Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 12, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Theboy doesn't understand what is going on with him, he was included in theexperiment and taken to a remote place where they told him that if he wanted tosurvive he had to see for himself, but little he knows that he's underradiation and his body and mind are changing.

Hisbody senses are sharpening while his mind is not working as it used to do,since now he feels the need to be naked all the time because his body doesn'tneed the clothes anymore and his need to have sex is stronger every day, hismind still reminds him that be naked is bad but his physic and corporal needsare stronger than his mind and he's frightened because his mind every day isweaker.

Inthis moment he's on a rock top trying to understand what is happening to himand at the same time looking for a female to fuck, or looking for a male of hissame age to dominate him and have sex with him if he can ´t find a female andcalm down his instinct, but at the same time he's confused because never beforehe had felt the need to have sex with other boy and much less want to fight todominate him, and the bewilderment has taken control of his weakened mind thateach times is more and more dominated by the boy's animal instincts rather than his own reasoning

Butalso he can smell other male's essences that are looking for a female that arestronger than him, and he doesn't dare to go down because he's in great dangerif he's dominated by other male, but his weak mind still is telling him thatall are rational humans and he shouldn't be in danger.

Whoeverother thing that have leaved him surprised is that not only he's naked but heloves look at himself naked and in his mind he imagines other naked boys, butbeing naked on the top part of a high rock with scratchy and irregular surfaceis something natural for him now, and see his pubes, balls and cock completelyexposed is something that even makes him horny and even see his flaccid cocklaying on his right thigh.

Thiseighteen years old light brown haired white boy, is seated on the rock leaningon his right hand thoughtful while he's looking intensely at the brown coloredrock, and still but with difficulty due to his weakened reasoning is thinkingabout his family although several times is hard for him remember all his familymembers, but still he has the ability to wonder about what his family memberswould say if they saw him naked and wanting fight with other male to dominatehim and have fuck him.

Alsohe can remember yet the day when the authorities went to his classroom whilethey were in the scientist class to tell him that he had been chosen toparticipate in The Experiment, and he had to feel proud because he was one ofthe


NOW YOU CAN SEE THE PHOTOS THAT HAVE INSPIRED THESTORIES VISITING fortunate chosen to have a better life, although in reality the boy didn`thave any idea about every day he was going to face countless dangers and in agiven moment to survive he was going to depend on his survival instinct, besidethat he was going to depend in other instincts such as sight and smell.

Healso remembered how he was stripped naked in his school's doctor office and thehumiliating moments that he went through when his anus was fingered and fingerswere put into his mouth as well, and even though he wanted to protest for thedegrading way that he was being treated while all that they were doing to himwas being recorded, the guards told him to shut up and cooperated since when he was chosen to participate inThe Experiment the only way that he had to be excluded was that physically wasnot suitable to be included, and that class of medical checkups were the onesthat determined at the end if he was apt or not to participate in theExperiment.

Butnot only was in the school where he was checked because also he was taken to theunderground check center where he was going to be checked by the experimentscientists and medics, and was taken naked on a transport where nobody can seehim together with other boys of his same age, young adults and even adults, allof them were surprised and annoyed for the way that they were being treated andthey were going to complain as soon as they arrived to their destiny, withoutknowing that there they were going to be told to be quiet and all of them wouldbe admitted in The Experiment without having any right, since they wereconsidered as slaves, and when sent to the island the scientists knew that theywere going to be animals.

Howeverbefore they were sent to the island they were given clothes to cover theirnakedness but they didn't receive underwear, and the goy though that as soon ashe was in the island he will look for a way to get underpants since he feltvery uncomfortable only wearing the trousers without the brief, unknowinglythat very soon not only he wouldnt need the underpants, but beside wearing theclothes would make him feel uncomfortable as well and event it would removedto be naked as hes now.

Butknow all those moments has begun to be blurry in his mind, other thing that aretaking place in his mind of what he lived before to being sent to the island,is the safety of a rock in the seashore with strange smells that cause him fearand excitement without an apparent explanation, although above all the matterof nudity that is something pleasant and necessary, feeling the sea breezetouching his naked body, touching his now sensitive penis but above all hisglans and balls, as well as touching his anus, is something very pleasant andalthough that he doesnt do it very often he does more frequently, beside to eatplants, fruits, trees leaves and animals eggs that are on the trees and on theground, is something that his rational mind cant understand at all but hedoes, but his instincts tell him that his life is like that now and if he wantsto be alive he has to follow them, so very soon he will fallow his instinctsand his reasoning will disappear to be a being adapted to live in The Experiment.

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Next: Chapter 252: Society Is Changing 20

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