Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 11, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to findgrammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have triedto write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding


There is nothing like to be onvacation taking with you your slaves, however not always is easy travel withanimals, since they are considered between the animals with the lower category andtransporting them implies many problems for their masters.

In the countries where the blackshave the government control the whites have been degraded to animals thatrequired be vaccinated, and go through monthly medical checks up to can receivingthe free diseases carriers certification.

Some time ago the slave dealershave been imported white animals from other nations, since the countries thatare under the blacks' government already all the whites have been enslaved andnow they breed their pups under their masters' strict control.

Regardless that there are a hugequantity of white slaves the black master always want to buy exotic animals andthis is the reason why the whites are imported in huge quantities, even many ofthe whites that are in countries that are controlled by the blacks, areexported with the intention to keep an equilibrium in their genes when themasters want to breed them to avoid that the pups have a congenital disease.

The black masters always werelooking to make that the white slaves remembered that once they were free andeven they had the government control of the countries where they were slaves,but as always their behavior had been arrogant and belligerent and they endedup being dominated, and now the superior black race had put them in the placethat they deserved and even some times the whites saw movies to see what theymaster were telling them was true.

For the slaves that were imported from othercountries that still were controlled by the whites and had been enslavedbecause their behavior had been considered rude or antisocial, it wasn'tnecessary that they blacks remembered them those things, because they wereregretting to have done foolish things and now never than ever yearn for theirlost freedom, and they perfectly remembered how their lives had been before beenslaved, even they told that to the skeptic white slaves that had born being slaves.

All the slaves that weretraveling with their masters to other countries need to have temporaryexportation permission, and this permission wasn ´t issued by the authorities ofthe slaves' origin country if the authorities of the destination country didn'tissue a certificate that was a visa, on which the slave was authorized to stayon the country for a limited time and they had to specify when the slave had tobe embarked to be sent back to the origin country, and only was allowed thatthe slave traveled to other country different of the origin when the mastershown the document that authorized to take the slave to other place that wasn ´tthe one from the slave had arrived.

The impressive and muscled blackmaster has decide be on vacations in an exotic island and he leased a cabin inan isolated place because he didn't want be bothered by anyone, because between the activities that he had planned was fuckedhis naked white slaves on the beach and he didn't wanted offend anyone havingsex with his white animals in a public place.

In this occasion he traveled withtwo animals that he keeps naked all the time, only the cooker when is cooking isallowed to wear an apron that covers him from his waist and below to avoid thathis cock or balls might touch accidentally his meals, although he haspermanently depilated their bodies and only he has allowed them to keep theirhead hair, but furthermore to avoid that they had oral or anal sex between themhe has put them on chastity.

The twenty four years old darkbrown haired white male slave who has the frying pan on his hand and is wearingthe apron but he's showing his fleshy butt is the cooker, and he's worriedbecause he was gone where his master is without permission and the master islying on a beach bead that is over the peaceful water of the sea shore, he'swearing a white swimsuit and sun glasses and he's sunbathing peacefully withhis eyes closed, inside the frying pan is the snack that the slave just has cookedfor his master but he knows that his master has bad temper whit his slaves, sohe's afraid that when he tells him that his snack is ready he's going to be madat him and spanked his butt, because he knows that he has a powerful hands soif he's spanked he's going to be suffering for several days, but the shamefulthing for the cooker is regardless that he has a muscled body although it can't be compared with his master's body,he's going to end up crying like a baby and begging his master to stop anddon't hurt him anymore.

The other slave is a dark brownhaired twenty years old white naked boy, and he has a girlish appearance sincehe has a slim body and he has long hair that goes below his shoulders, he'sstood beside his master with a dish with apples and peaches, and his littlecock is hidden inside of a stainless tube where is locked, while his smallballs inside his scrotum can be seen.

The two slaves are desperate tocum so they have the hope that their master fucks them later, so the huge cockcan stimulate their prostates and they can cum since they had blue ballsbecause from days they hadn't ejaculated, because their master had preferredfuck other slaves, despite that they are hurt when the gigantic cock stretchedto the maximum their little and pink anuses, and since they had arrived to thebeach their master had been visiting different slave dealers establishments andhe had fucked many of the slaves that were there, and when he was back in thecabin he wasn't in the mood to fuck hisslaves, and he only wanted that they gave him pleasure with their tongues orhave a massage.

However the slaves' wishes soon are going tocome true because their master is going to fuck them on the beach, but for thewretched white animals they are going to keep having the blue balls because hismaster is going to prohibited them to cum, and this is one of the things thatthe master loves to do with his slaves, since he knows that keep them inchastity and forbidden them to cum keeps them more attentive to his needshaving the hope that their masters allows them cum soon.

But the master on that moments isnot thinking on his two slaves that are servicing him, since while he's restingon the beach, he has decided to buy four exotic white animals that were beensold in two different slave dealers agencies because the two couples areidentical twins, the four slaves have tiny cocks and balls and he has thoughtto give the first identical twins couple to his first born son, so he can takethem with him to college and they serve him in whatever he might need, and theother couple to his nephew that has beenas a soon for him.

The four slaves are eighteen years old blondmales, and despite that they had tiny cocks and balls they had fleshy, smalland rounded buttocks and only with see their ass cheeks the desire to fuckthose white animals awakens, furthermore that their pink anuses are tightregardless that they are not virgins, so instead to go home with two slaves,he's going to arrive with six, but the time to fuck the two animals that areservicing him has come, enjoying the excellent weather and the sunshine day, he's going to cum inside his animals and leftthem with blue balls and frustrated because they can't cum.

Yes definitely life is good whenyou're in the top of society and you're the master.

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Next: Chapter 191: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 16

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