Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 17, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This young eighteen years oldginger male was selected to participate into The Experiment Program not longago, although the radiations have begun to change his body to his misfortunehe's going to die soon.

Although that now he's controlledby his instincts many of them haven't fully developed yet and unfortunatelyhe's not capable of detect the danger around him and now be naked is somethingnecessary for him but what has taken control of his mind is the need to havesex.

His scene of smell hasn'tdeveloped enough to detect to whom belongs the different odors that he smellsand detect if is a female, other male or a Herma, the danger instinct alsohasn't been developed so he is not capable of feel fear and if he's in dangeror not, so being incapable of identify the smells and with the need to havesex, he began to look for someone to satisfy his breed instinct with and at theend he found him, But unfortunately he's with the most feared and mercilessdepredator that could be in The Experiment the Herma.

This depredator is not hungry butalso he won't let go the prey that so foolishly went into him to satisfy hissexual needs since not even the instinct to dominate other male has developedin him, so the depredator is going to sexually play with this unaware teenageboy and when he's tired will attack the boy and put his head into his body byhis cunt in a zone known as the washer and he'll keep him alive until he'shungry, meanwhile as a snack he ´ll eat his prey's cum and he ´ll be constantly wankinghim making that the victim's penis and glans are so irritate that for him willbe a terrible torment each time that he's wanked, and the Herma will havepleasure each time that his prey is hungry because he will suck his inner cockthat is a clit to drink the viscous liquid that he produces and it is as sensitive as the human gland.

But unlike those Hermas that arehungry he isn`t going to overflow the washer with the viscous liquid to softenthe ginger boy skull bonds since the first moment, but he's going to wait untilhe's hungry to do that, while for the helpless victim all the time that hishead is trapped into the washer will be pure terror, because he will be in acomplete darkness and the air that he's going to be breathing is going to betainted and this will contribute to weakening him and his attempts to shake histrapped head each time will be less frequents and weaker.

The light brown haired youngHerma that also is eighteen years old, is going to be moving from one place toother dragging his victim body which head is trapped in his cunt and his bodywill be laying on his back, and is going to avoid that his prey's feet findsome kind of support such a stone or a three trunk to push in and hurt thewasher part where the body of the victims goes to the stomach, and due to thepain the Herma decreases the force which with the vulva lips have trapped theneck and the prey can escape, and when the Herma wants to have a snack, he is going to wank his prey and eathis spunk, he's going to climb the trees or sit in a place where the ginger'slegs are hanging and without mercy he`s going to jerk off the irritated cockand glans, although at the beginning for the wretched victim will be purepleasure be masturbated, but after when he feel the irritation and with hishands wants to stop his victimizer about keep wanking him, the Herma only willput apart his victim's hands and will continue jerking him off.

Many Hermas have the habit torest or stalking their victims in the trees, so when this herma do that and theginger's legs are hanging, the prey desperation is going to be unbearablebecause his body weight is going to be supported by his neck that is trapped bythe vulva lips, and he's going to move his feet causing that his cock movesfrom one side to other and in circular way and even his balls bounce againsthis thighs, while his small and rounded buttocks are going to be moving andwhen he`s moving his legs open, closing, up and down his small and smoot lightbrown anus is going to be exposed, but as the ginger is going to get tired tobe moving his legs suspended in the air, soon again his cock that is not big isgoing to be hanging over his balls, and his resting buttocks are going to showagain their beautiful roundness.

But in a desperate try to escapethe trapped ginger as soon as he feels the clit on his lips is going to try tobite it hard with hope to cause pain to his depredator and he can escape, butthe Herma Inner clit is tough and as soon he feels his victim's teeth he'sgoing to spank the ginger's balls causing that the prey scream in pain insideof his dark world without his scream being heard, and the Herma is going tospank the ginger's balls several times as a warning that he doesn ´t try to do itagain knowing the pain that is awaiting him if he tries again.

While the young herma is nothunger he's going to keep alive his prey but the torture to keep his head inthe washer and being constantly wanking him causing that the cock and glansirritation be unbearable, spanking the balls if the prey tries to bit his innerclit and in case to be necessary fingering his hole to stimulate the ginger'sprostate making that his cock be hard and cum, is going to make that the youngginger male's life be a torment, and when the Herma is hungry he ´s going toflood the washer with his viscous liquid making that his young prey swallowsthe liquid to avoid drowning and the intoxication and the skull bones softeningis hurried, and when the Herma feels that the skull is enough soft to swallowwithout any risk, is going to cut the oxygen flow to make that the ginger dieand whit his buttocks and abs muscles makes that the body is going to be slowlypushed into the stomach.

But for the moment the wretchedvictim is in a sexual play con his victimizer and they are kissing in the forestwhile the Herma is caressing the balls and cock with one of his hand and withthe other the buttocks and the anus, and the unprepared victim with one of hishands is holding the Herma's neck and with the other is caressing his pussy,and even though that for the victim is weird that the his lover doesn ´t haveballs and cock, the radiation that already have affect him in such way that duethat his survival instinct had not developed completely, he hasn ´t released that he ´s in great danger,and as soon as the Herma is tired of the play is going to attack him hittingthe prey on his balls and putting his head in the washer, and this is the waythat in The Experiment the population equilibrium is kept such as in the wild life.

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Next: Chapter 309: El Experimento 12

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