Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 22, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Thesetwo boy's families were members of the high society and very influential, theyalways has been proud to be an example for the other families in town but theirchildren didn't have good behavior.

One day this two boys with their friendsdecided make a joke to a boy of a lower social class, they made he run naked onthe street while the pedestrians were laughing at him.

But as was expected the police arrested thenaked boy under the charge of indecent public exposure, but after they made adeep investigation about what had happened, they decided the time to stop thoserich brats had arrived and show their parents that law was over theirinfluential social class.

So thepolice interrogated all the teenagers that were involved on that joke, butthese two boys little knew that their friends had decided to blame them andavoid dishonored their families, when they saw that the police was going topresent charges against them.

Thesetwo punks' parents tried to save them but the police didn't allow that and theywere enslaved for live as a deterrent to the other boys, and they were donatedto the school where the humiliated boy was studying, but the new enslaved boys'parents were forced to pay the amount of money that was established by aprofessional slave dealer.

Thatwas considered as an abuse by the side of the enslaved brats' parents that notonly had lost forever their sons, but beside they had to paid to the state thesale price of those that once were their children as if they had bought them,considering that the state was not willing to louse the money of the sale ofthose two slaves that could reach a good price in a public auction bidding, andthey filled a formal complain to the nation court demanding that for the abuseof which they had been subjected having to pay their sons sale price, they hadthe right to receive their boys as their slaves and not be given as a donationto someone else.

Alsothe parents of the two enslaved boys complained that while their sons had beenenslaved the other boys that also had participated in the boy humiliation eventwere free and unpunished, and due to that favoritism they demanded that theirsons were freed immediately and both the judge and the policemen were enslavedbecause they hadn't imparted justice impartially and in a honest way.

Whilethe legal dispute was taking place the enslaved eighteen years old white slaveboys, one of them light brown haired and the other one dark brown with tinnylight brown almost pink nipples, were picked up by the Slave Police (SP)officers and taken to a work center where they were kept naked working asslaves, but the different about what was awaiting them in the school theyweren`t be exhibited naked in public, however the treatment that the SP guardswere given them was very hard, because they had disliked that their parents putin doubt the efficiency and honesty of both the police and judges.

Everyoneinvolved in the incident including the offend boy were cited by the court sothey could give their testimony about what had happened that day again, eventhe judge issued a special authorization so the enslaved boys cold speak, duethat they were reopening a case that was considered already closed, and thejudge issue an orders where all the boys implied in that shameful event werenaked as the enslaved boys would be, with the exception of the offended boy thatwas clear that he had been the victim and didn`t exist a reason about he had tobe humiliated in such way, beside the session would be with the doors closedbut was allowed to be recorded, just in case that was required to see what hadhappened there without the need to go again through other trial.

One byone all the free boys that were naked by an order issue by the judge told whathad happened to the judged without the presence of their families, sinceconsidering that they were free boys they couldnt be naked in front of anaudience with the exception of their lawyers, the judge and the prosecutors,but when the slaves turn to speak arrived, the judge allowed that the familiesof all the boys implied in this case were in the courtroom and heard what thenaked boys had to say, but the judge warned them that considering that theywere slaves he had issued a special order so they could speak in the court andsay what had happened according to them and anything else, and if they tried tosay more than that they would be severely punished, and that unlike theirfriends that the courtroom had been empty, as they were slaves and consideringthat they natural estate was being naked he didnt have to have thatconsideration, so every assistant could be in the courtroom.

Thetwo slaves were forced to carry out the Salute to the Master (SALAM) to the boythat had been offended by them in that despicable action where he was forced torun naked in public in the presence of their family and his friends familiesthat where declaring, even the naked free boys that were hidden from theaudience sight could see the two slaves humiliation, because to perform the SALAMthe slave had to be in full fours position and with his legs wide opened had tokiss each feet of his better, and also each ball and the cock tip withoutmattering if they were covered by the clothes, while the anus, the balls andthe cock of the slave that was performing the salute were exposed to the sightof those that were in that place, and the slaves didn`t have more option but dowhat the judge had ordered them while their family members were felling veryhumiliated to see their sons exposed so impudently in public.

Thelast to give his declaration was the offended boy, but he told the judge thathe didnt want to do that because for him justice had already been done, andthe two boys that had been responsible for his humiliation already had been enslavedand only he asked him not to give them their freedom, and about the other boysconsidering that they hadnt as bad reputation as the two slaves, only he askedthat the judge gave them his forgiveness, however the only thing that he wasrequesting was that those boys were exhibited naked in public as he had beenexhibited that fateful day in front of their families members and such as thesalves had done they would have to perform the SALAM, the judge after thinkabout the boy's request agreed, and those boys humiliation was worst that theoffended boy, because at least the humiliated boy could cover with his handshis genitals and buttocks while he was running naked on the street, while theseboys couldn`t do that in the presences of their family members that was muchmore worst.

Now wesee the two slaves naked on their first day in the school in front of the freestudents promoting a new energetic beverage, and although the shame that they're feeling because oftheir nudity they have to smile otherwise they would be severely punished, andthis is the beginning of the further countless humiliations that are awaitingthem in that school, and they little know about all the humiliation that theyboy that ran naked on the street had thought for them and nobody will stop him.

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Next: Chapter 330: El Concurso Millonario 26

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