Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 11, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thisslave is in his last inspection phase before he's put on sale, anyone that isinterested to buy this whitey can manipulate any part of his body but what isforbidden is make him cum, this slave dealer establishment rules are verystrict and all the visitors and potential buyers must follow them.

Thiswhite slave used to be a lawyer before the black race took the governmentcontrol, but now for the black people he is only merchandise as the otherwhites.

Hewitnessed when his wife and sons were sold as slaves and even he was forced tosuck his sons' cocks and eat their cum while the superior blacks were mockingat them, even in front of black men, women and children he was forced to fuckhis former wife who in nine months will have a baby slave but he doesn't knowthat.

Nowthat the inspection phase is over now he's subject to two more test before he ´sput on auction, on the first one he's ben electronically stimulated so thepotential buyers can see the real semen quantity that he can produce, this isthe reason why the slaves are not allowed to cum while they are beinginspected, and on the second one his nipples sensibility also is beingevaluated.

Verysoon this slave will be servicing a black master, but for him his future bringsuncertainty because he doesn't know what will happen to him, the pain anddesperation about the inability to defend himself is evident in his face whichhas turned to his left and the desperation that he feels about cant stop thetorment to which he's being subjected can be seen in his face, also by theslaves dealers agency who is going to put him on sale gave some instructions, apart that they are testing the slave's nipples sensibility also they are makingthat they are bigger since nowadays the black masters prefer the slaves withbig nipples, beside that they are expecting that this thirty five black hairedbaby face white slave reach a high price at the time of the auction since hisphysic is good and his stomach muscles are perfectly marked, however an aspectthat worries those that are in charge to sale him in the slaves dealers agencyis the tinny cock that the slave has and that in this moment is beingstimulated by electricity causing him a lot of pain, while his balls look big,but they dont know if that will be enough and for this they had put on hispubic area a rag to make that his sexual organs look bigger.

Severalpotential buyers are witnessing the torture that this white animal is beingsubjected and they don`t care that, what really is interesting for the blackmaster is his capacity to control his animal desire to get his sexual pleasurerefraining his cum need, since this is an indispensable quality that the blacksuperiors are looking for since with that the slave would be willing to givethem pleasure for more time, however this kind of test has done that severalwhite animals have lost their sphincters controls and they had been shittingand urinating and even the snot had been running out of their noises andfarting, and this is the reason why in that zone where the potential blackbuyers are observing this white animal suffering is writing an advertisementthat says "CAUTION ANIMAL WASTES IN THIS PLACE".

Theonce prominent lawyer when the whites had the power is immobilized by his armsand legs on the auscultation table, while his nipples are being sucked out andthe electrical stimulus are being sent to his cock, and he's doing all that isin his hands to keep his dignity trying to dont cry out in pain due to de painthat hes feeling, beside that also he is trying to not cum to avoid to degradehimself in front of the blacks that treated his sons and his wife like animals,and show them that he has dignity despite that he was forced to suck his sonscocks and swallow their cum, without knowing that he`s doing precisely what theblack masters want see about his animal behavior and his control to not cum.

Whilethe desperate while animal is trying to not cm, the auction dealer representativeis giving the information to the potential buyers of the body of the naked beast,beside that he's showing them pictures of the pups that his tadpoles(spermatozoids) produced and the quality of those offspring, and more blackshave interested to buy him, since even they want him for animal breed purposes,but one of the blacks that had worked for him in his lawyer firm wants to buyhim for very special reason that is the revenge, since he wants show his formeremployer off as a real animal and makethat dogs fuck him for the spectators fun who are going to visit the new zoothat he already has opened, where only are being exhibited white animals havingsex males with females for breeding purposes, males with males havinghomosexual sex, females with females having lesbian sex, and the most importantfor him both white males and females having sex with male animals, where thewhites are going to be fucked by the giant cocks of -the animals that he haschosen to fuck them, and take revenge of all those humiliations which theblacks were subjected while the whites had the power, and for this white animalmisfortune he is going to end up being exhibited as a one more animal and he'sgoing to be the sex toy of the males of other animal species.

Next: Chapter 236: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 19

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