Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 25, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thatday was his son's birthday and he wanted give him a very special gift because healways had given him satisfactions and even ha had sacrificed many vacationstime to help him, so he asked his son to go to one of the ranches and he had towait for him there.

Theboy loved so much his father and he always forgave him for anything that couldhurt him, but that day he was disappointed and even sad because he hadn'tcongratulated him for his birthday, but anyway he did as he was told but hedidn't understand why his father wanted him there if he hadn't given him anyindication about what he had to do.

Whenthe boy was bored because he had waited a long time he saw his father's vangoing towards him, and when he was going to recriminate him he saw a naked bodyin the van's middle part where the seats should be, then the father with a widesmile on his face congratulated his son for his birthday and he told him thatthe slave was his and he could do with him whatever he wanted.

Theboy couldn't believe what he was looking at and he ran to open the van's side door to have a better view of thenaked body that was laying on the floor, and he was amazed when he saw that theslave was his school swimming team captain, then the father told his son thathe had to take the slave cherry while he took him home, so without losing timethe boy took off his clothes and he fucked the slave all the way home, whilethe pain screams and moans of the wretched slave for the forced invasion to hishole were heard and that was music to the ears of the free boy and his father.

Whoeverfor the swimming team captain his life had become a nightmare, he was aneighteen years old muscular black haired white boy, his butt was one of themost muscular and best rounded in his school, and when he went out to the poolonly wearing the small speedo made that the girls sight for that almost nakedbody and many of the boys envy him, even to make his body more attractive hiscock was perfectly outlined in the thin fabric of the tiny swimsuit, althoughin that department were boys much better equipped than him, but in what theswimming team captain was very respected was because he was the best and nobodyhad defeated him until that moment and that was something that everyone in theteam envied, besides that he was the son of the one of the most influentialfamilies in the country, so the boy that was fucking his new slave asked hisfather what had happened so the team captain was a slave because he couldn`t believethat he was really enslaved.

Simplythe father smiled and told him that the boys of rich and influential parentsalso made stupid things and the law was for everyone, although sometimes theybelieved that wasn`t like that and like they felt protected by their parents,then they ended up doing something foolish and were sent to the judge and thenthey were enslaved for life.

Thenewly enslaved boy when he heard that began to sob while the cock of the boythat now was his master was pumping his ass causing him pain, and despite thathe wanted to tell his master to leave him alone that he wasnt a queer he knewthat he couldnt do that unless he wanted to be severely punished, and he wassure that he was going to be sent to the Educationaland Correctional Center for Male Animals (EDCOCEMA), where the punishments werebrutal and he had seen how even the bravest slaves had ended up being bend andbroken due to the pain that they had to endure while they were being punishedin such merciless way, but the slave couldn`t understand the reason whyhis new master was so desperate to fuck him even being on the road whereeveryone that was driving could see what he was doing exhibiting himself in anindecent way in public, and even he could be enslaved if some of those thatwere driving made a complaint with the authority and presented proves aboutwhat he had seen, and suddenly he smiled because he knew that his new mastervery soon would be enslaved as he had been.

Butwhat the wretched slave didnt know was that that day was celebrating the dayof the "HAPPY MASTER" where the masters could fuck their slaves in any part ofthe city even in the public zones, and the citizens that didnt like to seethat kind of spectacle had been warned they didnt go out that day, and thatwas the first year that this celebration was taking place and the moreconservative citizen had tried to stop the celebration of the "HAPPY MASETER"day, and allow the master to fuck their slaves or have any kind of sexualactivity in public, but at the end the judges had discarded the request to banthat celebration considering that the law allowed that the slaves had publicsex between them if their masters allowed and nobody had complained about that,so for them there wasnt any difference between that the slaves had sex between them in public and that the mastersone day each year cold have sex in public with their slaves.

Sothe citizen that were against the celebration were warned that didn't go outfrom their homes, so now the white blackhaired eighteen years old master is knelt fucking his slaves who is in fullfours in doggy style and enjoying the fact that his cock was the first to gointo the delicious and tight anus of the boy that once was the swimming teamcaptain, but suddenly something made that the wretched slave opened his mouthwhen he felt pleasure while he was being fucked and that was because hismaster's cock found his special spot that was his prostate and he's stimulatingit.

Theyoung master has released about that and has forbidden the slave to cum if hedoesn't want to be punished, so every time that the hard pumping of hismaster's cock in his rectum touches his prostate the slave open his mouth insurprise and pleasure and he makes all that is in his mind using his will powerto avoid to cum, but at the same time he feels dirty for what his master isdoing with him and worthless to be a male, and now he`s regretting have hit thestudent from other school when he had touched his butt by accident and he hadinsulted him telling that he was a queer, and because he had hit him thestudent went to the court and demanded him and the judge sentenced him toslavery for life.

Andnow he was going to be showed as a trophy to those that used to be his schoolmates and members of the swimming team naked, and even he's going to have to pleasethem in a sexual way while they mock at him, since this is what his masterwants exhibit him naked as the animal that now he's. So for didn`t have releasedthat the student form the other school had touched his buttocks by accident,now he ended up naked and not only showing up his butt but also his cock andballs and now anyone can touch them and fuck him if his masters wants, so hisfoolishness made him pay a high price .

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Next: Chapter 243: Chicos Tontos 20

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