Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 12, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This young black haired wildwhitey male has just arrived to the Tame Center, but his anxiety to get cum wasso strong to can get the proteins that his body was demanding so badly, that assoon as he was released from the admission and inspection area to see how hebehaved after he was captured, he ran towards two young whitey males that werein training to suck their cocks and get the cum that he needed, and the blacks watchedin amazement how even he licked the hairless balls, the groins and the crotch,with the desire to stimulate them with the belief that they would produce morecum, while the sexual stimulus made that the other two young withe animals jerkoff each other.

The black overseers never hadseen something like that before, that a young whitey male just captured lookedfor other males cum with such desperation, but what the black overseers didn't knowwas that this teenage male was roaming for several days alone when he lost hisherd, and like he couldn ´t find another one he was lousing his strength untilhis conservation instinct made him move.

Now like all the wild whiteysthat had arrived to the Tame Center, is awaiting him very painful days untilhe ´s broken, the first thing he is going to go through is by the brain wash,after that he's is going to be trained about how to serve the black mastersunder the must strict discipline, and the need to get the cum from other whitemales will be eradicated due that his diet will be changed and he won't need itanymore.

This white eighteen years olddark brown haired animal, was about that his herd gave him the responsibilityto have to take care and feed other puppy, but for his herd this was a veryimportant event since for the boy that wasnt considered a puppy anymore andbecame an adult teenager, certain restrictions that the puppies had and thatthey were watched very closed by the adults were removed, and from that moment theyhad more freedom to do things that before were forbidden for them, such ascould suck the cock of other males to get the cum that they produced, since inhis herd the pups couldnt suck the cocks of other males, but they had to lickit from the hand of the one that produced it.

The herd of this young wildanimal had an especial ceremony to welcome the puppies to the adulthood, andeach new moon took place that party as long there were male puppies who becameadults, and the females cooked delicacies based on insects and plants and atdusk all the herd males went to a secret place where the ceremony of ceasing tobe a puppy and becoming a man took place, but before that in front of thefemales there was a solemn act where the herd's adults recognized the pups asone of them with the freedom and duties that his new status implied.

The naked puppy that was going tobecome an adult was taken by his hand by and older brother and taken to thecenter of the circle that the herd members had formed to see the ceremony, andif or any reason the boy didnt have an older brother then his father was whotook him by his hand instead of his brother, and if he hadnt a father then aherd`s young adult that was older than him took the boy by his hands and wentto the middle of the circle as if he was his brother, and once all the puppies with their older brotherswere in front they waited holding hands that all the pups that had failed inthey tried to be adults were taken to the front, and making a circle in thecenter of the circle that had made the herd members they knelt in front to thepups and their older brothers.

The big brother or father thefirst thing that they did to give to the pup the welcome to the adulthood livewas kissing him in the mouth and teachhim how he had to do it, with his hand caressed the pup`s balls and cock andthey encouraged the boy to do the same with him, and as was expected theexperienced big brothers made that the pups in seconds had a hard on, while theclumsy boys the only thing that they did was jerked off their big brothers andtry to do what they were doing.

All the boys that cum in thatfirst test despite that they would considered as adults, they couldn`t get therank of the herd's leaders and would be penetrated by those that managed topass that first manhood test, but they would have rights over those that hadnot managed become in adults and that would occupy the lowest positions insidethe herd's males society, they would have to submit to the whims of the malesthat had a higher rank than them and even be punished, and once the test to cancontrol their animal instinct about be sexually stimulation was over, the boysstill holding the hands of their big brothers walked away with the delicaciesthat the female had cooked, moving their buttocks seductively, so both thefemales but above all the herd's males looked at their asses and they wanted tofuck them.

The herd had the believe that ifa stronger male fucked a weaker one and he cum inside him, the cum that was inthe bottom wild male's rectum gave him part of the male that had fucked himstrength, so the naked wild young males growing up with that believe looked tobe fucked by the stronger males, and they did all that was in their hands toseduce them, and for that was precisely the celebration where only the maleswent, since the young were walking away holding their older brothers hands and at the same time moving their buttocksseductively, was to sexually arouse the stronger males and in the celebrationbe fucked by them, because if a male that was considered as a leader was thefirst to fuck the virginal anus of one of the puppies that had become andadult, that was something for which the puppy could feel pride because at theend his buttocks had seduced a herd's important male, and the big brother hadto allow that his younger brother fucked him, because this was the final actwhere the puppies went into the adulthood, and the puppies that had failed intheir try to be adults could be fucked by any of the males that were in thecelebration without they could fuck anyone.

But the most amazing thing isthat this wild white young male that just arrived and desperately is suckingthe cocks of this two white companion showing to the superior blacks hisshameless innocence, already has someone that is interested to buy him and isgoing to use him In his boarding school where he's studying as his personalslave, and this whitey is going to ended up giving to his young black mastermany hours of pleasure, which will exhibit him naked as the animal that he`s.

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Next: Chapter 341: Salvajes 27

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