Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 5, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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After a hard labor day lookingfor food and feeding the herd's pups, these two wild whiteys have gone deeperinto the wood so they can have moments of peace and tranquility. Both males have already drunk breast milk tofortify their immunological system but now they need get the proteins thattheir bodies need, and only other male can produce. Sot the young whitey is getting from theolder whitey's body sucking his cock and at the same time giving him pleasure,and later he is going to allow the mature whitey do the same with him, howeverthey also are alert to any strange sound to run a way immediately if necessary,but have sex has been one of the main causes why the whites specially the maleshave been captured, due that in a given moment they are not putting attention aboutwhat is happening around them and that allow the black hunters to get closeenough to throw their nets or shoot them darts, but the quantity of wildwhiteys wandering in the woods is so huge that doesnt matter how many arecaptured by the black masters, always they found more and the source thatsupplies the wild white animals markets that had been tamed nerve ends. Thedark brown haired thirty years old herd's leader has taken care to pregnant allthe females that are part of the herd, and the youngest males and weaker thanhim are desperate for sex, his animal mind first recruited females which he waspregnant and every time that a newfemale arrives to the herd he exercises his right as the herd's leader over herand he fucks her to get her pregnant, then he began to recruit young males thathave been wandering in the wood alone since the members of the herds that thatthey used to belong had been captured by the black hunters or in their flightthey wandered alone, frightened and hungry in the forest, and when he found them immediately he fucked them no matteringif they were virginal or not and with that was enough to be member of the herd.But the discipline that was exercised inside the herd was very strict, the mostimportant was get the food for them, the pups and the females, the herd wasdivided in three groups, those that had to go to fish, those that had tocollect fruits and vegetables and those that had to go to the places where theblack master lived to get the food from the garbage dumps or if was possiblesteal them form the houses, many male and females pups had arrived to the herdbecause they were lost, and immediately they were accepted as herd's membersand they were protected being them feed, and if a member was considered a pupcouldn't be sexually molested by any herd member and this was a rule that hadto be obeyed by every member, and his animal mind told him that the pups werethe herd future and they had to be protected doesn't matter what they had todo, but keep an eye on the pups wasnt an easy task, because the male pupswanted to follow the steps of those males that were considered adults, becausethey thought what they did was very exiting when they heard the stories aboutthe black hunters, and keep an eye on the female pups was an easier taskbecause they were more docile and always they were with the older females andgenerally they didnt move away from the herd. But be the herd's leader hadmany responsibilities and one of them was to take sexual care of those malesthat were part of the herd so they could feel that they were important to theleader that was guiding them, and the best way to show them his affection becausethey had done a good job getting the food for the herd's members that weretheir responsibility as well as if they had followed the rules was have sexwith them, on in the other side show them his annoyance if they hadn't done agood job, and for the herd members was very important feel accepted, loved andfed by their leader because every week they lost at least a member that washunted by the black hunters. So for these the young eighteen years old blondmale that only few weeks ago had been considered an adult his turn to be fed byhis leader had come, the boy is happy and is willing to show to his leader thathe also knows how to give pleasure to get the man's milk that his leaderproduces and gives him the proteins that his body needs, and after be fucked byhis leader and then offers his young man milk that his body produces to the manthat he loves most because he has taken care of him and has shown him his loveboth philos and Eros, and for the leader take the herd's male member to theforest in front of the other males to reward him is very important, while thepunishment for the members that have failed to meet their duties the punishmentis in front of the herd members both males and females. What these two wildwhite animals dont know is that never again they are going to feed each otherand the leader never is going to fuck the blond boy because the young whiteanimal is going to be hunted by the black hunters, becoming one more loss forthe herd, but very soon another lost young homeless naked white male animalwill take his place. Meanwhile worriless the young white naked animal isministering his beloved leader glands with his tongue while the leader iscaressing his silky blond hair in preparation to feed the boy and fuck him. Feedbacks, comments and ideas arewelcome sent them to

Next: Chapter 172: El Concurso Millonario 15

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