Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 2, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This Herma's victim died oneminute a go and now he has begun to eat him by his cunt, this is a relativefast process and in about one hour more nothing will left of this teenager that was hunted by thisdepredator that is very hungry because the victim took many time to die, and although that he was eating theteenager's cum making that the boy produced a huge cum quantities thanks to the prey's brain stimulation with his viscous liquidpretty similar to the human semen, for a depredator of his size is not enougheat his victim's semen, but due of the hunted victim size in two more days he'll have to be looking forother victim.

The teenager was hunted while hewas drinking water and although he was alert on this time destiny was againsthim, because he couldn't smell the depredator because the wind was blowingtowards the place where the Herma was and not towards the place where theteenager was drinking water, and the Scientists are amazed about the power ofthis depredator because nothing can stop him.

But what for the scientist isstill a mystery is the time that a Herma's victim takes to die because is veryvaried, what they know is that the victims don`t die immediately and forseveral days the Herma feeds from his victim's cum wanking him furiously andconstantly causing that the male produces huge cum quantities, that in thenormal life a boy of the age of victim that was hunted and now is beingswallowed he could never produce, andthey are sure that the viscous liquid that is produces in the washer that isthe place where the victim's head is kept trapped, is the one that makes thatthe helpless victim to produce the impressive amount of cum to feed hisdepredator before being swallowed.

But in this time the eighteenyears old black haired naked white boy wasnt a common victim because in hisformer life he had been the son of the worlds riches man, and one of the fewmen and women hat knew what was happening in reality in the experiment and howthe humans that were sent there lived, and he had been fascinated with theresult and he had donated huge amounts of money so the experiment could go ondespite that the program had failed to give the result that everyone wereexpecting because something was gone very wrong, and when again a new group ofpersons in this case only males was selected to be sent, was the own boy'sfather who by a lottery took out the name of his son sentencing him to live asa naked wild animal, and even though the father wanted to avoid that his sonwas sent to the island and becoming in a wild animal or in a Herma he couldntdo that because the rules were very clear, once someone was chosen to be sentto the experiment by any of the approved methods he had to be sent without anyexception otherwise the whole family would be sent, so the father didnt havemore option to accept that his beloved son went to the experiment hopping he would become in a Herma, butunfortunately both for the father and the boy it wasnt like that becoming an awild animal and later in a herma's prey.

The father always was aware ofwhat was happening in his son's life as a wild animal and even though he alwayssaw his son naked, since he had paid a huge amount of money so the cameras thatwere in the experiment were monitoring him constantly and by close circuit theywere sending to him the twenty four hours what his son was doing, and he wasproud of him because the boy had an athletic body beside that his skin colorfrom his waist until the half of his thighs was more pale than the rest of hisbody, and when he asked to the scientist the reason why the skin of his buttocksand where was his cock and balls was more white than the rest of his body ifall the time he was naked and all his body was exposed to the sun, the scientists answered him that this was asexual reaction to attract females but also was something dangerous becausealso he could attract other males of his same species to fight with him, and aswas known if he lost the battle and he was anally fucked then he would becomein his slave but until that moment afterseveral month that didn`t happen, and he already had fucked several femalesleaving them pregnant and even as the human wild animal gestation in the experimentwas much shorter, several of his son's pups all of them males they had alreadybeen born and he had seen his wild grandchildren birth, however also he had thepain to live the desperation to see how the Herma hunted his son and put hishead in the washer and kept the head trapped there by the neck having his cuntlips strongly tight on the neck of his young naked victim, although the Herman that had been followinghis son was an impressive dark brown haired muscled white, but the father eventhought that his son was going to escape from that formidable depredatorbecause despite that for several days the depredator had been following him,the boy had managed to escape sniffing the air to detect the depredator smelluntil the thirst and the wind made that the boy become the depredator's prey.

The boy died deep in the forestin a beautiful sunrise surrounded by impressive trees although he never noticedthat because his head was inside his depredator's body and that for severaldays he had been dragged while the Herma was moving around the island, and nowwhile the boy is laying face up on the floor with his cock limp and inert theHerma that is in full fours with his legs wide open since the boy's body arebetween them, has begun to engulf him using his abdominal, anal and buttocksmuscles to push the body into his stomach where the gastric juices are going todissolve the body, and the father with impotence and pain sees how slowly hisson's body is disappearing inside the body of the formidable depredator whodidnt have compassion of him, and now more than ever the man has decided thatthe experiment continues as a revenge for what happened to his son, and heknows that the only that will remain of his sons body are going to be turds expelled by the Hermaanus once he had digested the body.

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Next: Chapter 352: Victimas 27

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