Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 9, 2017


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This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Theirparents were living in other country, and they didn ´t want take with them theirsons because they were in danger to louse the scholar year. The boys were freeto do whatever they wanted without being supervised. The oldest brother was avery popular boy in his school but he had made some foolish debts with hisbrotherhood members and now had to pay a lot of money. All his friends told himthat the bet was forgotten because they liked him and they knew when he wasdrunk he did foolish things, but to his misfortune one of them the one that hehad to pay more money than the others he wanted his money and he threatened himto send some goons if he didn ´t pay him in two days. The boy tried to get themoney but he couldn ´t and when the time was up he didn't have more option to goand tell him that he didn ´t have the money. His creditor told him to sell hisyoung brother as slave to him, and from the sale price he'll discount the debtand even with that he'd have a huge profit but if he refuses he'd have to pay theconsequences. When the oldest brotherheard the proposal for him was an absurd idea that he had to sale his youngerbrother as slave even though the youngest brother was a nuisance he loved himand was unthinkable that his little brother become a slave and much less theslaves of someone that he knew, so he said to his creditor that he was going tothink about what he had proposed but the boy told him that he had a week tothink it better because if he didn't sell his brother as slave then the thugswould hurt him beside that he was going to be the slaves instead of hisbrother. The first days the olderbrother did not pay much attention to what the boy who had threatened him wassaying, but several members of the brotherhood told him that his creditor wasserious and that he had better get the money or else He ran the risk of beingenslaved. The desperate boy kept looking the way to get the money and pay thedebt but he couldnt understand the reason why the other brotherhood memberdidnt want to forgive the debt as the other brotherhood brothers, and althoughthere was no way to prove that he owned the money and legally he couldnt beenslaved by several brotherhood member that had heard that his boy hadillegally enslaved several school teenage boys that as him had bet and lost,and that he had sold them in the slave black market and never again had knownof them make him a very rich, powerful and feared boy, and his desperation waseven bigger When the time he had given his creditor was ending and there was noday that did not remind him that he had to pay his debt or that he would facethe consequences, and although several times he had tried to reason with himand even begged him to forgive the debt just as the other members of thebrotherhood had done, this boy didn't want to listen him, and the closer was the day that hehad to pay he was more nervous about hisincapability to get the money, and even he had begged to the brotherhoodmembers to lean him money to can pay, but such was the amount of money that hehad to pay that he couldnt raise the money that had to be paid, and despitethat he told the boy that he already had got part of the debt the brotherhoodmember told him that either he paid the hole debt or he would have to bethinking of be a slave servicing cruel masters because that was the kind ofmasters that bought slaves in the place where he would be sold. Now we see hisbaby brother naked wearing a collar sucking one of the brotherhood members cockwho is naked too so the new slave can give pleasure to every part of his bodyeven he'd have to rim him. When his older brother sold him his new master donatedhim to the brotherhood and now he has many masters. The wretched brother wassleeping placidly and carefree in his room the night before the day that hisolder brother had to pay the debt unknowingly about the terrible future thatwas awaiting him for his brother's foolishness, the older brother made all whatwas in his hands to save his brother from slavery but he couldnt get the moneyand now he had to take a decision that for him and his brother was going to beof life or dead, or become a slave and face a life of humiliation and sufferingor make that his brother was who face that kind of life, and at the end thecowardice to face that cruel and inhuman destiny made him take the decisionabout enslave his brother instead to face the consequences of his deeds. The older brother had to give up to his rightas brotherhood member because he knew that we wasnt be able to see his youngbrother naked and servicing as slave to the other brotherhood members as soonas he knew that his creditor instead to sale his brother in the slave blackmarket, he had donated him to the brotherhood to serve all the members asslaves leaving him penniless for his brother enslavement, and now the onlything that he had to do was lie about his younger brother was not going to theschool anymore to those students and his brother's friend that asked him forhis brother, and when his parents come back and ask where is he the olderbrother would say the he ran away with a girl.

Next: Chapter 156: Foolish Boys 14

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