Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 1, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thesetwo slaves are desperate to be bought by any of the bidders that came to theauction, this is their second auction but for unknown reasons nobody has beeninterested on them and this is their last chance to be bought, otherwise theywill considered as old merchandise and their destiny will be the mines wherethey know that their lives will be hard and short.

Herewe see two of them begging to be acquired by two potential bidders that wereinterested on them during the inspection time, even one of them had dared tolook at his better face and he's telling him his abilities and the benefit thathe'll have if he bought him, while the other slave has decided to show his privatepart instead to keep them covered by the loincloth in public to show a buyerthat hadn't been interested in him before and can see his body withoutrestriction, but he has a big problem, his buttocks are so big and littleattractive so he'll end up being sent to the mines.

Thesetwo eighteen years old black haired Asian slave boys in their former life wereworking in the slaves black market enriching with the sale of white meat bothmature and young, and when they sold a slave that had been illegally enslavedto a white buyer that was looking for sexual slaves for his exclusive brothelin one of the most important financial cities of the world, the brothel`s ownerwas aghast because the slave that he had bought was his missing son, then hedecided give notice to the authorities about the slaves black market in revengefor what they had done to his son and how he had been treated and enslaved.

But asthe black market had spies everywhere, the illegal white meat slavers hide andused the inexperienced young merchants as cannon meat to be enslaved, and thiskind of boys were all those that had abandoned their studies with the hope tobe very rich as soon as possible, thing that they got considering that thewhite meat sale in the black market was very profitable but at the same timerisky for the inexperienced merchants.

Thetwo young former salesmen of white animals that came from the far east nowconsidered as yellow animals, had been allowed to cover their nakedness with aloincloth in this occasion because they were in public being sold in a veryconservative society where the slavery was being introducing recently, and asit was a sale in public they didn`t wanted offend the society, although theyknew that very soon they were going to be used to that and even they would demandedthat the salves were naked all the time without mattering if they were in apublic place.

Butfor the yellow animal that was stripping to allow the potential buyers couldsee what his body could offer, he knew that was vital show his cock, balls andif was necessary his anus to the potential buyers because as a salesmen he knewthat this was the best way to convince the potential buyers about what he coulddo, and despites that when he was the dealer and he sold the slaves he was whofucked the white meat, now even though that he hated it he was willing to befucked as long as they bought him and don`t be sent to the mines.

Forthe other yellow slave that is turning and he's wearing the loincloth hisfutures is a little more promising because a slave merchant has decided to buyhim, and he is going to be used cleaning the cages where he exhibits hismerchandise whites, chocolates, dark skinned and yellow, and the alfa slavessexually use him in front of the potential buyers, so they learnt how to keepthe slaves calm down through the sex and make them more productive in theiractivities, even how to use sexually a slaves like this as a reward for those slaves that havepleased their masters, and those that had to be punished had the frustration tosee how others enjoy having sex with the slave while the punished slave isfrustrated because he can't do that.

Howeverfor this yellow animals a life of despair and pain is what they have a headbecause instead that they had dedicated to study and be professionals, they letthemselves be deluded by the wealth and power like many other young males likethem.

Butthey forgot that in the sale of illegal human flesh world the thread broken bythe thinnest and in their case they were the thinnest part, and when someonetold the police those that had more time in the business, let that the societycalmed down when they knew that some white meat traffickers were arrested,without knowing that only they had arrested the most inexperienced ones, andthose that truly moved and had the control of the business still were free andthey would keep disappearing young white boys to enslave them and be sold intothe slaves black market like many other that before them had gone through thesame.

Andfor the news young males that are dazzled by the appeal of wealth by dedicatingto this illegal sale of white flesh into the black marked, as these orientalboys are going to end up being enslaved and sold as animals for committing thefoolishness to become rich instead to study and be honorable young men.

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Next: Chapter 318: Hora De Cobrarselas 25

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