Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 13, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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After he lost in the Millionaire Contestand be enslaved, this slave was taken to an auction center, but his behaviorwasn ´t what was expected of him, so one of the possible buyers complained abouthis behavior and now he ´s being punished.

He used to be a truck driver andhe was in very good shape, so he thought that he could win the MillionaireContest, however as many other he lost and now he ´s facing the consequences ofhis decision.

The company that he used to workfor is interested to buy him, because they want to keep him as a truck driverbut now, naked, chained to the truck's wheel, but the chain is going to be largeenough to allow him walk around the truck, and the company wants to experimentwith him to see if they can use slaves as drivers, so with this measure theymight save on wages, lodge, clothes and social security.

Right now his former bosses arewitnessing his humiliation and punishment, and many of them are thinking abouthow they could enjoy that meaty butt.

As the all other losers of TheMillionaire Contest they were stripped in front of the audience that were inthe place and in front of the TV cameras, so everyone could see their fall anddegradation while the purchase bids were arriving to The Millionaire Contestslaves sale center.

The first to be sold inexaggeratedly high prices were several whites boys between the ages of eighteenand twenty that were bought by the parents of those that had been their formerschoolmates, and nobody could understand the foolishness that those boys hadmade to register in The Millionaire Contest considering that their parents weremillionaires and they could give them all what they wanted.

However the foolishness to wantto show that they were men enough to be millionaires by themselves leaded themto don ´t considerate all the risk that The Millionaire contest entailed, and theywere competing against other males that were stronger and bigger than them andthe result had been that they had lost and had been enslaved.

For this white truck driver thethings were going very good when he saw the kind of contender that were in thatcontest, and he thought that very soon he was going to be the new millionaireof his county and the envy of his friends and many more.

This black haired twenty three yearsold white slave boy was the cause thatthe snotty millionaire rich boys were the first to be enslaved that day,because the contest allowed that if a contender crossed the path of the otherone they could do all that was on their hands to get his enemy out of thecontest.

The truck driver's strategy would have been asuccessful one if he hadn't be focused into eliminate all those snotty boys ashe used to called the rich teenage boys, because when he began again to climbthe mountain he had lost many time and other contenders as strong as him has taken over himconsiderable advantage.

But never the less for the other contendershappened what wasn't avoidable and while the mountain was smaller in theheights, they began to cross their paths and fight between them, and that madethat the truck driver began to recuperate the lost time although othercontenders chosen to climb up by the mountain's hard part.

When the truck driver saw thefinish line and after looked around to see that no other contender was cominghe felt that he was the winner, and with more determination than ever decidedto climb the mountain thinking that he had already won, but when his hands wasready to touch the rock that would declare him the winner, with horror he sawhow other hand was touching first the rock's top side and then he was thesecond place and became a loser and therefore in a slave, however he had beenthe first to touch the rock in the lower part of it and was a discussion aboutwho had been the winner.

But the rule said that the firstto touch the rock and all the judges could see that would be the winner, butlike the judges were seated in different places some of them had seen when thetruck driver had touched the rock on it base, while other hadnt seen it andonly when the other contender had touched the rock's top part, and like therules didnt allow use the replay the judges didn't arrived to a final conclusion,and they decided to postpone the decision until the next day.

Meanwhile the judges asked to a judged thatissued a enslavement order to enslave the two contenders and then they could beexhibited naked so the audience could make they purchase bids, and only thewinner would receive his freedom back and the luxury house and the millionairemoney amount.

However the judges couldn`tarrive to an agreement so they took the decision that was the audience whomdecided the criteria to decide who was the winner, and at the end the publicdecided that the contender that had defeated stronger contenders than him andthen they were enslaved was the winner, then the truck driver was enslaved andhis opponent was the winner.

But the truck driver neveraccepted his defeat and each time that was inspected by potential buyers in theauction center, he was impolite with them and he didnt allow them touch hisbody, so the auction center's authorities gave the order that one of the femaletrainers punished the slave with the paddle in front of those that until oneday a go had been his patron, and leave the slaves buttocks red, while severalguards were watching closely that the slave didnt try to do anything foolish,besides the salves had been threatened if he didnt allowed to be punished thenhe was going to be castrated, so the desperate slave didnt have more optionbut moan, cry and beg to dont be hurt anymore.

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Next: Chapter 174: Hora De Cobrarselas 15

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