Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 15, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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He'shungry, for two days he couldn't eat anything and he's on a tree, his smellsense has shown him that a Herma is close by and his conservation instinct istelling that he's in great danger, beforehand he already has seen thedepredator and he knows that soon he'd have to start to move, otherwise theHerma will begin to move and he's going to be closer and closer from him untilhe's hunted.

Butnow he's weak and by instinct he has begun to jerk off, so he can eat his owncum and get some proteins to summon the enough energy to can move fast whenhe's on the ground, but despite that he feels safe being in the three and thathe's and excellent climber this white dark brown haired eighteen years old boy,with smooth body and only have pubes but his pubis is not completely covered byit, and even he hasn't body hair in his arm pits and anus because theradiations has affected him in such way, he had committed a huge mistakebecause if he could climbed the tree the herma also can do it.

Othermistake that the boy has made is how he's sitting on one of the branchesinstead to put his buttocks on the branch and protect his anus, he had left hisbuttocks on the air and the smell that the body issues through the anus isexpanding by the air and the Herma is smelling it who is dangerously close fromthe boy, and even though that the boy doesn`t know how close the Hermas is hisinstinct has told him that is enough close to be in great danger to die.

Andwhile masturbating to get from his own cum the proteins has made that thethings worst because his sexual excitement has made that his body produces avery special odor and that had made that he becomes even more desirable as theHermas food, but the disgrace of this boy began four days earlier when he waslooking for food and he crossed the path of a twenty five years old impressiveblack who was looking for a female to mate, but the blacks smell hadntdetected any female and his need to have sex was becoming uncontrollable, andfor this boy disgrace he crossed on the path of the impressive black male whenthe black was in a desperate situation to fuck whatever crossed his path afemale to breed her or a male to dominate him and make him his slave, and hesaw the unaware young white male that was looking for plants to eat then herushed towards him but he made noises and when the boy turned to look at what was going on and whenhe saw the impressive black running towards him, instinctively he began to runto avoid be caught, defeated, fucked and by consequence become the black'sslave.

Theteenager's soft cock while was running was moving in circles madly while hisballs were bouncing on his thighs and his small buttocks were movingseductively, and when he black saw the white boys buttocks he was more arousedthan ever and with more determination ran to caught the boy while hisimpressive and thick cock together with his giants balls were moving but thecock was moving up and down and his balls like those of his prey were bouncingon his muscular thighs, and despite that the boy was running as fat as he couldthe black was getting closer and when all was lost for the boy, suddenly heheard an impressive scream of pain and the sound of a body hitting the groundbut the boy didnt want to stop to see what had happened and he kept runninguntil he felt save and he hid in a cave, and few minutes later he saw pass awhite Herma of his same age and with a body like his dragging the blacksimpressive body with his head trapped inside his body in "The Washer" and theyoung Herma vaginal lips tightly tight around the neck of the wretched black toavoid that he could escape, while the black desperately with his hand wastrying to hit the stomach and buttocks of his depredator and he was moving hislegs desperately trying to find support and he could push his body forward withforce and hit with his head the inner part of the Herma's "Washer" to cause himpain and get that the pussy lips didn`t squeeze so thigh and he could escape,but unfortunately for the black all his effort to escape were useless.

Thisyoung teenage boy cautiously followed the Herma and his black victim, hidingamong the bushes and trees, and observing how the young Herma climbed easily atree without being affected by the body weight of his black victim, and he couldsee how he sat on a branch leaving the wretched black's body hanging which wasstill moving desperately his legs to find something on which lean and canescape, while with his hands was trying to punch the body of his depredator butthe young Herma was not being affected by the tremendous punches that wasgiving him his prey and only he put a part his hands, but also he saw somethingelse that leaved him astonished and it was that the Herma began to jerk off theblack and his impressive cock was hard and looked like snake and withfascination he saw how that calmed down the black which stopped to fight whilehe was jerked off, and when he cum the young white depredator hungrily eat thecum that had been produced by his prey and he jerked off the black again, butthis time the black tried to avoid that his depredator touched the sensitivehead of his cock but unsuccessfully, and the black cum again expelling animpressive amount of cum with tadpoles, but how the young depredator was hungryhe jerked off five more times the wretched black to be fed by the cum whichwere going out in impressive quantities, but now the cock and glans irritationwere unbearable and the black being his body suspended in the air the onlything that he could do was move his legs in a sing of despair and with hishands try to stop his depredator to continue jerking him off , but when movinghis legs and his anus was leaved exposed, his smell spread through the jungleand other Herma was attracted by the strong smell of the black, without knowingthat he was going to meet with a prey that for curious himself had been put indanger.

Fewdays ago this boy that had been included into The Experiment he hadn't hadserious problems, but since the Herma smelt him and has been following him, nowlooks like the end of his life is close, and he only hopes that the cum that heeats gives him the enough proteins so he can run away and can get the so neededfood

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Next: Chapter 324: Victimas 25

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