Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 9, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thisboy candidate to be a Titan is in serious troubles, despite that he hasacquired good muscles his muscles haven ´t developed enough to be considered asa new member of the Titans, his trainer that is on his left has an impressivemusculature, and right now he is excessing with two steel bars that are hanging outside of the Slave ProcessingCenter (SPC) cell where his students will have sleep, since right now is indoubt that he can be accepted as a Titan, and to show the candidate that he'sin serious troubles they had shaved his pubes and only they have left very small hair strip over hiscock base. The eighteen years old blond boy candidate is the son of one of themost distinguish Titans members, and had taken his son to The Forbidden Citybecause he was sure that he wasn ´t goingto have any problem to be a Titan, but the time that each candidate has to firstapprove the physical test is over and now he has to show that really he'sstrong enough to can keep going on in his training, since is impossible that hecan be accepted as a Titan with the Physic that he has now, but if he showsthat he has much more strength on his muscles than his body is showing , thenhe's going to be evaluated by his knowledge that he had acquired and if heapproves that evaluation, he'll have other chance to develop his muscles. Theimpressive tanned thirty five years old white bald trainer that is the bestfriend of the handsome candidate's father and since the beginning he offered totrain the boy, has an impressive stomach where all his muscles are perfectlymarked, his pectorals look like two solid rock mountains and his dark nipplesare remarked on his skin, his impressive arms and biceps arte the twice of theboy's, and while he's opening and closing the two bars that are hanging fromthe celling outside the candidate's cell, he's very concentrated in what he'sdoing and even on his forehead can be seen the force that is applying. Whilethe candidate is naked such as the rules establish when a candidate is not inpublic places the trainer has his torso bare but he's wearing shorts, and withthe exercise he ´s trying to hide his deception because he knows that thecandidate doesn't have any chance to succeed in the physical test that he'llhave to perform in front of the committee that will decide his fate, and heknows that the boy will be enslaved, but the boy is not who worries him but ishis father because he doesn ´t know how he ´s going take the news when he'sinformed that his son has been enslaved because he failed to get the physicthat was required to be a Titan. The candidate doesn ´t know yet that he's fewhours away to be enslaved due that his father took him to live in The ForbiddenCity and like he knows of the Titans existence, he can't be allowed to go backto live with his mother and sisters, he is stood on his feet outside his celland he ´s wearing a black cap that the SPC guards gave him and he couldn ´t takeit off while he's outside the cell and the cap indicates that he ´s going to beenslaved, however he has his hands on his left buttock while he's looking at itand his face is showing confidence because he thinks that soon he's going to bea Titan, without knowing that his reality will very different because he's going to be a despicable slave thatnever again he's going to take decision by himself, and instead to give ordersas his father was expecting, not only he is going to receive them but also heis going to have to obey blindly if he doesn ´t want to be severely punished.The boy's trainer doesn ´t want to see the boy's face because he is afraid thatthe boy could see that he's worried, and what the trainer wants is that the boysleeps well without any worry because he know that this is the last time that the boy will be inpace, since once he's enslaved his life is going to be full of fear andanguish, and the sad thing is that somedayhe's going to get the body that he needed to be a Titan but is going to be toolate for him. But the trainer also knows that he's going to be punished becausehe failed that the candidate was accepted as a Titan, considering that he wasthe one that had asked voluntarily to train the boy. The Titans Knew that notall the candidates could be accepted as one of them, and the slaves also werenecessary to keep working their brilliant minds and superb bodies society, butas this society demanded perfection, the trainer was in troubles since he hadoffered to train the boy and he had failed, and if the Candidates Departmenthad assigned the boy to him then he wouldn ´t have any problem, but like he hadchosen the boy now he had to face his punishment and he didn ´t know what itmight be, while the boy that was going to be enslaved the next morning wouldhave to open and close the heavy steel bars twenty times, and his trainer thatwas a powerful man has having troubles to do it, the boy never will succeed onthat task.

Next: Chapter 154: Victimas 13

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