Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 2, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thewhitey that is on the right was brutally put a part from his parents when theblack masters would take them to their new home where they would be givenclothes to cover their nakedness after hewas living with his family for several days into one of the may Reunion Centersnaked and in the open air. The black masters that after the war were thewinners and now they rule the country had classified the pup as mature enoughto be sold, and although that the pup tried to fought to stay with his parentsone discharge on his body of the cattle prod that now was applied to the whiteslaves was enough to control him. The pup doesn't know that he's going to besold as slave but he's crying with sorrow because he wasn't allowed to be withhis parents. Other whitey that is naked as him that arrived one day before tothe auction house where they will be sold and that he's also unaware about whathis future will be is trying to comfort him, but he couldn't avoid have anerection due that since his arrival the black master haven't allowed him jerkoff, and some potential buyers that are watching them in a place where they can'tbe seen are mocking about the older whitey shameless behavior that only can becompared as an animal. The young eighteen years old dark brown haired crackerjust separated from his family had gone to live with his family to othercountry because his parents were afraid that the blacks would win the war, andalthough they didnt know that the blacks had in mind establish the slaverythey didnt like the idea of being governed by the beings that they as whitesonce had dominated and subjugated, so when they go to live in another country madethem feel safe without knowing that storm clouds were forming over them, andthey would have to go back to their country that would be already controlled by the blacks and that all theirbelongings would be confiscated. After the whites lost the power was an exodusof the white people to different countries so the blacks closed the borders toprevent that the whites fleeing the country and the blacks began to confiscateall their properties even their money, and they were sent naked to the ReunionCenter where after they would be sent to the Maturity Centers where they wouldbe trained as slaves or to the auction centers to be sold. The first arrestwere made in the schools and at work and later they were made in their homesand in the moment that the whiteys were arrested they were forced to strip infront of the other whiteys that hadnt been arrested yet and they took them tothe transports at the sight of all to take them to the called Reunion Centers.But the new black government offered a juicy money quantity to the othergovernments that had given asylum to the fleeing whiteys to be deported totheir country, as now they needed the white slave for their society to functionbecause there were no longer black slaves and the other countries agreed todeport families that instead to be contributing something for their societythey were taking a way jobs from their citizens. Whoever this white teenagedark brown haired boy's father had established a business and gave work to manycitizens of the country where they were living, but as a politician of highrank wanted the business put the family in the deportation list, which onenight was taken from their luxury mansion and sent in cattle wagons to theborder where the black guards of their country were waiting for them, and assoon as they crossed the border were arrested and stripped and again in acattle wagon were sent to the ReunionCenter, living naked and in the open air together with the other whiteyfamilies that had been deported or arrested. The small family of two sons, thefather and the mother were living together for more than two months completelynaked along with other whitey families that were in their same situation, butas the males and females were together naked the sex between the teenagers andthe adults were very common but they fucked in secret, and unknowingly that wasthat the black masters wanted since for white females at the time to being soldif reached a good price had to show that they were fertile, and the best thingto do was sale them pregnant, even the whitey males that were in that ReunionCenter had homosexual sex males with males and females with females, but when ablack guard caught a male having sex with other male they were put apart andthe next day they were sent to the auction centers or to the Maturity Centers,since a male reached a very high price specially if he was young and when his hole was virginal. Theseparation day was for the teenage boy a brutal one because they were nakedinside the transport where the black citizens could see their nakedness andeven they were making fun of them, but as they were supposed to go to their newhome and they were not going to be naked anymore that did not care unknowinglythat they had given one step more towards the slavery and they were going to besold as slaves to the black masters. The transport stopped in a street wherethere were mansions and both his brother and his parents got off the transport,the first to get off was his naked mother who had excellent body and her onlydefect was that she had small tits, and behind her get off both his father andhis brother that were naked as his mother, but he has been on the far side ofthe transport because he had been the first of the family to be taken to thetransport, but like other whiteys came he was separated from them, and when hesaw that his parents and brother were getting off the transport withapprehension and pushing the naked bodies that were between him and the cageopen door he tried to get off, and when finally he reached the door it hadalready been closed, and with horror saw how his father, mother and brotherwere wearing a collar and his hands had been chained to a chain that was ontheir backs and also saw how a man was fingering his mother's pussy and severaltimes the man did that until he made his mother moan and smiling the man hadsaid that the female was a whore since she had reached the orgasm, then he sawwith incredulity how his father and brother were jerked off beside that theiranuses were fingered and also saw how they ejaculated, while the black man wasobserving the cum amount that was on the floor and smiling said that those twomales were going to be used as stallions to breed the new slaves generation,the boy was frightened for what he had heard but he didnt want to be separatedfrom them, so he tried to climb the transport's cage to get off and be withthem when he heard a black guard tellingthe man that had fingered his mother's pussy and had jerked off and fingeredhis father and brother anuses that in the transport was a pup that alsobelonged to the family, and also he heard that the man said the he wasn`tinterested in the pup, so the man took in his hand the chains of his familymembers that were attached to their collars and taking them naked as if theywere animals by the street began to walk away, the boy in his desperation tried to climb the truckload wooden walls tobe with his father, mother and brother without mattering that they were slaves,but a black guard when saw what the naked white boy was doing he gave him anelectric discharge with the cattle prod and made that the boy felt down overother naked whiteys that were in the transport and that also were terrifiedbecause now they knew what was awaiting them. Now the dark brown haired teenagesalve boy and the older black haired slave boy that has a hard on are a fewhours to be sold and begin a life of suffering and humiliations where their feelingsare nothing, and where his mouths and anuses are the ones that will decide ifthey are sold or not, and the young slave who also has begun to have a hard onis crying because he knows that never again he's going to see his family, unknowingly that what he's thinking is not true, because for his masters funhe's is going to fuck his father and his brother and also he's going to befucked by them, because his new master is the brother of his family's master,and even in the near future he's going to pregnant his own mother and his sonalso will be a slave.

Next: Chapter 150: The Millionaire Contest 13

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