Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 15, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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This slave few hours ago wasarrested and forced to undress and now he he's being selling on the street infront of the pedestrians.

Like many other young men thathave finished college, he was hired to work in other country but on his first workday is being selling as slave.

Since he arrived to his office hewas arrested by the company security guards and was taken to see the companyCEO, who ordered that he was prepared to be sold.

What the CEO was meaning that theyoung man was tortured avoiding that his body was going to be damaged so whenhe was on auction he didn't cause any problem.

When he was taken to the basementinto a windowless room he was protesting and screaming, but few slaps on hisface and punches on his stomach were enough to stop him to be a troublemakerand he took off his clothes at once, however the electroshock torture continuedwithout mattering that he begged to stop it, until the guards were sure that hewasn't going to do something foolish when he was on sale on the street.

Now he's being exhibited on thestreet and he's going to be illegally sold to the one that offered the highestmoney amount, but for him the humiliation can't be worst and despite that he'sfrightened and he would want scream to let that people know that his sale wasillegal, he knows that is useless tell thembecause that people should be used to buy the wretched slaves on the street andthey don't care how they were enslaved, furthermore he's frightened to betortured again, and for his misfortune his sale won't be register, and like many other slaves he's going to be lostin the slaves' world that were sold in the black slave market, and never hisrelatives will know what happened to him. .

But not only him is being sold inthose moments, because also other slaves from different nationalities and racesare being exhibited naked as animals, and despite that all of them want toscream that their sales are illegal so the potential buyers can know that, thefear to be punished is more stronger than their desperation and foolishly havethe hope to can escape from their slavery when they`re in their new mastershomes.

But his sale has being verytraumatic because several rich teenage boys have taking him through the streetswalking naked to evaluate his buttocks and legs movement, beside that they areclosely observing how his cock is bouncing from one side to other while he's inmotion and even he has been forced to run in the street while his body is beingevaluating.

But while the salve was running,he was looking around to see if he had a chance to escape, and the fact to seemany naked slaves walking alone or with their master make that his hopes to canescape came back to him, and his determination to escape from that damn placewas still stronger, when he saw how the master treated the slaves that weremostly whites although also there were Asians, Latins and blacks, but one ofthe boys that was forcing him to run he must have seen something in his facebecause with a mocking smile told him do not think about to escape, because inthe streets were many guard dressed in civilians clothes precisely watchingthat the slave didn't try to escape, beside that If he tried to escape and wascaught his punishment between many others was going to be castrated.

But those news didn`t make thatthe slave lost this hopes at all to escape because he would have theopportunity to escape being servicing his master in his home, and when he wassent to do some errands then he was going to take advantage of that opportunityto escape.

But something unexpectedhappened, and that was that all the slaves in the presences of the freecitizens their captors put into their bodies by their anuses a chip whichindicated the place where the slave was, and although the slaves never weretold what in reality they were doing with them, many of them weren`t stupid andimmediately they knew that both the masters and the police as well would knowall the time where was each slave making impossible that they could escape.

Once the slaves had inside theirbodies the chips, those that were considered as low class quality and that weregoing to be sold in very low price were forced to have oral and anal sexbetween them and even kiss each other in public, because the slaves dealerswere hoping that with that action could make that the potential buyers werehorny and make that them could offer more money for that meat that that didntcost much, because they knew if they couldnt sell the slaves there, then theywould have to be sold to the low class brothels or to the mines, quarries ororgan banks and their prices would be very cheap and this was exactly what theywanted to avoid.

This young twenty years old whiteslave is hopping to reach a good sale price and after all the humiliations thathe has gone through, and soon as possible he is taken to serve at his master'shouse so he can't be seen naked anymore by females and children that are there,and once in his master's house study the way that he can escape and come backto his family and tell his country authorities what in reality is what theforeign companies do with the young boys that they hired.

But very soon his hopes to canescape are going to disappear because he's going to be bought by his countryambassador and is going to be given as a gift to the president's son, anddespite that he's going to tell them that was illegally the way that he wasenslaved, they are not going to believe him because on that street slave marketare going to give to the ambassador a genuine certificate indicating that hewas enslaved legally and he had broken the rules of the country where he was.

But his humiliation is not goingto stop there because he will have to sexually serve the president's son andhis friends as well, and like nobody will be interested about who is him,although that he's going to be back in his country as slave, never again he isgoing to see his family, and always he'll be servicing naked to thepresidential family, their friends and the people that the president's sondecided that he has to serve.

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Next: Chapter 326: Salvajes 26

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