Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 12, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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There is nothing like the victoryand the superior black race had defeated the white race that until few yearsago had dominated the country, and although some few whites that hadn ´t beencaptured yet were still fighting to take back the control from the blacks, alreadyall was lost and there isn ´t anything to do.

The blacks' rebellion against thewhites had begun ten year ago, and the fight to defeat the whites had been veryhard but at the end of the day since five year ago they had won the war and nowthey were who made the laws.

One of the first laws to beissued was that all whites without mattering their gender or age they weren ´tconsidered anymore as citizens even neither they were considered humans been,and they were degraded to the animals level and they could be bought or soldand even be given as a gift depending on what the black masters wanted to dowith them, since they were considered as objects that were someone elseproperty, even they had lost the freedom to reproduce when they wanted, andonly they can breed if their masters and owners wanted, and for the whites nudity was mandatory all the time because now they were considered as animalsand they didn ´t have the necessity to be dressed, neither they had to be ashamed to be nude since any animalwas ashamed to be naked, and also their owners had the right to treat them as they wanted andfor the white animals the corporal punishment was mandatory.

Since the whites were defeatedseveral farms that were in the jungle were working with enslaved whites to saw,harvest and other necessary activities to keep working the farm, but in themost far part of the jungles still were insurrection activities of few whitesthat hadn't been captured yet, and therefore the farms had armed guards toprotect the black farmers and avoid that the white animals escape, even in avery important town that until few days ago had been controlled by the whites thathad enslaved the blacks that lived there, had been taken by the black soldiersand they had freed the black that were enslaved.

The contrast between the blacksthat were freed and the whites that were enslaved was every time more notoriousin the jungles places, even most of thefew whites that still were fighting to recover the power were naked andfighting with poles and stones since they were so isolated in the jungle deeps,that they already didn ´t receive any kind of help from the whites of othercountries that even in many of those countries, the whites were being enslavedand also they were fighting to avoid to be slaves and recover the control oftheir countries.

On each freed town deep inside inthe jungle the black government beside to give back to the blacks that had beenenslaved by the whites their freedom, showed them that now they were thewhites' masters, but in the beginning that hadn't been an easy task because theblacks mentality were still focused on to serve the whites, so the blackauthorities thought in a ways to show to the just freed black citizens that nowthey were the masters, and they could do whatever they wanted with the enslavedwhites that now were considered as animals without rights.

In those farms that had beenfreed what the black soldiers did was give clothes to the black citizens thathad been freed and all their lives had been naked because as slaves their whitemasters kept them like that, and in each farm that they freed while part of theblack soldiers were keeping an eye watching that the still free white animalsdidn ´t try to attack the just freed farm, the once naked black slaves were already dressed and taken to a place where they were puttogether and that included men, women,boys and girls, to reinforce in their mind what they were telling them aboutthey now were free people and in many cases like had happened in this farm thewhites were exhibited naked in front of them.

In that occasion three naked whiteteenage boys, one black haired, other dark brown haired and the last one blondwere exhibited naked in front of the blacks that had been slaves in that farm,but these tree teenage white boys had been specially chosen to be exhibitednaked and humiliated in front of the blacks that had been working in that farm,because they were the former white owner's triplet sons, and they had had toserver both the father and these three teenage boys and also the blacks had feared them, and for the justfreed blacks amazement to see how the once feared teenage boys now were obeyingall that they were told by the black guards and the fear could be seen in theirfaces.

Manny of the recently freedblacks were amazed to see the man's sons that had been their master naked andhumiliated and even they began to laugh, although a noise caught the attentionof one of the black guards that was in the place protecting the freed blacksand now is looking at the jungle foliage with his rifle ready to shot if isnecessary.

The tree teenage slave boys'father has come back to his former farm to try to rescue his sons who he had toleft behind when the black army arrived to free his farm, and with desperationIs looking at those that once were the proud triplets of one of the mustwealthy farmers of the zone, that now are naked and humiliated and hidden inthe foliage is looking at two of his sons the dark brown haired boy and theblond are dancing entertaining the amazed just freed blacks, while the darkhaired triplet is on his knees ready to suck his dark brown haired brother'scock as soon as his two brothers finished to dance, and any hope that he had torescue the triplets now is gone since the black guard heard noises and now ispointing with his rifle toward he and the other whites that are with him.

But there is one more humiliationawaiting for him that once was the proud father of his handsome triplet sonsand is look how the black teenage boys are going to enjoy his sons as sexualtoys, and later they are going to put on the wretched white boys' necks thecollars and they are going to be forced to work in the fields as burden beast,and he as a father is going to see how his dreams and plans that he had for hissons are going to disappear, and even if he is lucking enough for few days more he's going to be hidden in the jungle until he's caught and face histriplets' same fate.

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Next: Chapter 253: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 20

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