Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 24, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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These slaves were captured whilethey were roaming in the city limits looking for food, the new laws issued bythe black masters after they took the country control were that all whiteswithout mattering their ages or gender had to be enslaved as revenge for whatthey had done with the blacks in the past.

All whites that could escape toavoid be sent to a Reunion Center and then to an auction house to be sold asslaves live as wild animals in the mountains and forests, although they have togo to the city to get clothes and food, and the only way that they can get themis stealing them, but like the blacks already know that they have put armyforces members to watch that zone and capture the fugitives.

These crackers for several monthslived stealing but their luck was over when that morning they were captured duethat the army forces laid an ambush, and under the Slave Processing Center(SPC) guards close watch they're stripping and go to the disinfection area, andafter that be subject to the humiliating body cavities search to be sure thatthe slaves aren't introducing something illegal, and that night they're goingto be sold under the "Wild Slaves" category.

But when they were captured thecrackers that were dressed were stripped in the street in front of the blacksmaster that were approving what they were doing with the whiteys, and theblacks depicted the white animals because they went where they were living tosteal their things and in many cases even exhibited themselves naked.

The whiteys had tried to stablishin hidden places far away where the blacks were living and can live in peaceand many of them even had tried to cross the border, but for their misfortunethe black authorities had closed the borders cruises and the border line washeavily guarded, and in case that a whitey wanted to cross the borderimmediately was detected by the thermic detectors long before he could arriveto the border line, and was persecuted and captured by the black guards or bythe traps that the black guards had putto capture them.

The whiteys transport to the CPEwas something very traumatic because not only they were taken naked but manytimes they were inside cages so small where two or three white bodies were oneover the other, and many times a hard on or the anal and oral penetrations wereunavoidable, and as they were transported in cages that could be seen by theblack citizens, the blacks shouted insults and made fun of them for theirshameless behavior, but the whitey animals adaptability to adversity wasamazing, and since the moment that the whiteys were captured they tried toadapt their minds to the new circumstances that they were facing, and also tothose that they would have to face on the next days.

But that didn`t mean that many ofthem could adapt so easily and that caused them to live under stress andsuffering all the process since their capture until their sale and later lifein slavery servicing their black masters, but the most traumatic for the whiteanimals as they were known by the blacks, was be forced to sexually serve totheir black male masters since most of them were heterosexuals, and have toadapt to suck cocks, and have them inside their bodies by their anuses or bytheir mouths was something very traumatic for them.

The transport with the capturedwhite animals had just arrived to the CPE, however the whites that weretransported weren`t stripped for the blacks citizens surprise that wanted tosee the whiteys humiliation, but as the blacks had discovered much more biggergroups with naked and dressed whites and with their pups were stealing food indifferent parts of the city, they needed guards and the transport in the otherplaces, so as soon as this whites were cornered after had been persecuted thetransport arrived for them and as fast as possible they were put into thetransport and taken to the SPC.

For the black master the whiteanimals disinfection was very important, since despite that for the whitestheir personal hygienic was very important, many times their clothes stank dueto the lack of soap to clean them and this was the reason why many whiteyspreferred to be naked instead dressed, but a very important rule for the blackswas that as soon as the whiteys came to the SPC they had to undress if theyweren`t naked already and take a shower, and on the shower walls they hadwritten: "ALL THE SLAVES MUST BE NAKED" and "SLAVES EXCLUSIVE ZONE, NO PEE, NOSHIT, NO SPIT, NO CUM", so when the whiteys went into the disinfection zone naked to take the shower with water thathad disinfectants when they read what was on the wall they felt ashamed, andmuch more those slaves that had been gone through the traumatic experience ofhave an erection while they were transported naked, and have been or havefucked another white male.

Now is going into the showers anaked twenty years old black haired white slave boy and is reading theadvertisements that are on the walls and that has made that he feels ashamed,but like he's one who arrived dressed he doesn`t know yet that after the showerand he had been declared free of diseases by the vet, he's going to be trainedfor his humiliation about how give sexual pleasure to the black males and histwo body cavities are going to be filled with several cocks both blacks andwhites, and once he has approved a public test he's going to be sold to thebest bidder, but many other crackers that arrived with him are going to be soldthat night.

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Next: Chapter 198: El Concurso Millonario 17

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