Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 21, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


TheAlfa male is taking his dominion rights over the male that he defeated whenthey fought for the right to pregnant a female.

Thescientists are evaluating the brain damage of those that were included in theprogram and have lead them to behave as animals and even to experiment agenetic changes on some of them.

ThisAlfa male is so desperate to fuck the weaker one that he made a fatal mistakethat will cost their lives, because hidden in the bushes inside the jungle twohungry Hermas have seen them and in few seconds more they will hunt them leftthem unconscious, after that they will open up their vulva's lips and they willput inside their vaginas their heads in the area best known as the washersqueezing with their vulva ´s lips their necks, and these two males in few dayswill be transformed into Hermas' excrement.

Butalthough the tragic end that will have these eighteen years old white teenageboys, one of them black haired and the other dark brown haired, the scene isbeing very erotic even by the scientist, although what they can`t understand isthe reason why the Hermas have not attacked their victims yet and what they arewaiting for to do it.

Theseto naked teenage boys for still unknown reason to the scientists they werenttransformed in Hermas, but in wild animals, and in their former lives they hadbeen boy scouts and both boys could be considered as best friends, but theradiation had made that they became in two strangers and instead that that theybehaved as civilized humans been, when they met the fought as wild animals bythe right to reproduce and impregnate the female, and didnt give any sings torecognize each other.

ButThe Experiment has something that has captivated both the world leaders and thescientists that approved that was established with the intention that the humanrace could live longer, and after see that it had failed and changed the humansbeen in wild animals ones being preys and other depredators to such grade thatthey decided to keep the program, and that was the program eroticism to see allhumans been both males and females living naked and behaving as animals, andeven copulating ones with others without mattering the promiscuity, thing thatdidn`t happen in the normal society and that even has prohibited.

Thesetwo young males had caught the scientists' attention because they had been oneof the first boys to be introduced in The Experiment and had survived severalmonths, even despite that their tragic end is few minutes away, because theywill be hunted by the Hermas and although that they are going to live few daysmore there is no way that they can escape from the terrible depredators, thatbefore that they were included in the program they were teachers in a highschool and their job was teach boys like them, but now instead to teach themthey had become in their depredators.

Nowthe dominant male also named by the scientist Alfa is over the young male bodythat he dominated also knows as Beta, he has his legs together and are betweenthe dominated male legs, the dominant male is laying on his stomach with historso resting over the dominated male and they are laying on the wet sand of ariver shore and is kissing him, while de dominated male with his left hand iscaressing the back of the dominant male and his master, while he has fullystretched his left leg the right one is semi-flexed and the dominant male isleaning on his left arm to avoid suffocating his slave and only lover, whilehes tenderly kissing him and with his feet toes the dominated male is showingthe pleasure that hes feeling and with his right arm that is bent up isshowing his submission to the male of his same age that defeated him.

Soonthe beta male's leg will be in the air leaning over the alfa male's shoulderleaving completed exposed the little anus, so the dominant male's cock open itup and goes into the rectums where he`s going to put in his young and shortlife his cum for the last time.

Howeverthe ferocious behavior when two males meet to fight for a females or just todominate another male, that even has lead other males to castrate the dominatemale, and after that the change in that behavior to a tenderness hard tobelieve that could exist once already has established who is the alfa male andwho the beta, has surprised the scientist because for more that they have triedto study this wild animals brain, they have not be able to decipher the patternof that behavior that for them doesn`t have logic.

Otherthing that also has intrigued the scientist is the reason why the Hermas havenot attacked their helpless prey that soon are going to be their food, andthey're simply hidden in the bushes looking at that erotic scene that they havein front of them where two males are being aroused one another and soon they'regoing to make love, considering what they have seen about the Hermas behavioris that they are ruthless and impatient beings that at soon as they see anopportunity to hunt their prey, they throw themselves over them and they don`tleave them alone until they hunt they, and see how these two so feareddepredators are still hidden without having pounced over their defenseless andunsuspecting prey is something that for them also has not sense.

Whatis a fact is that this two males are going to be hunted by the two depredatorsonce the two victims had finished to make love, and their heads are going to betrapped in the washer, where the viscous liquid similar to the human semen isgoing to be wetting their head to soften the bones, the penis in form of a clitthat the Hermas have in the washer is going to be hard and be taken to thevictim's mouth, so the victim can suck it and can be fed beside that the Hermawill enjoy while the victim is sucking his glands and at the same time he'sintoxicating, but these two young males suffering not only will be feel theyare suffocating inside of their depredators bodies, but also their depredatorsare going to jerk them off merciless causing that their penises and glans arevery irritated, and for more that they with their hands want to stop them theHermas are going to put apart their hands to keep them masturbating, until theHermas can swallow them are going to be fed from these two wretched wildanimals cum, and the only thing that will remain of them are going to be a fewremain of their bodies mixes in the Hermas' shit.

ButThe Experiment good thing is that keeps the equilibrium in population of thosethat are participating.

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Next: Chapter 224: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 18

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