Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 8, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These white males known contemptiblyas "the ghetto boys" have been arrested by the black superiors that arepatrolling the ghetto's only exit and entrance and forced to strip naked inpublic, and face the ghetto's wall that separate the street from the miserablelife that the whites have inside of that dirty and stinky place that now istheir home with their hands leaned on it.

The line to go in or out whereall the whiteys that live in the city have to form is endless, and men, women,boys and girls without mattering their ages or the weather conditions have towait patiently, and this can take hours to go in or out considering the whim ofthe blacks that are keeping an eye on the entrance.

The whiteys are not paid withmoney for the jobs that they perform in this new society but they are paid withration cards, and only they can buy things in the stores that are inside theghetto and that ration cards are not accepted in the stores that are in thecity, since those stores are only for blacks although the whites can work inthose places.

The inspection were made to avoidthat the whiteys could introduce into the ghetto something illegal such as stolenfood or other object that was forbidden have in the ghetto, or that they weretaken out something to try to exchange for their own personal benefit.

Each whitey that arrived to theinspection point had to lift up their arms, put apart their legs and allow thatthe black guards touched their bodies and passed overt them a metal detector,and the blacks enjoyed touching the most intimate parts of the whiteys bodieswithout mattering if they were male or females and their age, and if theydetected something or the guard believed that the whitey was hidden somethingto try to get in or out the ghetto, was immediately put under arrest and forcedto strip in front of the other whiteys that were trying to get in or out as alesson for daring to break the rules.

Four mature males and four youngmales had been arrested and forced to be naked facing the wall in public, whilethe frightened inhabitants that were on the line saw them and waited didn't bearrested by the blacks boys that were watching the entrance.

The regulation remarked that eachwhitey arrested had to be inspected immediately and also said that the whiteshave to be treated with dignity, however the blacks never followed thosestipulations and the black authorities either wasn't interested to see that theregulations were followed and they enjoyed humiliating the whiteys, and theycould keep them naked for hours without mattering if it was raining orsunshine, hot or cold until they wanted to inspect them again, but much in muchmore humiliating way.

Almost always that the whiteyswere put under arrest, the black guards never found something although theyenjoyed using the power that they had over them, and at least on the entrance door one whitey was enslaved eachday, beside that also they went to check by surprise the communal showers andrestrooms to see if they found illegal objects and have other opportunity toenslave several of them, or sometimes it was done for the pleasure to get whitemeat that serves them as slaves, and was enough that a black citizens saidsomething against a whitey without mattering if it was true or not, to makethat a judge enslaved the whitey and gave him to the black that had accused himwithout even giving to the whitey the opportunity to defend himself.

But this time their search was afruitful one, because an eighteen years old light brown haired cracker hadtried illegally to introduce a candy having it tied to a thin string around hiswaist just where his buttocks began.

His father and two brothers couldn'tbelieve the stupidity that his younger brother had done, his father that is thefirst mature male from right to left was looking at his son knowing that hispunishment was going to be a slave for the rest of his life and they won't see him again, unless he was putto work in the public transport picking up the tickets from the whites bothfree and enslaved, that were traveling to give them the ticket that allow themget off of the transport and had to give it to the guard when they have gotoff, but from that moment he always is going to be naked, wearing the collarthat identifies him as slave and all the free citizen both blacks and whiteswill have the chance to molest him touching his body most intimate parts.

One of his brothers that isbeside his father and that is on his right side as his father he's trying tolook at him furtively and still can't believe his brother stupidity, and alsohis other brother that is on his left and that is a part of him because otheryoung white is between them, is looking at him without caring if the guards seehim in disbelief for what he had done.

The stupid young buck alreadyknows what is awaiting him, but the other three family males have a head hoursof anguish and terror because they don't know if they are going to be enslavedor not, since if the blacks find out that the boy is their relative then theirfate is going to be sealed and they will join the destiny of the foolish boy.

The young black guard dressed inblack who discovered the cheating boy, is smiling to his black mates withoutputting much attention to the naked whiteys, because he knows that already hehas a slave that is not going to be servicing him for long time, because alwayshe likes to have fresh white meat, but for the moment hes going to enjoy the opportunityto touch the wretched whitey's buttocks, fingering his hole and jerking him offforcing him to cum and clean his filthy cum from his fingers and floor with hismouth, while the other whiteys after go through the inspection hes going tokeep them knelt with their hands on the back of their heads looking at thewall, until he decides what to do with them.

The stupid teenage whitey boythat tried smuggle the candy into the ghetto did that because he wanted to givea birthday present to his little brother, because candies weren`t sold in theghetto stores.

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Next: Chapter 322: El Experimento 13

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