Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 30, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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This white eighteen years oldblond boy that was considered as pup and that was just few days away to go outfor the first time to get his own food and the pups that was going to be hisresponsibility, is still sedated afterbeing taken from the town's streets where he was captured into the Tame Center.The black masters has already put the collar on his neck and the vet haschecked him, however before he ´s put in training he ´ll have to be circumcised,because his prepuce is so tight that every time that the pup has an erection hefeels pain. Despite that the pup has not been tamed yet he has already boughtby a farm that it business is the white pups born in captivity sale and thesemen and ovules as well, so as soon as he has healed of the circumcisionthey'll begin to milk him so he can produce new pups for his master, and saleit to other farmers interested on the white slaves breeding. However this pupsis going to stay several months in the Tame Center until he ´s broken anddocile, then he'll be taken by his black master to his new home and in additionto be a stud, he is going to perform other task under the watchful eye of hisoverseers. The pup as many others had gone with the teenagers that wereconsidered as adults to look for new places where they could get their food,since the much more experienced adults had told them that wasnt good that allthe herd members went to the same place because they could be seen by thehunters that were the black guards. The herd was so big that the adults hardlyhad enough time to keep an eye on the pups that were independent and they couldmove freely, so they hadnt more option but trust in the young adult thatweren't pups anymore and they were capable of get their food by their own to lookafter of the pup that were ready to be considered as adults, beside thatthemselves had to take care of the younger pups that were capable to walk andeasily they might walk away from the herd. The herd's pups that were ready tobe considered as adults and the teenage boys that were already adults were veryobedient about what to their parents and the more experienced adults told them,however on that day instead to wait for an adult that could go with them theydecided to go alone to find a new place where they might find their food, andin their inexperience they were saw by a black teenage boy whose father wasdedicated to wild white animals reproductions and always was looking for havein his breed farm new whites and specially the blond ones to offer to hiscustomer and his specialty were the blond white young animals, so father andson began to follow the naked teenagers without they released that were beingfollowed, and when both the pups and the teenagers considered as adult weretrapped in the street, the farmer began firing darts with sedatives and severalof the naked teenagers were hit by the darts and although that desperately theywere running through the streets the naked bodies began to fall in the streets,although this blond teenager wasnt hit by the darts, he kept running in thestreets trying to flee from the feared hunters without releasing that insteadto going to the forest he was going deeper into the village, but his panic wasbigger when he passed by a school and several black students when they saw thenaked body past and they began to follow him making made that his panic wasbigger than ever. This wild pup would have had a chance of escaping if he hadnot been blond, because the farmer left dropped on the street the naked bodiesof the other white teenagers that werent blond and that had been hit by thedarts to chase the blond boy, even he let that other pups could escape to havethe chance to hunt the wild blond boy and add this naked young male animal tohis collection of other specimens that he already had in his breed farm, andalthough at first was difficult to shoot to the naked teenage boy for thestudents that were persecuting him, the farmer could make a shoot that hit him on his right buttock and whitingfew meters the naked animal's body collapsed in front of the police station.Once this wild boy is in training and healed of the circumcision he's going tobe immobilized on a chair with stirrups and he's going to be milked merciless,and as the other wild white males that are in the breed farm they are going toinject stimulants into his testicles, so he can produce daily a huge quantityof semen and tadpoles (spermatozoids) so his semen production can be copiousand his master can begin to get profit from this beast even since the momentthat he's being domesticated, and when he's sent to the farm several femaleswill be pregnant and gestating his pups.

Next: Chapter 114: Victims 10

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