Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 19, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These two contenders of the"Scholar Millionaire Contest" are exhausted and now are slept, and despite theyare naked they haven't lost yet.

The contest has suffered veryimportant modifications, because now the audience can propose new challengesthat can be added in case that the contenders have arrived to the last eventtied on each specific contest.

In this case these two contendersthat are students were sent by their schools as their best student ingeography, at the end they tied with other five students that were representingother schools, but like the "Millionaire Contents'" for the scholar and regularparticipants rules remarks that only can be one winner, the authorities askedthe TV spectators how they should chose the winner.

So the spectators proposedseveral contest and at the end by a lot one of them was chosen and the winnerevent was see which slave could produce more cum, and of course that boy wouldbe the winner, but in this case the contenders could jerk off as many times asthey wanted until they had a dry ejaculation, and in case that the tiepersisted then the winner would be the boy that less times had jerked off.

However the finalist were forcedget naked and jerk off in front of the TV cameras, so the TV audience could seewho was the boy that had produced more cum, but this two contenders has alreadyfinished and are so exhausted that they are sleeping, and in this moment theother contenders are jerking off, but now the live transmission is focusing onthe slaves that are still jerking off and the naked ones that are slept.

In normal conditions considering that thestudents are free citizens they couldn ´t be naked in public, but like in thistime the contest was proposed by the public and in a lot was the winner, ajudge had issue an enslavement order for each contender, so all theparticipants even the winner can be naked and have to jerk off in publicwithout breaking the law and thereby be enslaved the judges and the organizersfor having been forced to be naked in public a free citizen.

When the participants knew aboutthey were going to be forced to be naked in public and having to perform a sucha private act as jerk off in front the audience, and be humiliated to suchgrade that their cum was going to be measured to determinate who was enslavedthey opposed to continue in the contest, because they were arguing that they werein the Scholar Millionaire Contest and they had to be evaluated by theiracquired knowledge in the school, andthey didn`t have to be humiliated in such way in public.

But the contest organizerswerent allow that some brat boys disappointed the audience, and withoutmattering what they said they show to the boys the enslavement orders signed bya judge, and now as slaves they couldnt say no about they were told to dootherwise not only they were in danger that in case to win cant recover theirfreedom but also even where punished in public, so they didnt have more optionbut stripped naked and wait to see who was the winner, knowing that althoughthey could be dressed again the humiliation to have been as they arrived tothis world by the spectators but above all by their families and friend neverwere going to be forgotten, and most likely they were going to be mocking atthem constantly, when their family and friends saw them making mocking commentsabout their bodies most intimate parts, without mattering how rich they were.

But anyway the masturbation withwhich it would decide who would be winner, had other change that the organizerimposed, with the finality that the audience both on TV and those that werethere were more interested in the event and in the loser enslaved studentspurchase, because only in the first minute of the last event the students couldjerk off themselves, and after they would be masturbated by other slaves thatas them they would be naked and also for sale

Each student was taken to thestage where was forced to strip naked, and despite that they didnt want to doit only to see the impressive Slave Police (SP) agents ready to punish them infront of the audience if they dared to revel, was enough encouragement to getnaked and began to jerk off, but the slave was told that had one minute to cumotherwise he would be jerked off by other slave, so the student that was on thestage jerked off furiously to avoid that his cock was touched by other maleslave, but they were so nervous that they didnt succeed as the organizerexpected.

So they were seated on a chairwith stirrups and their arms tied up to the side of the chair while theirankles to the stirrups keeping their legs wide open so the audience could seehis exposed anus, buttocks, cock and his hanging balls as well, while the slavebegan to jerk him off furiously, but for the slave desperation when was readyto cum the slave stopped to jerk him off making that the slave moved his toesstretching and shrinking, closing and opening his hands and moving his headfrom one side to other in desperation, and that process was repeated until theslave cum for the first time.

After that the salve continuedjerking of the immobilized students but only now touching the sensitive glans,making that the slave moaned and screamed for pleasure and pain at the sametime begging the slave that was jerking him off to stop, but the slave keptjerking him off until he was ready to cum and then he stopped causing again thesame reaction of desperation and this was done all over again until the slavecum, and that process was repeated again and again until the slave had a dry orgasm,and all the cum even it that was on the slave's hands was put in a recipient in which was measured, and when all wasover it would be sold to the best bidder in the audience without mattering ifit belonged to the winner.

The two first students that justhas finished the contest are exhausted for the humiliation of be exhibited insuch way in public and for all the times that they cum, both students areeighteen years old males, the black haired boy with big light brown nipples isseated, while the other dark brown haired boy that is laying down on the sofawith his head resting on his partner who is seated left arm, has his nipples ofthe same color of the other boy but they are small and has his left leg flexedand his left hand is resting on his thigh, both boys are touching their cockswith their hands although they are slept, while the TV cameras are focused onthem so the audience can see them sleeping and resting and can make theirbiddings, despite that the contest has not finished yet, now there is notsecret part of their bodies that the audience has not seen, so although theywere awaked they would not care being seen in that vulnerable state.

However despite that these twostudents have been the best geography students in their state, are going to beenslaved because their semen production is going to be much less than thewinner, and they are going to be circumcised by their new master and their glansare going to be permanently exposed, and their prepuces are going to be tannedto be exhibited as a trophies that should be hanging from their collars for thefree boys and citizens rejoice that see them and want to inspect them, and thelost because they were so foolish to have masturbated earlier that morning.

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Next: Chapter 346: Hora De Cobrarselas 27

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