Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 11, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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He had just escaped from the cage where he was kept and he was trying torun away from his captors, he didn't know where he was because he never hadseen that they kept in cages naked people.

Hecould scape because while he was being masturbated someone put water into hiscage closed the door but he forgot padlocked it, and fortunately for him anyoneof his caged mates released that the door was locked but not padlock it and hedidnt say anything, and when he had the opportunity to escape he opened thedoor while the other caged boys were surprised to see what he was doing, and hedidnt allow that anyone else could go out and he closed the door putting thepadlock, and he promised to the caged boys that he would go back to rescuethem, although he hadn't the intention to do it, and only he said that to avoidthat the other boys could betray him.

Whilehe was running away naked he saw how other boys that were locked inside thecages were taken out by strong guards from the cages and beating them wereforced to be in full fours while mature, adult and even teenage males that wereelegantly dressed put down their trousers and underpants and brutallypenetrated them by the anus, while the cries of pain and weeping were mixed withlaughter, expressions of astonishment, contemptuous or appreciative comments,and grunts of pleasure from those who were raping and torturing the haplessboys that were taken out of the cages, and that without their knowledge theywere being evaluated by the possible buyers, to measure the quality of the meatthat they wanted to buy.

Hecouldn`t understand how any person could enjoy the suffering of other humanbeen and much less enjoy in raping those that were helpless, even if one of thehapless boys that was going to be raped tried to rebel, was merciless beaten bythe guards and dragging him was taken into a small cage where was put intogether with other slaves that also had put resistance, and there the bodieswere one over the other, and even the cocks, balls and buttocks were over thefaces of the others caged occupants,

Forfew seconds he stayed hypnotized looking at the horrendous scene where how theinnocent boys that crying were begging to leave them alone were mercilessraped, and suddenly he released that he also was naked and he might face thesame fate if one of those well-dressed creasy people wanted to use his body.

Also he knew that he had to move immediatelyand look for that huge and creasy place exit, but the main question was whereto go since he didn`t know where the exit was due that when he went into thatplace, he did locked inside a container together with part of the boys that hadbeen with him inside the cage, because later other three more containers hademptied their cargo leaving the naked boys in the same cage where the boys ofhis container were locked disoriented and frightened.

His despair about he didn`t know where to gowas bigger each minute that past by, until he saw a truck with other containergo out behind a wall heading to an area where there were more containers withthe naked bodies of boys and girls locked in the same cage, then he walked tothe wall where the truck had went out thinking that there was where the exit ofthat damn place was.

Whilehe was walking around the place he was observing how both boys and girls wereraped, and he forgot that he also was naked until he felt itch in one of hisballs and scratched without thinking twice as he had done several times insidethe cage, but he was so used to do that in front of his cage mates that thiswasn't a shameful thing for him, but one thing was be locked in a cage withother boys, and other very different was walking naked in a place full ofdressed people where the only ones that were naked were the boys and girls thatwere being raped.

Thenbeside to be looking for the exit hiding to avoid be seen, he also began tolook for something to cover his nakedness with, and the good luck was smilingat him because when he arrived to the wall where the truck had come out, hefound a truck driver's briefs that were drying on a drum that was taking ashower, so he stole them while the truck driver was giving his back to him andhe went to hide and put them on, and he began to feel more secure because atleast he wasn`t naked anymore and wearing the briefs they would think that hewas a free boy and not a slave that was looking for where to take a shower, and felt lucky to didn't be naked becausewhile he was running he found thesebriefs, but he heard voices and he puthis back on the wall trying to don't be seen.

He knewthat he was in a place that not much people were there considering where theykept the people naked and caged because almost he couldn't hear voices.

Theheat was very strong and dry so he knew that he was in the desert and soon hewas going to have the need to drink water.

Littlehe knew that was impossible that any slave could escape from that place, andthe security guards already knew where he was and soon he was going to becaptured and that night he was going be sold in the black market.

And Hisnew master was going to pussify him so he can be the sex toy of his son and friendsand also of the field slaves in the barracks.

Next: Chapter 189: Victimas 16

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