Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 17, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The female and male were sent bytheir master to the beach so they could have all ready when their master andhis guest arrive.

But they know that their masteris very hard person to please and what he demands from the slaves to keep themservicing him is creativeness to make simple things in something that he canenjoy and be extraordinary.

They were bought by the masterthree weeks ago, and what they do today will decide if they stay working ashouse slaves and have a little easier life or be sent as burden beast workingunder the sun and the restless overseer ´s whip, and they have seen already howhard the life is as a beast of burden, and also they have experienced howpainful is their master punishment if they displease him, so the male isdiscussing with the female what they haveto do to use a piece of wood as a flower recipient, and the flowers will betaken from the nature that are surrounding them.

Both slaves are not yet used tobe naked and they fell very ashamed of their nakedness when they're around thefree people that is clothed.

Little the male knows that hismaster has already taken the decision about what his future life will bebecause he'll be sent to work as beast of burden due that his buttocks are notappealing, and the female still has a chance to work as slave house.

How the master enjoys the powerthat he has over these two animals considering that the male without knowingthat his fate has been decided already he'll do all that is in his hands toplease his master, but before to be sent with the other field slaves he'll haveto face another indignity, he'll have to fuck the female in front of theirbetters as their entertainment.

Both the enslaved female and maleused to be the owner of a big corporation where slaves around the world weresold, they traveled around the world looking for newly enslaved males to buyand send them to their facilities to be sold later in public auctions byinternet or in their showrooms, and the business was very profitable.

But later they began to buyfemales, and in public shows they made that the male slaves that they had intheir breed farm fucked the females to get them pregnant and can sale them in ahigher price since the buyers will get a reward, and many times the femalesweren`t sold until the gender of the pup that was gestating inside the femalessalves was known.

Even themselves for their ownpleasure had had sex with the slaves, the male fucking both the females andmales that were his slaves without mattering their race, and the female beingfucked by the male salves and even having sex with the female slaves, andseveral times the female slaves had been sold pregnant with the pup of theslave male that once had been their owner, and the female several times had hadto abort because after had sex with the male slaves she had being pregnant.

Even when they were buying slavesthey had private sex session with the slaves that they wanted to buy as long asthe slaves were considered to be sold as pleasure slaves destined to givesexual pleasure to their owners and guests.

Although they also bought a hugequantity of field slaves that were used to work in the factories or farms, butin this specific cases were very rare the occasions when they have sex withthis kind of male and female salves, unless they were considered exceptionallyhandsome and could be sold as pleasure salves to give sexual pleasure to theirmasters.

But one day the enslaved male andfemale were requested to present with the authorities to explain the buy of onethousand slaves and the reason why they hadn`t paid the import and export taxeswhen the slaves were sold to foreign buyers, so the human flesh merchants hadto go to the Justice Center facilities to explain about that transaction.

The both wretched entrepreneursexplained how the transaction had been done and the payment of import andexport taxes wasn`t required because the slaves never had come into thecountry, and the sale had be done in other country then the taxes had been paidin those countries, but when theregister about how the slaves had been delivered to the address that the buyerhad requested, the transport had gone into the country although the human fleshcargo never had been unloaded and the wagons where the slaves had beentransported had been more than twenty four hours in the country, and thereforethe declaration of import and export had to have been made and pay the taxesfor the right of transit of the human merchandise that was inside the wagons.

So the judge considered thataction as tax evasion and ordered that the two entrepreneurs were enslaved.

Both slaves were put on sale atthe same time and they were a very coveted commodity because they as the ownersof one of the most profitable slaves business in the country and since slavescouldnt have possessions, the free citizens that bought them automaticallybecame the owner of their lives and their business, and so it was how themaster of this two slaves that had been their employee became one of the mostrichest citizens in the country, and without the knowledge of this two nowsalves he got the money from the business that had lost its owners, and when hebecame the owner of this two white naked animals the blond females and the black haired maleand be the owner of the business as wells, he didnt have to explain how he hadgotten the money to buy the two slaves.

The two slaves for several dayswere exhibited naked to those that once were their employees, competitors inthe business of purchase and sale of the slaves and in front of the bankers aswell, and there they learnt how hard was serve his new master and they had tohave a very inventive mind to avoid be punished by him, however be fucked bythose that once had been their equals was something that they didn`t like butthey had to endure it.

Now they are in the beach andthey know that they will have to sexually serve their master's guests, but theyhave the hope to please him and stay servicing in the house, fortunately forthe female she still has that opportunity but the fate of the male has alreadydecided and how much time he has left is going to be very hard and painful,working ceaselessly from sun rise to sun set to make his master each time morerich, and all this happens for the foolishness of not having check that someslaves transport that have been sold in other country was going to come intothe country and stay for more than twenty four hours, but without thesemistakes there would not be slaves, so this kind of foolishness were theprincipal cause that the slave markets always had merchandise to sale.

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Next: Chapter 193: Chicos Tontos 17

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