Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 29, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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In this occasion the "MillionaireContest" was more sadistic, because not only the contender's physic abilitiesand resistance were measured but also their pain resistance.

The contests first part was a crosscountry motorbike race, after that they had to go back to the start pointrunning, and the last was cross a river's rapids swimming.

But at the last moment and by theaudience petition a last contest was added to see who was going to win and thiswas that the remaining contenders had to be whipped on the back, but like theyare still fee citizens they can't be naked.

The contender that is tied up tothe column and who is receiving thelashes like he hasn ´t lost yet hasn't been strip naked,however the contender that is on the full fours position on the right, as healready has lost due that he could note bare the number of lashes that receivedthe first contender of the three that are left, at the moment that he asked tostop the torture he lost and was enslaved, so this is the reason why he isnaked, and he's still sobbing due to thepain and desperation to have lost.

While the TV audience and his ownfamily and friends are witnessing his fall down and nakedness, and how he ´sshowing his most intimate body parts such as his cock, balls and anus.

Now the only thing that is leftto wait is see if this contender can resist more lashes than the first one toknow who the winner is and the other one that will be strip naked in public andput on sale.

Although these boys that signedup in "The Millionaire Contest" thinking that they could win and became the newmillionaires with a luxury house, didnt think that in first place wasnt aneasy task win that contest, and in second place "The Millionaire Contest" hadbeen created to entertain and sexually arouse the audience, and even thoughthat was true that the winner received an enviable price, in reality hereceived a minimum part of what they gave in prizes considering the incomes forthe slaves sales that lost and what the sponsors paid for advertising in thatcontest, and that the welfare of the participants only mattered to the pointthat they would not be permanently damaged so that when they were offered for saleas slaves they would reach an excellent price.

For the white eighteen years oldblack haired boy that is in full fours with his head resting on his arms andsobbing and shamelessly showing his anus, balls and his uncut cock hangingbetween his legs, hes not thinking about the audience that is enjoying lookingat his body most intimate parts so impudent exposed, and that now the buyingbids are nonstop arriving, for him the most important is can recover for thepain that hes felling and the desperation about have lost his freedom being soclose but at the same time so far from victory.

On this time the lashes event tomake that the audience were more interested was made in the way that theancient romans used to do but the judges were dressed as normal citizens, eventwo of the three last participant that had to face that last challenge had towear wigs and false beards and mustaches so they could look as romans' salvescaptured in the war, and they were wearing sheets wrapped around their waist tocover their nakedness, although they were kept barefoot tied up to a thickcement column standing on the sand.

But one person in the audiencehas put his attention on the naked slave that was sobbing because he had lostand for the pain that he was feeling for the lashes and without the audienceknowledge, he was wondering why the audience had added that last event thatwasn't considered into the original event and that had been the cause of hisfall and misfortune.

This person was a blond hairedwhite boy of the slave same age but unlike this participant he could askanything to his father and his father gave the thing that he had requestedwithout thinking twice, and this boy was very interested in the slave boybecause was his cousin, and since not long ago they have gone together campingthe blond boy had felt in love with the now enslaved boy, and even inside the camping tent they had sleep nakedin the same sleeping bag, and as they had been too thigh the blond boy cock hadended up between the buttocks of the now enslaved boy buried in the ass crack,and all the time that they were camping they were naked and only in very fewtimes they were dressed.

And Since then they had been seeneach other at the request of the blond boy with the purpose to see his cousinnaked because he loved see him in that vulnerable state and each time that hesaw him he badly wanted to fuck him, but he knew that he couldn`t do thatbecause as his cousin didn't allow be penetrated do it without his consentwould be considered as a rape and he would be enslaved.

But now that his cousin was beingexhibited on TV in such impudent way, he couldn`t take his eyes over hisbuttocks, balls, cock and anus on which he was dying to touch them and can havehis cock buried into the body of the boy that until few minutes ago had beenhis cousin and put his free man cum in his enslaved rectum.

So the blond boy has told hisfather that he wants to buy the slave that had been his cousin because he wantshim as his personal slave, beside that he can exhibit him naked as the animalthat now he`s in front of the family and the slave's parents and siblings, andthe father has accepted his son petition, although the bid for the slave is notgoing to be an easy one because other relative of them might buy the slave andalso has the same intentions.

So this poor slave will end upbeing exhibited in his former school and with his family and relatives as anaked animal, and he will be subjected to teasing beside to be a servantwithout rights and become a sex toy being cum deposit of the all family malemembers, and sadly he was other victim of "The Millionaire Contest"

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Next: Chapter 333: Hora De Cobrarselas 26

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