Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 4, 2017


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This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Sincehe was enslaved his life has been anightmare, he was bought by his family and he was happy because he thought thathis life as slave would be much easier but he was very wrong now his handler ishis little brother that is eight years younger than him. When the slave knewthat his little brother was the one that would be controlling him he was happybecause always they had had a very good relationship, but when his brother toldhim that all the time he should have to be naked and under any circumstances inthe house or in public places he was allowed to cover his nakedness, while theother slaves were allowed at least wear clothes in public places, he releasedthat he was in serious troubles. He tried to talk with his brother and make himunderstand that allowed him wear clothes in public. But his brother punishedhim in a brutal way and now he's frightened of him, then he tried to talk withhis father but he refused to talk with him arguing that he was a slave and hehad to do what his betters and especially his masters told him to do. Now he'swatering the garden but like his young master called him, he turned his head tosee what he wanted, and the most feared thing has come, he is going for thefirst time out of his house and he has to be naked, his young master is takinghim to the shopping center where his former friends and classmates reunite andthe worst of all is he can't ask his brother to allow him cover his nakednessbecause his bother has not bought him any clothes, and the worst of all is thathis young brother will take on his hand the lash that controls him and this is the beginning of what his brother has planned for him, buthis desperation was so big that he decided knowing that he might be severelypunished by his father go and talk with him, and although he had to go back towork in the garden to keep it well cared and beautiful his father accepted tosee him but not in his office but in the place where his little brother haddecided that he had to sleep. When the slave arrived his father was alreadywaiting for him and warning him that was better the he had something reallyimportant to tell him, otherwise not only his little brother was going topunish him but also he was going to be sent to the Educational and CorrectionalCenter for Male Animals (EDCOCEMA) to be taught how to behave as a real salve.The enslaved son knew that what he was going to say to his father although forhim was very important for his dad wasnt going to be, but anyway he knew thatas soon as his little brother had found that he had gone to talk with hisfather he was going to be punished so he thought that he hadn't anything tolose, so getting down on his knees with tears on his eyes asked his fatherabout didnt allow his younger brother to take him naked to the shopping centerand much less allowed him to take him as a pet being carried by a chainattached to his collar. The father kept looking at his eldest son who had beenhis proud until all his illusions had disappeared when he had been enslaves andonly he told him that he now was a slave, and he couldnt feel shame to benaked in public since as slave he had always be happy and accept with joy to doall what his masters ordered him, beside also he remember him that had been hisfault have been enslaved, then the desperate slave remembered to his fatherthat almost all the slaves that went with their master to public places werewearing something and only few were taken naked, his father was thinking forfew moments about what his son had told him, and he told him that he was goingto think about that, but also he told him in a harsh way that a master couldtake his slave naked in public places and his little brother was who now was oncommand on his life and he had the right to take him naked if he wanted. Theslave couldnt understand why his little brother was so cruel with him, even hehad heard his little brother said while he was talking with one of his friendsthat if the slave was good behaved he wasnt going to exhibit him naked infront of his former friends, although under any circumstance he was going toallow him to cover his nakedness because as slave his social status was lowereven than the animals, but since he couldnt no longer make decisions in hislife, he was grateful that at least if he was going to have to be naked all thetime no one of his former friends would see him naked and especially the onethat had been his girlfriend and her friends, and he had done all that had beenon his hands to please his brother and despite the cruelty with he was treatedby his kid brother, he submitted to his brother whims even he had lowered to befucked by him as long as he wasnt exhibited in public or at least he use tothought like that, but he couldnt understand why his brother had changed his mind if he was sure that hehad been a good slave. So the blond slave went back to work on the well-keptgardens, and each time that his mother went to inspect it although he wasntthere because she didnt want see him naked,he knew that if something displeased her she was going immediately to complainwith his younger brother, and he would be merciless punished making him screamin pain and humiliation and even cry begging him to stop, so always he made hisbest effort to keep his mother happy in the way that he took care of thegardens, but while he was working in the gardens his former little brother andnow his master called him and he turned to see him, and he told him that wastime to go to the shopping center because he wanted to do some purchases and heneeded a slave to carry on all that he wpuld had bought, and on his hands hehad the chain that was going to be attached to his collar, and with desperationhe turned around to see if his father was nearby with the hope that he couldstop his former brother, but his brother with a malevolent smile told him thathis father wasnt there and he was goingto take him to the shopping center, and then to the EDCOCEMA to be taught torespect his betters' decisions and accept them without complaining, and on thatmoment went into the back yard his former girlfriend with his former friendsand they mocked at him because now he was a despicable slave, and who now washis former girlfriend's boyfriend took the chain and attached it to the collarand he was taken naked to the street, and he was seen by several guys that hadbeen his former schoolmates so theycould witnessed his degradation, and his brother smiling told him that hehadnt to worry anymore to be naked in the shopping center because already hisformer friend had seen him naked in his master's house, and the slave thoughtthat he had been a foolish boy because not only his brother had exhibited himnaked but also he was going to be taken to be tortured at the EDCOCEMA, and wasvery probably that his former friend were going to witnessed how he wastortured, and after he went out he would have to kiss the feet and genitals ofeach former friend that would be there, and even to many of them he was goingto suck their cocks and lick their balls and thank them because they had taken himto the EDCOCEMA to teach them to be a better slave, and the reason why he wasenslaved was because he was fucking his little brother and both brothers hadsworn to keep the secret and never told their parents about what they weredoing, but like the little brother was the bottom one day when the boy asked hisenslaved brother to allow him to fuck him but he refused telling him that he wasthe older brother, the boy was so mad that he said what was going on to hisfather and the father was so mad that he decided enslave his older son and gavehim as compensatory gift to his younger son, and then the boy despite that heloved be fucked by his older brother when he saw that the power to take revengefor his brother insolence about didn`t let him fuck him he fucked his enslavedbrother, but he was thinking to do it only once, but then he loved had thepower over his older brother and treat him as a trash was something that hereally loved and since then he was mean with him, knowing that was his slaveand he was helpless to protect himself from him.

Next: Chapter 135: Chicos Tontos 12

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