Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 7, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thiswild whitey was captured while he was trying to steal food from a house, henever had a chance to escape because he never released that the black superiorsthat lived in the house saw him and they called to the "Animal Honkies Control"or best known as AHC, and the whitey was allowed to take all the food that hewanted.

Thisyoung light brown haired eighteen years old honky was very experimented in toescape from the AHC agents, and the black guards, but the rare opportunity thathe had had to steal that kind of food made him put down his guard and he neverreleased when the AHC agents arrived.

Sowith a net he was captured and was taken into a Tame Center where he wastrained, but for him was a traumatic experience due that very often he waspunished and the constant pain he was living with until he was broken and hesurrender to his betters.

For his herd the loss of this young male wasvery painful since when he was captured many of the herd's young males and pupsalso were captured, since having no one to teach them about how to hide fromthe black guards best known as hunters in the right way, they way that they hidinto the weeds and bushes wasn`t the correct one and when a hunter passed bysaw part of the naked body among the weeds, and only he had to fire a dart tomake that the wretched naked white animal came out of his hidden place runningby the pain that had felt when the dart had been nailed into the flesh, to dropunconscious just few meters ahead and be put into a cage and be taken to thetransport that was going to take him either to a Maturity or a Tame Center.

Urkoas this slave was known was very popular between his herd's teenage boys andpractically he had fucked all of them, even he had been allowed to have analsex with other males older than him, and despite that he always was the topwhen he had anal sex with the teenage boys, when he had anal sex with the malesthat were older than him, he submitted to their hierarchy and always he was thebottom being fucked by them and allowing them to cum inside him.

ButUrko had a powerful reason to allow the older males fucked him, and this wasthat when they cum inside of him, when the older male took out his cock fromhis anus and went away, Urko went to a place where he could be alone and nobodycould bother him, and with his fingers he began to eat the cum that was goingout from his gut allowing that the cum smeared his fingers while he was takingit out from his anus, and then he got more quantity of the precious viscousliquid that gave him the so needed proteins that his developing body needed.

Evenmany times he had nonstop sex with other males allowing them to fuck him andcum inside him, so after he could go to a place where he could be alone andenjoy of that delicious delicacy.

AlsoUrko had fucked since the first moment that he had been fertile several femalesfollowing his animal reproduction instinct, therefore he had several childrento whom when he had time taught them the art of hide and get food, even he tookhis older boys with him to the town at night to teach them how to get food fromthe garbage, and although that was dangerous due of his pups short age, Urkonew that as soon as they learnt to get their food and knew how to hide would bemuch better for them and they would have less probability to be captured by thefeared hunters, and he was doing with his puppies what his father had done withhim, and even in several times his puppies had followed him without hisknowledge and had gone into the town to get the food from the garbage.

Butwhat Urko couldn`t do was give to his puppies his precious semen so they gotthe proteins that they needed, since he had to share the semen that his bodyproduced with other pups that were members of the herd, so also in many timeshe took his puppies with him to a place where nobody followed him and let thathis puppies eat the cum that he took out from his guts, although the anxiousfaces of his puppies told him that he needed get more cum to give them and thatalso he had more for himself to eat.

Butall these ended for the carelessness that Urko had and although that he triedto escape and his fight to escape was a lost cause because he was alreadysurrounded by the feared black hunters, beside that his naked body was an easytarget for the darts but he was so worried about avoid be hit by a dart that henever saw to come over him the net that captured him, and even the bouncing ofhis small balls and cock each time that he tried to move from one side to otherto try to escape compared with the tackles of the black teenagers of his sameage made that the blacks mocked at him, although Urko wasn`t putting attentionto the mocks because he was more concentrated to find the way to escape fromthe feared black masters.

Nowhe's being evaluated by a black master who is interested to buy him, the firstthing that he has to show are his abilities to clean the house, after that hiscooking abilities will be evaluated, after that his abilities to fix things and gardening and at last his abilities to give sexual pleasure to hisbetters.

Thisyoung honky is not thinking to escape anymore but always is thinking on hisfamily that is free deep inside the woods and on the pups that were under hiscare, and who he never will have the chance to give them more food again, andteach them how to get it, and sadly he could experience that all the bad thingsthat the herd members said about the black masters were true.

Verysoon Urko is going to have puppies but now his reproduction is going to becontrolled by the black masters whom are going to choose which females he wouldhave to breed and even with which males he will have anal sex.

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Next: Chapter 215: Salvajes 18

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