard the voices that were talking about the most intimate part of his bodythat belonged to boys and girls of his same age, and that made that he stillfelt more embarrassed about being exhibited in front of the audience in suchimpudent way.

But now he was a slave whodoesnt have to be feeling embarrassed to show his body most intimate parts,and he knew it because countless times he had humiliated his slaves orderingthem in front of his friends that did the same that he was doing on thatmoment, and the poor slaves for the fear to be brutally punished obeyed whattheir master was ordering them, while he and his friend with mocking laughtersaid that they didnt understand the reason why the slaves were doingreluctantly what they were told to do, if they werent more than animals thatdidnt have the right to feel shame, but now that he was on the slaves side hehas released how wrong he had been and he wanted to shout out at those thatwere there that what they were doing was wrong, but of course he knew that theyweren`t going to listen to him and at on the contrary he would be brutallypunished.

Several teenaged boys voicesbegan to make question to the auctioneer about if the slave was virgin oralready he had been anally penetrated, the auctioneer with indulgency listenedintently the young assistances questions because as they were sons of very richparents they were potentially buyers, and what the business was about was thata slaves could be sold at the highest possible price giving all the informationthat the potential buyer required so he could make a high bid for themerchandise that was been sold.

So the auctioneer with hard andvery threatening voice asked the wretched slave if a cock belonging to a freecitizen or a slave already had opened his anus, the poor slave wanted to crybut he knew that he had to answer the question since as slave he couldn`t haveany secret and much more if who had made the question had been a better thatwanted to buy him, and who actually was his master had made a direct question,so in a very low voice because the slave boy wanted to cry he said that he wasvirgin before the rejoicing of his tormentors.

But a boy that had been hisschoolmate and that was interested in buy him, said that he didn`t believe thatthe slave was virginal because he saw that his anus was too wide and long, andhis slaves have their anuses as him because they fucked between them as theanimals that they were when nobody were watching them, and that made that allthe bidders and audience began to laugh like crazy including the women whilethe wretched slave was feeling ashamed and he still was wearing the grey shirtthat he was allowed to wear for a while during the auction.

Now the young and humiliatedslave cursed about had been so foolish about have not understood his slaves,but on his mind he was telling himself that he wasnt a slave and what theywere doing with him was an injustice, because he hadn't done anything wrong andwho had committed fraud has been his father and he couldnt understand thereason why he had been enslaved if who had to pay for his misdeeds was hisfather, but what he didn`t know was that precisely his father had been enslavedfor his fault, because someone wanted him as slave and precisely he was in the auction looking at the boyhumiliation who has caused his father and family fall.

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Next: Chapter 356: Salvajes 28

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