Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 29, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This male that was included inthe experiment is in a very vulnerable situation because he's defecating, but he had the bad luck that he had the need todo it where everyone can see him and is not hidden in the bushes and he hadheard noises and he had sniffed a strange essence, and nervously he's lookingaround trying to see if someone is close because instinctively he knows thathe'd be helpless if a male with the need to have sex and hadn't found a femaleto fuck arrives, because if he's fucked then he'd be his slave and also he'd bein danger to be gelded, or something worst that a Herma arrives because he'd bean easy meal for him.

Due to the radiations the bodiesof all those that have been included in the experiment have changed, somechanges has been inner and others external, and one of the changes that themales that weren't changed in Hermas experimented, is that on the moment thatthey have the need to defecate they have to do it immediately without matteringwhere they are because they could die in few second if they don't shit, butdefecate needs all the body strength and the male needs several minutes torecover.

This eighteen years old blackhaired white animal with tanned body has just expel a turd by his anus and canbe seen between his legs despite the shadows that hide it, and he was ready toexpel another turd when suddenly he heard the noises and he detected a strangesmell, and even though he wants to move since his survival instinct is tellinghim to do it, he can`t because he need expel more excrement beside that heneeds the energy that is left in his body to do it.

But he knows that he has to movealthough he hadnt finished to defecate because he's in great danger, but alsothe excrement inside his body makes that he feels bad and his movements dontbe so quick and make him and easy prey, the scientist have tried to discoverthe reason why the males that weren`t transformed in Hermas have to defecateimmediately without mattering where they are, because this has been one of theprincipal reasons why the Hermas hunt them, because if a normal human been needs to defecate can wait and with themthe situation is unlike.

This young wild male eats a hugequantity of food between plants, flowers, fruits, other wild animals eggs andeven some times meat if he can hunt an animal thing that almost never happens,because both the plants and the flowers dont give him all the energy that heneeds to can move and stay alive and can escape from his depredators, even hasalready defeated several males of his same age and they had been his slaves,but they had been hunted by the Hermas, so can be said that he has been verylucky but now this could change if he cant expel fast the turd that still isinside his body and with the few energy that is left, can move fast enough tobe save.

Even he had to separate from thefemale that he had pregnant because a Herma that had sniffed him for several hourswas follow him, and when the Herma went out of his hidden place to hunt himwhen he was fucking the female to be sure that her ovule was going to befecundated by his tadpole, suddenly the female moved making that the younganimal took out his cock from her vagina and the Herma instead of falling onthe male felt on the female and this young naked male could escape to be safe,and the confused Herma couldnt react fast enough because he couldntunderstand why he was over the females and not over his prey.

Also when he was fighting withother male that was stronger than him for the right to fuck and pregnant afemale, when all appeared to be lost for him and that the other male was goingto fuck him and make him his slave because he no longer had the strength tokeep fighting and defend himself from his opponent, the other male moved hislegs to put them apart and had access to his victim`s anus but never the lesshe hit his balls and that made him weakthing that this young male took advantage to defeat and fuck the male that wasgoing to be his masters, and from victim he became a victimizer.

On another occasion he hasalready lost the battle against an older and stronger male, and even he alreadyhad been fucked and the other male cum was inside his rectum, and this nakedwhite animal had already being his slave beside that on that moment the one whowas his master still had his cock inside him and kept ejaculating, and thiswhitey was laying on his back with his legs opened and resting on his victimizer'sshoulders while the older male reclaimed his dominion rights over his victimsand now his slaves, when suddenly and impressive black Herman went out fromnowhere and swooped down on his two victims that were one over the other havinganal sex.

The male that was fucking thiswhitey didnt have time to react, and while this white animal with terror sawhow the impressive black animal rushed over them but also he hadnt time toreact, but for this wild animal good luck the whitey that was his master heleaned forwards to kiss him and lick his nipples protecting him from the blackHerma onslaught, which he chose as avictim the older male that was fucking the younger one, and for this whiteyhorror and fascination he saw how in just seconds the impressive black Herma putthe head of the wretched whitey that was his master by his cunt trapping it in "thewasher" and tightening the lips of hiscunt on his prey's neck to prevent him from leaving and escape, and with amalevolent smile began to move away from the terrified and helpless tile thatwas lying on the floor without realizing where he was going.

The black Herma went to the cliffwhile this terrified whitey saw how the Herma was dragging who was his masterlooking at him menanzingly, but when the Herma turned to look at where he waswalking was too late because he felt by the cliff and although he could hold onto a rock, his prey's weight was making for the Herma very difficult can holdon the rock, so he decided open his cunt lips so his prey felt down by thecliff while he tried to climb up and be on the top of the mountain again wherethey had been, but this terrified young whitey when he saw that the Herma hadreleased his master so that he fell and died immediately he stood up andsquatted on the rock that the Herma was holding and he began to expel from hisrectum his former master's cum causing that it become slippery, and when theHerma tried to lift up one of his legs to lean in a tree branch that was in thecliff, his hands slipped due to the viscous liquid and also he felt into thecliff killing himself with his prey.

Now the life of this scareeighteen years old tanned wild whitey depends on how fast he can expel the turdthat still is inside him and with the few energy that he still has can move tohide and escape from the danger, because other Herma has sniffed him and is whois lurking to hunt him, so or his good look continues and he can keep being stillalive or becomes a Herma's turd, but what keeps the scientists fascinated isthat the experiment is an sustainable habitat where keeps the equilibrium between the wild human animals and Hermas population, where there isenough for everyone to live as animals without the need to produce anythingneither be clothed, and only avoid be hunted, be capable to breed and havedescendants or hunt to feed and keep living.

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Next: Chapter 280: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 22

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