Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 19, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Theauctioneer voice in the most prestigious auction center in the city and one ofthe most famous in the country for sale slaves of excellent quality said in theauction room:

"Ladiesand Gentlemen the following slave to be auctioned is a whitey male and as youcan see is a good looking punk and he was found roaming in the swamps running away, although that the new law in our country was issued to protect them oftheir own aggressiveness that they showed through the years establishing thatthey should be enslaved "

As you can see we allowed him to wear aT-shirt to partially cover his nakedness and make him more desirable to you nowthat he's on auction.

"Now pipsqueaklift up that T-shirt so this fine people can see your pathetic cock and balls"

Thepoor slave didn't have more option but obey and show to everyone his familyjewels, this was the way that the enslaved white boys of his same social levelused to call their genitals, and although that he was ashamed and frightened heknew that he wasn't going to find any sympathy for those that now were his betters,and what hurts him most was that among the potential buyers were people of hissame race.

"NowLadies and Gentlemen that you have seen his pathetic uncut small hard cock andhis tinny balls and the almost inexistent pubes, ladies and Gentlemen is timeto begin the bind for this white pup, and of course when he has been sold hisnew owner will take him home completely naked and wearing a collar, I remindyou that is mandatory by our law that all animals have to be wearing a collarwith an identification tag.

Thewretched boy couldnt understand yet how he had ended up roaming in one of thecountry's swamp zones because in reality he wasnt a vagabond, because hisfather had been very rich and all his life he had lived in a mansion, on theday that began all his misfortune the school's principal summoned him in hisoffice and told him that he had to leave the school because his family nolonger could afford the expensive tuition that that exclusive school for boythat came for around the world charged.

The boy couldnt understand what the principal was talking about, because even hisfather had made very important monetary donations to the school, so theeducational institution could do charity donation and even improved theschools facilities and when with trembling voice the boy asked to theprincipal the reason why his family couldn`t afford any longer pay the school'stuition, with sadness the principal told the boy that his father was arrestedbecause he had committed fraud.

Theboy couldn`t believe what the principal was telling and with the tears runningdown on his face went out of the principal's office without saying a wordaccompanied by a security guard who took him to the school's door, and once hewas in the street he dialed to his home by his cell phone but no one answeredthe call phone.

Theboy was waiting that the driver was parked beside the school's door and takehim home but to his surprise nobody was there, so he had to go by bus althoughhe was lost because never before he had done and took him a lot of time toarrive home, and when he arrive to his house he saw that several Slave Police(SP) agents after seeing him and recognized him as the son of the house ownerbecause an employee had given a picture of him began to persecute him, and theboy didn`t have more option but run desperately toward the forest to avoid becaught as all the justice fugitives used to do.

"Butlook at this shameless animal Ladies and Gentlemen, while his prepuce is tryingto cover his whole cock the head wants to peek out and now is showing his pinkpiss slit, I can assure you that in all the time that we have selling this kindof animals in very few occasion we had to sell an animal as shameless as thisone, but don`t worry taking a way the prepuce this animal will be happy becausethere will be nothing that covers his pink glans"

Asmany other rich boys like this eighteen years old black haired white boy thatwas only child had had a pampered and luxury life and as all the boys of hissame age he had slaves that were servicing him.

A girlwas his personal slave because he hated be naked with males that were inferiorto him because he was homophobic, and therefore he always had sex with femaleslaves but never with male slaves.

Eventhough he always was naked in front of his girl slave who also was always nakedand he kept her in chastity to avoid that she had sex with other male slaves orwith any other free boy and only he take it away when he was going to fuck her,he didn`t like be naked in front of his friends both boys and girls, and whenhe was going to take a shower in his school he always went to the private onesinstead to go to the communal showers, and when he went to the steam room healways went wearing a swim suit or with a towel around his waist.

Hehated the swimming practice because he had to be wearing a tinny speedo thatmade him feel naked in front of his swim team mates and all those assistants tothe practices and the competitions.

Butnow that he was an slave and his body was being offered to the highest bidderwhile the attendees watched his naked body with interest and greed, making himwant to die of shame but at the same time he was powerless to stop that, and asall those foolish boys that had had a spoiled life and they fell down, theirawakening to their hard reality was tremendously painful.

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Next: Chapter 344: El Concurso Millonario 27

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