Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 8, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These two white students thatonce were valedictorians in their school now have been taken to one of theircollege abandoned buildings to take out the old beds, and they began toconditioning the building into a recreational center for the black students.

These two twenty four years oldstudents one dark brown haired and the other one black haired had a brilliantfuture, the dark brown haired boy as a computer programmer and the black hairedboy as a physiotherapeutic, but they had decided to study in a country wheremost of the population were blacks thinking that there the citizens weren'tvery educated and they didn ´t have enough knowledge to compete with them, andthey thought that soon they would be very rich and appreciate by the blackpopulation because they had gone to help them.

When they arrived to the collegewhere they were going to keep studying and help since they had been selected togo there by a foreign international studentsinterchange , they were astonished when they saw that the only whites that werein the country were naked, were treated in a cruel way and they performed the menialjobs and also they were warring collars en even many of them were filthy andstunk, but to calm down the white students the blacks told them that the whitesthat were naked and were wearing the collars were delinquents, and in thatcountry instead to put the prisoners in jail they made them productive and theywere put to work and they were kept naked in public in front of the citizensand tourists to humiliate them, and once their sentences were over and whenthey were free again they never think to relinquish again.

However in the first week thatthey were in the country and before thatthey went to college, they never saw between the citizens and tourists whitepeople, and the only ones that were naked wearing the collars and that alsowere brutally punished if they didn ´t do what they were told were the whites, even the two students wanted to go back totheir country but they couldn ´t do because when they arrived to the country themigratory authorities had kept with their passports, and they told them thatwhen they were installed in the college where they were going to study they willhave them back, so the students couldn ´t go to their embassy to get newpassports and can go back to their country because was necessary that theyshowed to the guards that were watching the embassy their passports to allowthem go in.

So the white students didn ´t havemore option but go to the college campus and they had thought that as soon asthey received their passports, they would go to the airport and go back totheir country and tell the authorities was going on there to avoid that othercitizens went to that place but when they arrived to the campus all thestudents that were there were black boys and they were the only whites, andagain they saw white naked teenage and young males wearing the collars helpingthe black students with their luggage, even they saw how some black studentsslapped the wretched naked whites or they were kicked on their buttocks becausethey had done something wrong, but what caught their attention was that anydelinquent white boy as the naked whites were called by the black authoritieswent where they were to help them with their luggage.

Once they arrived to thereception area another surprise was awaiting them because there was one linefor the black students and other for the whites, and there they saw that other tenwhite students had been waiting for long time to be registered while the black studentswere very fast, and once all the black students were registered and when wasdarkening the twenty angry white students wasn ´t registered yet and even theyhad gone to talk with the college's authorities, who with courtesy but in avery firm way told them that they had to wait their turn because they had muchmore black students than whites.

Once they white students wereregistered twenty white students were divided in groups of two and taken todifferent buildings, the white students were coming from ten differentcountries so they were divided in couples of the same nationality and theirdormitories only had bedrooms and they were very old, and after leave theirbelongings in their rooms they went to the dining room to have dinner such asthey were told to do by the black guide, but when they arrived again they sawthat was a clear division between the blacks and the whites, since the white boys' table wasseparated from the black boys, and while the naked collared white boys were servicing the black boys' tables, they had to go and serve by themselves theirdinner, so the white boys while theywere dinning they took the decision to not wait any longer and do what wasnecessary to go into their embassies and go back to their countries.

When these two twenty four yearsold students woke up the next morning they found a piece of paper on which theywere told about what they had to do that day, and the first instructions wasthat they had to go out from their room naked and take a shower in the communalbathroom that was at the end of theaisle, those instructions took aback thetwo students and they dislike the idea to have to go out from the room naked togo to the communal bathroom, but anyway they did because they knew that thebuilding was empty and nobody would see them, beside that they needed to take ashower because the temperature was very high and their room didn ´t have airconditioning.

When they came back to their roomthe black haired student began to dress and the first thing that he put on wasa t-shirt that live uncovered his arms, while the dark brown haired student wasnaked talking with his roommate about the way how they were going to go intotheir embassy, when suddenly without knocking the door a muscular thirty yearsold black man that was wearing boots, chaps that leaved uncovered his buttocks,cock and balls and only was wearing on his torso an harness, and also he waswearing a military type hat, sun glasses and was smoking a cigar went into thewell illuminated room because the sun light went in by the window that hadn'tcurtains.

The practically naked studentsprotested when they saw the impressive black went into their room withoutasking permission to go in, but the black only laughed and began to look at thetwo white bodies, and the dark brown haired boy that was leaned on his bedimmediately covered his genitals with his hands because the black man waslooking at them in a lewd way, while the other student was leaned on the walland was bare from his waist to his feet and his buttocks, cock and balls wereexposed, but he was so surprised to see the black that he didn ´t tried to coverhis nakedness, but what caught theguard's attention was that the buttocks and genital skin of the white boy thatwas wearing the t-shirt was whiter than the rest of his body, and smoking thecigar asked to the two students that shown him their passports and documentsthat allowed them to stay in the country, but like the students didn ´t havethem the black man only smiled and told them that they had violated thecountry's law and they were criminals and therefore their sentence was beslaves for the rest of their lives, so several guards went into the roomimmediately since the students were going to fight against the black but they were subdued and taken outfrom the room naked, and in full fours were taken where the college'sauthorities were and the enslavementpapers were signed by the authorities, and again in full fours they were takenwhere the other whites boys that had arrived the day before with them werebecause also they were slaved since their crime was that they were illegally inthe country, while the naked students were in one of the school's luxurygardens.

The black students that werewalking through that place could see the perplex and overwhelmed white studentsthat still couldn't understand at all why they were enslaves if they haven ´tcommitted any crime, and the shame to be being exhibited naked as animals infront of the all black students was something overwhelming and they weren ´tallowed to move, then the two white students began to hear cries of pain andanguish and then sobs, but they didn't know what was going on although theycould see how the black students that were elegantly dressed with the suitsthat were the college uniform, were teasing at them and they were makingdegrading comments about them, soon the white students discovered the reasonwhy of the crying and sobs since the bigand muscular black that had gone into their room penetrated them and fuckedthem, and the pain that they felt when the impressive black cock opened for thefirst time their virginal anuses made that almost they fainted, and liketheir other white fellow slaves theybegan to sob because now they didn ´t feel as a men if not like objects andmoments later their new master put on their necks the collars that identifiedthem as slaves, and form that moment both the black workers and students thatneeded the services of the white slaves to make any kind of task , had to usedthem sexually too so now the new slaves are going to be used constantly andwill have cocks in their two corporal cavities and on many times at the sametime, and even be penetrated by the anus by two gigantic black cocks at thesame time, and when the school consider them useless they are going to be sendto the organ banks, the fertilizers factories, to the mines or if they are verylucky to the quarries or be used as a burden beast and never again they aregoing to recover their freedom back or tell others about the horrors to go tothat country if you're white and end up as slave.

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Next: Chapter 266: Pay Back Time 21

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