Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 3, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This black guard is lookingbetween the bushes to see if he can find a hidden wild pup after have capturedthese two young wild whiteys while they were given each other the proteins thatthey needed.

Other guard is behind the whiteyskeeping a close eye on them to avoid that they try to escape since they arevery skilled running in the forest and between the bushes.

When they were seen by the guardsthe wild whitey on the left was sucking the cock of the whitey on the right toget the semen that gives him the proteins that his body needs due to the foodthat they eat in the wilderness.

The two whiteys are worriedbecause they don ´t know if the two pups that are their responsibility couldescape, and something that these wild whiteys have is the loyalty to their grouplooking for the herd welfare.

They already know that they aregoing to be taken away from the herd and they never are going to see againtheir love ones, although they don't know that they are going to be taken to aTame Center where they will be subjected to a brain wash, and they are going tobe trained as slaves so they can serve the black masters, and even that areawaiting them several weeks of pain and suffering before they are broken andcan be tamed.

For these two eighteen years oldlight brown haired wild boys that are giving their backs to the black guardthat is pointing them with the rifle, and that they are covering with theirhands their genitals although the fear they are feeling because they want tofeel some pleasure in his shameless but innocent behavior considering that theyare no more than wild animal, their sale price is not going to be very high,because their buttocks are not very attractive and probably they are going tobe working in a slaves gang in the ranches or farms sowing and harvesting fruitsand vegetables, or might be if they have a good luck as naked curies deliveringletters and shopping for their black master in the different offices orsupermarkets, or arranging things in the warehouses or stores.

For the black superior race is ofvital importance capture the white pups, because they are perfect to performdomestic activities beside that with them their sons can begin to learn how tocontrol the white slaves both adults and teenagers, so the black kids sincetheir childhood can exercise their superiority with the white puppies and begindevelop their skill as master and overseers, beside that they learn todiscipline the inferior white race, and even the black authorities have openeda Maturity Centers for those blacks that dont want or cant have tame wildwhite slaves, so they can learn to discipline and control them and they canfind jobs if they are not rich in the factories, business and farms as foremen,overseers and supervisors of the naked white slaves.

Other factor that is helping toconsolidate the blacks superiority over the whites, is the enslaved whiteanimals reproductions, because the white pups that born already beingsubmissive and docile allows the black kids exercise their authority over thembeing supervised, by the foreman, overseer and their own fathers, beside thatis very important that a black boy walks on the street exhibiting his nakedwhite animal, controlling him by the chain that is attached to the nakedanimal's collar beside to discipline inpublic the white puppy if he has done something that has displaced his masteror controller.

But still gives more prestigecontrol and discipline in public the wild pups that have not been yet tamedforcing them to do what they want, because the puppies that are considering aswild teenagers are harder to control, but until this moment the controlledpunishment that causes pain and suffering haven`t failed and the wild whiteanimals of any age ended up bowed and domesticated.

So the loss of this two teenageboys is going to be painful for the herd but the adaptability to the adversityof this white naked animals is amazing and soon they're going to be forgotten,because anyway their wild lives continue and there is no time to lament theloss of one or several members, there always will be other naked whites whosupply them, either they are lost and frightened and in their lonely vagrancythey find the herd and be accepted, or for the constant births that occur eachday in the herd.

So this two light brown hairedteenage white boys and the two pups if they are caught or lost in the forestand they couldn`t go back to the herd, soon they're going to be forgotten andreplaced by others, so the wild life continues, some leave for ever and othersarrive.

But as long as there are junglesand forests, the wild whiteys will keep living naked and helpless before theblack masters, and only their survival instinct is going to allow them keepthem living in their wild state, moving from one side to other to avoid bedetected and they are going to achieve that by their smell sense when theydetect the smell of the feared black masters in the air, while they are able tocontinue producing enough cum and milk breast that their bodies need to get theproteins that their bodies need and to fortify their immunological system, andthat their survival instinct keeps guiding them to avoid be hunted by the blackmaster when they go to get their food in the trash containers or stealing themfrom the houses.

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Next: Chapter 300: Chicos Tontos 24

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