Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 18, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



WhenAndrew was kidnaped nobody believed what was happening because he always lovedto make jokes to others, and to his misfortune the people that kept him onlymade two phone calls asking for a huge amount of money, but when theyunderstood that his family didn ´t believe that he had been kidnaped they decidedgive them a lesson that they never would forget, so they decided to moundAndrew.

Thefamily started to be worried when they began to receive pictures showing Andrewnaked and mounded, when they saw the first pictures they thought that Andrewwas still joking, but when his vacations were over and he hadn't come home yetand they still were receiving pictures of Andrew with female genitals theybegan to be worried and reconsidered the situation.

WhenAndrew arrived in a very bad shape and his family confirmed that he had been mounded,they sent him to a monastery so any one could see him and discovered what hadhappened to him and they never wanted to know about him anymore.

Now wesee him giving himself pleasure inside of one of monastery rooms, he always ishorny and needs make the monks very happy and they give him testosterone shotsto keep his body in manly way and Viagra to keep him horny, so after beingfucked by the monks that only they look for their own pleasure, Andrew has togo to his room and fuck himself with a huge dildo to satisfy himself and reachhis own orgasm that he desperately needs, but he knows that he has to hurry upbecause soon other monks will use him sexually to satisfy themselves withoutcaring if Andrew is satisfied, and Andrew knows that he hasn't any option butto serve them because always he's inside the monastery and naked, and when hispath crossed with other monk he always playfully spanks his butt but othersthings might happen.

Manytimes in the monastery had discussed with the monk that was in charge howAndrew should be considered, since he couldnt be a monk as them because hehadnt the male sexual organs and he had to receive periodically testosterone shots to keep his body with themusculature of a male, so the monk in charge of the monastery decided anddespite that Andrew was gelded and now he had female sexual organs, still hewas a man because it wasnt his decision to change his gender but he had beenforced to do it, even several of the monk's superior that was in charge of themonastery had said that Andrew couldnt be there because he would be atemptation for the monks, but several times the monk had defended the boy withthe pussy telling them that he hadnt where to go because his family didntwant him, and they had to be compassionate with him and he was going to stay inthe monastery as they would take care and protect him, but this decision didnt like it at allto the monk's superior but at the end he accepted that decision because theywere there to help the needy, although they never had imagine that someone thatdidnt belong to the monastery was going to live there, but the monk in chargeof the monastery was ordered that Andrew couldnt participate in theirreligious ceremonies, and he had to goout from his room always wearing a tunic covering his nakedness, and when hehas to go to the communal bathroom to take a shower he would have to do it whenany monk was there since the shower area despite that has bulkheads the showersdidnt have doors, since the monks always were closed watched by the monks withmore rank to avoid that they had sex between them or that they jerked off sincethat was forbidden, and like in that place there wasn`t any kind of privacy andAndrew being naked could make the monks fall in temptation.

Howeverthis was exactly what Andrew already had done since all the monks that see himwalk naked in the aby considering that the monk in charge had ordered that healways had to be naked, and as was expected he had been already fucked but insecret for all the young novices boys that were there, and even for many monksthat had been there much more time, but what he had forbidden and he couldn`tdo was participate in their religious events, but one morning very earlier whenall the monks and novices were in the area where the religious event would takeplace as it was done every day, the monk in charge of the monastery as he usedto do went into the place by the central aisle but in this occasion hesurprised all those who were there because he had in one of his hand a chainthat was attached to a collar that was being wearing by Andrew, and he waswearing a pale pink rag that was covering his cunt but it was outlinedperfectly on the thin silk, and the rag was kept on its place by a string thatwent into his legs and also into his ass crack and went out of it on the lowerpart of his back and went up by the middle of his back until it arrived to theneck where it was dived in two, and then arrived in front and again was onestring to go down by the middle part of his torso until it arrived to his bellybutton where it made a circle around it and let see the orifice and again wasone string until it arrive to the central part of the rag that was covering hiscunt, and that surprised all those that were there since Andrew has strictlyforbidden be there under the punishment to be expelled.

When theyarrived where the altar was the monk on charge the monastery only said to thenovice and the other monks that he had decided enslave Andrew, and now he cansexually and in other areas that were needed serve them without any impedimentsince as slaves he wasnt considered as human been, then the monk orderedAndrew to say the names of each monk and novice that had been seduced by himand he had to go to kiss their feet and suck their cocks, many of the monksconsidered that action as a sacrilegious act but they couldnt say anythingbecause they already have been seduced by Andrew, and after do that that almosttook him all day long, the monk disrobed Andrew and blessed his three bodyorifices, then Andrew begged him to let him go because he didnt want be aslave and that he was going to look for other place where to live, but the monkdidnt accept his proposal arguing that his body had received a very specialman milk, so now Andrew has to serve in both in a sexual way and all thosethings that the monks might need in the monastery, and although he's welltreated now that he's a slave he's insulted or punished if he made somethingwrong or displeases the monks and novices, he has tried to run away but themonastery is a fortress and there is no way to do it, so he knows that hesgoing to be in that place until the monks are tired of him and then hes goingto be sold.

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Next: Chapter 258: El Concurso Millonario 21

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