Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 5, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thismature cracker was very lucky when he was bought by a black master, because hehas been on auction three times and nobody had been interested to buy him, soafter that he had been considered old merchandise and his fate was be sold tothe organs banks or mines, but when the slave dealer decided to give him onelast chance and was put on sale in a flea market with other whites of differentages but as him considered as oldmerchandise, a superior black recognized him because in his former life before the blacks took the country control and issued a law that allthe withes without exception had to be enslaved, he had been a very famous designer and hismaster had used to work in his company so he decided to buy him.

Thiscracker is still designing for his master and is very successful but all therecognitions and awards are now for his black master, but also he's his masterpersonal slave and he's taking a towel to him that he forgot in the car becausehis master decided go to the beach to enjoy the good weather, and although thatthis cracker wants to cover his nakedness is mandatory that all the whiteslaves must be naked and wearing a collar all the time, but what keeps thisslave thoughtful is that he has just seen one of his sons that is being used assex toy by one of his young black masters and if they discover that he's hisfather, son and father would be forced to have sex between them for theenjoyment of the black superior race boys.

Thisforty years old dark brown haired mature male slave is very fortunate that hismaster allows him to wear an old sneakers pair that once belonged to hismaster's son, since all other slaves including his son that is a blond boy arebarefoot, and even he heard when one of his master's friends told him that heshould keep barefoot his animal because wasn`t recommended allow the slave wearany kind of clothe articles because was indispensable keep the disciplinebetween the subjugates white slaves, and keep them completely naked and barefoot was a way to reinforce in their mindswhat they were now beside that wearing the sneakers he could hide somethingillegal.

TheMaster of this white animal agreed with his friend but he told him that wasindispensable that the slave was wearing the sneakers when he had to walk onthe concrete, asphalt or where there were stones since he didnt want theanimal hurt his feet, because he not only was his personal slave but also hismain designer and he needed that he was completely concentrated in bothservicing him in a persona way and in the job that he had to perform, and if hewas hurt that wouldnt allow him concentrate on his duties.

Thismature white animal's master didnt care that his animal had body hair but whatthe slave had forbidden was that he had pubes and that always he had to keepsmooth his balls, anus and buttocks, beside that always the inner part of thecollar was checked to verify that didnt had dirt, and if it had then it had tobe cleaned and an overseer took off the collar from his neck and gave the orderto the slave to clean it so the white animal had to do it under the overseer'sclose watch who had a cane ready to hit the slaves' buttocks, back or thighs ifhe considered that slave was taking much time to clean the collar of if theslave hadn`t done a good job.

Despiteof the hard life that the slave has now see his son being used as a sexual toyby the black boys hurts him, since he knew that his son was going to be thenext owner of his company, but when the blacks took the control all hisexpectation came down, and now looking at his perfect naked body and his tinnyround buttocks move when he's waling make him be proud because his sonsnakedness let him see the perfection of his body and therefore the perfectionof his work, however what keeps him worried is if his master releases that hisson is there is going to order them to have incestuous sex and he always hashated that, beforehand always he has been displeased with the sex betweenmales, but now that hes a slave he had not more option but to submit to hismaster and do all that he orders him,and he had had sex with both his master and his sons and with other whiteanimal without have a word to say about the matter, knowing that if he disobeysor displaces his master he would be brutally punished, so always that hismaster orders him have sex with other white male slave he has the hope to beallowed fuck the slave by both his anus and by his mouth since he hated befucked, although when he`s forced to give pleasure to his master, his sons orhis friends there he has not more choice but allow that their gigantic cocks gointo his anus and mouth since is inadmissible that a slave fucks a blackmaster.

Onthose moments he's seeing like a black boy younger than his son is fucking themost loving being in the world for him, both are standing and the black boy isholding his son's hands which is reflecting in his face the pain that hesfeeling but his schlong is hard, and that is something that the slave never hasbeen able to understand because is the same that happens to him withoutmattering how many pain he's feeling when he's anal fucked always his enslavedcock is hard, but definitely without attracting attention he has decidedcontinue his way where his master is to give him the towel and do everything thatis in his hands so his master will not turn to see the naked blacks that arefucking his son, and other thing that this white animal doesnt understand ishow the black masters are so shameless about exhibiting themselves naked havingsex with their slaves although that many times he had heard that the slaves arenot more than animals and that the masters don`t have to feel ashamed to benaked in front of them and they can use them as they want, but for him isincomprehensible that they get naked in front of other blacks.

Whenthe slave arrived where his master was, he saw that he was being fucked by hisfriend, and that surprised him because he always had thought that his masterwas top, but as soon as he was seen by his master he was ordered to take offthe old sneakers and that began to suck his cock, because very soon his dirtyass and mouth would be fucked but the gigantic black cocks, and what the slavehated at most was what he would do immediately and that was that the cocks thathad been inside of the black masters anuses would be very soon in his mouth andhe would have to clean the shit wastes that they might have, since he knew thathis master friends loved be fucked as well, so with repulsion he did what hewas told and he sat on the sand and he began to suck his master's gigantic cockwhich tasted to shit and he hadn`t more choice to endure the urge to puke oreven make any kind of sound because he knew that then he would be brutallypunished.

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Next: Chapter 248: The Millionaire Contest 20

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