Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 29, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The contrast between can be aTitan or still have the possibility to be one of them and be discarded of thatpossibility is very obvious, in this time are outside of the dormitory sixcandidates to be Titans, five blacks and one white and they are in one of theluxury residences where the candidates stay while they are in their training,and they were taken by their parents to become in one of the most powerful andinfluent men in the world.

The test of intellectualcoefficient, logic and abilities has already been applied and many whites whererejected despite that they had the body physic to be Titans, but for theinstructors astonishment most of the black boys are still in the run to becomeTitans.

Most of the boys that weren'tcapable of become Titans have been sent to the Island, so the Milk boys can getfrom their bodies the energy that they need to keep producing the milk that nowhas made that the Titans' immunological system is so strong that then never getsick and also can keep young for more time, and others have been subjected toscientific experiments to see if they become Milk boys.

But not all the enslaved boys aresent to the island where they have to live like wild animals completely nakedand being "hunted" by the milk boys and be sexually excited and with the kissthe milk boys get part of the energy that they need, and then with the analpenetration with their cocks buried in their rectums get the other part of theenergy, and the slave boys have to go through the terrifying experience to feelthat they are dying, and after get back their energy that they lost by the cumthat the milk boys had put in their rectums and to suck the milk that the milkboys produce directly from their nipples.

Those that stay in the ForbiddenCity to be sold as slaves and that weren ´t exported to other countries slavesmarkets had to live worse than animals with any right, even many fathers thathad taken their sons to the Forbidden City with the hope that they becameTitans like them, with pain they saw how their sons had to live naked servicingthose that had bought them, and in many occasions they were servicing the sonsof their friends that had succeed to become Titans or even many times they wereservicing their own friends.

In this time the five black boysnot only are Titans but also they bought a mansion that will be the residencyof the brotherhood members that they have decided create, and they offered aninteresting monetary offer to buy their class only white boy that didn't get tobecame a Titan due to his physic, at first the candidates school principal hadbeen against to sale the enslaved white boy to the five black boys, but afterto talk with the Forbidden City authorities, they decided sale them theenslaved white boy for a reasonable price as an incentive for those boys thatbecame to be Titans.

So the enslaved eighteen yearsold black haired boy that is completely naked instead to be sent to the islandwas given as slave to the five black students that now are Titans to servethem, however what is worrying the white boy is that his father doesn't knowyet that he has been enslaved because always he's traveling, and that dayarrived to be in his son's class graduation and see him as a titan withoutknowing that effectively he's going to graduate but not as a Titan but asslave, and he was going to be introduced completely naked and after that he's going to be fucked by each of the five young Titans that now are hismasters in front of all the audiencethat will be in the graduation making him scream in pain and beg to don't behurt anymore , and that will make that the audience laugh and mock at the nakedslave and after that he will have to go through each seat rows to kiss theshoes of everyone that are there including his father's shoes, while his fivemasters' cum will be going out from his anus.

But still the slave will have toentertain the people that is in the graduation, because all the students of hisclass the blacks that graduated that day and the whites that were invited willhave the chance to practice the shoot to the balls, and each time that they hitthe slave's balls with the ball willreceive a reward, and once that all of them had had fun and mock at him, theslave is going to be taken to the brotherhood's house to begin to clean andhave it ready for the new brotherhood members and they can be comfortableliving there.

But meanwhile he's in thestudent's residency compound where he was living when he was a Titan candidate,but he's not beside his new masters because he was told to wait for themseveral meters a way and he's waiting that they want inspect his anus to verifythat he's clean both inside and outside before the graduation ceremony begins,and the slave wants to cry because he knows that he has disappointed his father, and now all his life he is going to be nakedobeying orders and be abused both physically and sexually by his masters andthe brotherhood members, and his only hope is that his masters decide to buyother slaves so his servitude isn't so hard.

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Next: Chapter 282: Victims 22

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