Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 20, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thescouts were visiting the school around the world looking for new animals tocapture and sale into the black market, the nations were very worried becauseeach year an impressive number of teenage boys were lost and they didnt knowwhat had happened with them, many of them believed that they were kidnaped tobe sexually abused and then they were murdered and their bodies buried in placeswhere they couldnt be found, or their bodies fanned to the bottom of the seaor lakes for what would had happened to them was a mystery.

Thescouts could be the same students, teachers, administrative employees, guards,coaches, high executives, janitors, or any other person that had access toplaces where the teenage boys were naked to take illegal photos of them in thatvulnerable situation, and send them to the different data bases in the blackmarket, and they could be offered as a first class virginal meat, and if a possiblebuyer were interested in one of them then be kidnaped and sold in an exorbitantprices, or in many occasions the illegal human meat trader kidnaped them, andthey were taken into their installation to be sold illegally in the blackmarket public auctions or in other occasions they were offered by internet.

The illegal slaves traders each time were morewealthy due to the sale of the young wretched slaves, but they had very simpleways to avoid that the authorities discovered the source of their illicitprofits, and that was having business where slaves that had been legallyenslaved worked and the profits for the illegally sale of slaves were hiddeninside the legal profits that they had, so for the authorities was very harddeterminate if the origin of the profits were legal or not because the businessstructure were in such way, that made that the legal business hided in theirprofits those that came from the illegal business, having between them intricate financial transactions that wasimpossible for the authorities detect something illegal.

Thisblond eighteen years old boy was the son of one of the illegal human fleshtraders and for several week he had been closely watched by a scout who workedfor a rival of his father, one of the not written rules inside the young flesh illegal commerce wasthat any trader could enslave and sold illegally the son of other illegaltrader, that rules generally was followed and in very few occasion was broken,and this only happened when a trader didn`t know that the boy that had beenchosen by him to be offered on sale inthe black marked was the son of the other trader, but on this occasion the boyhad been chosen intentionality due that he trader wanted take revenge of theboy's father, because he had done that he lost a lot of money when he wasoffering on sale a slave that was requested by a customer but the boy wasn'tavailable because this boy's father had already sold the slave, although thatthe picture of the boys had been already uploaded in internet indicating thatthey were being offered by him.

However the father of this new young slavedidnt respect that set aside slaves and he sold them as he was the one thathad discovered them, making that the other trader lost money, an in fact he haddone that several traders lost money on that way, and however that loses couldbe recovered easily with the sale of one salve, they didnt like lose thatincome because other trader hadn`t respected the game rules.

Theboy was taking a shower in his school after have been practicing his favoritesport tennis, when he felt that something stuck in his buttock, so he look athis right buttock and he saw that he had stuck a dart, immediately he took itout while he saw how one of his schoolmates was laughing at him showing the boythat it had been a joke, the boy was so mad that told to his schoolmate thatalso was naked that he was going to take his revenge, and he had thought toldhis father about what that boy had done, and despite that he didnt know thathis father was part of the illegal young slaves commerce, he knew that his fathercould make that this boy paid dearly his audacity about had shooting to hisbuttock a dart, but what he never imagined was that his naked body was going tofall on the wet floor in few seconds more and that he and his attacker werealone in the locker room, so the scout didnt have to worry that someone hadseen what he had done.

Nowthe blond boy desperately hopes that his family can rescue him from the hellthat he has been living since he waked up after he was kidnaped.

Hedoesn't speak his captors' language so he doesn't know that he's being preparedto be put on auction in one hour more.

Sincehe waked up inside of one of a ship cargo compartment inside a cage with manyother boys of different ages they have kept him naked, and to be allowed to drinkwater and eat he was forced to do things that for him were repugnant, such assuck cocks, lick balls, kiss other boys and his captors, swallow someone elsecum, lick feet and armpits, even be bathed with someone else urine and don ´t beallowed to risen off for several hours, and the more disgusting off all rimmingothers and don't be allowed to take a way his face when they were farting and ifhe dared to take away his face, he was cruelty punished, but what they neverdid was fuck him because he's going to be sold as virgin.

Inthis moment he's having an enema, but like never before someone had putsomething into his body by his anus, added to the pain that he felt when thehose was put into him, now he's in pain while the water is filling his guts. Little this slave knows thatthe enema is something that he'll have on a daily basis and in one hour morehe'll be lost forever into the slaves' world without any hope to be rescued.

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Next: Chapter 179: Victimas 15

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