Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 5, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The disgrace of some boys is thepleasure of others, and in The Forbidden City where the Titans live there isnot mercy for those that fail in their attempt to became a member of theirexclusive society, and the consequences of their failure are paid dearly.

Many foolish parents think thattheir sons are going to be Titans members or because they are very intelligentor because they have an impressive muscular body, without releasing that forThe Titans this both requirements have to be fulfill and the candidates don ´thave much time to develop them, although to be intelligent is easier to fulfillthan be a muscular boy and this is where many candidates fail.

When the boys arrived to theForbidden City they knew what they had to do and there their fathers told themabout the secret wanting that as them their sons became influential andpowerful men and they could make that they wanted once they had integrated tothe new society.

As candidates they have to benaked in private places and only wearing loin clothes in public, however theyare protected of the sexual predation because is strictly forbidden have anykind of sex between them or those that already are Titans and if they failed tofollow that rule then they are enslaved, because they have to arrive to theirgraduation being virginals because there a Titan that has been selectedrandomly is who is going to take their cherries, and the candidates since thebeginning are forced to do their best inboth physically and mentally beside that they have to swear that never they aregoing to say a world about the secret society, and also they are informed thatif they fail then they ´re going to be enslaved because now is too late toregret so from that moment and beyond they had two options, or be successfuland a life of wealthy and comfort would be waiting them, or if they failed alife of humiliation, pain and desperation is what they would have ahead.

Each new arrived candidate had togo through the candidates department and disrobe and there he has to give tothe employee all his belongings including his clothes, watches and money becausethey wouldn ´t need them and in exchange they received the loincloth that wasgoing to partially covered his nakedness and even their cocks, buttocks weremeasured and their balls weighted a part to go through the rigorous medicalexam, and they were allowed to use the slaves in the way that they wanted evensexually but the only restriction was that the slaves didn ´t fuck them, sincethey would have to go periodically through anal inspections, and any indicationof have been fucked was punished with slavery.

Once the candidates received theirloincloths were taken naked to an evaluation classroom so their intelligencecould be evaluated and this was the first filter to be discarding candidatesthat had failed in fulfill with the Titans requirements, the second filter wasthat after have had success in the intelligence test also naked were taken tothe gym where they had to succeed a physical strength test and the Titans couldsee if the candidate have a chance to reach the body muscles that were requiredto be a Titan, and finally there was a third requirement where the candidateshad succeed and that was that they had to fuck a slave until they cum inside ofhim without mattering if they were heterosexual, bisexual or homosexuals, sincewas indispensable fulfill this requirement since part of this societysuccessful was the sexual intercourse that their members had between themconsidering that the society didn ´t have females.

On the aisle where the classroomsare there are two candidates that are knelt facing the wall with their handsleaned on it and that already have been rejected because they couldn ´t succeedin the intelligence test, the eighteen years old white former candidates onedark brown and other light brown haired are sobbing due to the lashes thatthey ´re receiving from a mature slaves that is fifty years old and slim, lightbrown haired and as them he ´s naked but is not wearing the collar and he hasbeen allowed to keep his body hair, as a reward because he has been a goodinferior given advised to the new and younger Titans that lack of financialexperience to begin to have profits investing their money in safe investment, and despite that the mature slave was veryintelligent never could reach the muscles that the Titans were requiring, anddespite that he ´s fucked and humiliated by his betters, his betters have givenhim the privilege to punish and fuck the younger slaves and the slaves istrying to take advantage to this situation because he doesn ´t know when hisluck will change.

In the same aisle a heterosexualboy has gotten succeed in the intelligence and body strength test but hasrefused to fuck males slaves because he feels sick to have sex with other male,this black haired boy had requested to allow him go back home and he promisedto keep the secret since he wasn ´t interested to be a Titan member, then beingnaked he was brutally taken out to see what kind of life was awaiting him asslave if he decided to go ahead with his foolishness about don ´t want to fuckmales slave since wasn ´t an option go back home, the boy was horrified to seehow the slaves were punished and the way that they were treated so he changedhis mind and decided to try to fuck a male slaves but for his misfortune hecouldn ´t get an erection and fuck him, then he was taken out from the class byhis hairs by one of the trainers and was put in the same aisle where the twoknelt enslaved candidates were being lashed by the mature slaves, and he wastold that he would have to be there with the slave that he had to fuck, and ifwhen the old slaved had finished to punish the two new slaves his schlongwasn't hard and he wasn ´t fucking the slave, then he would face the same fate,and fortunately for the candidate after heard the cries of pain of the twoslaves, he could get that his cock was hard and now is fucking the slave thatis bend forwards waiting that his better full his rectum with his free manmilk, and at the end he is going to be eager to fuck boys and be fucked by them.

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Next: Chapter 338: Victimas 26

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