Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 30, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Hisfamily was late and they arrived fromthe restaurant at the same time that their guest. The dinner is ready and thehouse is spotless, as such as he was told, and even his little brother orderedhim to change his collar for one less heavy but with a leash attached to it,and he had to wait for the guest knelt on one of the reception hall chairs witha smile on his face looking at the main door. The slave didn't have more optionbut obey, but now he feels more vulnerable than ever because he wasn't allowedto keep his pubes, because he would be the waiter that would serve to everyonenaked the dinner dishes and considering what he's going to do that is normalhave shaved that part of the body because they don't want that any hairaccidentally be on the food. Also one of the guest is the contender thatdefeated him and every member of the family is eager to listen all the detailsthat the TV cameras couldn't show. His little brother also told him that theguest could touch any part of his body and was included fingering his hole,jerk him off, play hard with his nipples and balls, and even they could takehim out to walk on the street by the leash around the neighborhood, thing thehe feared because is very humiliating for him that his neighbors might see himnaked, so for the slave was going to be a long night and he hopes when this isover they allow his pubes grow again, but he knew that they won't because thepubes is a symbol of maleness and he's not a man anymore. When the guest wentinto the house they were surprised to see the boy that once was his relative nakedand with a smile on his face, but what caused them an unpleasant impression wassee him with a hard on, since despite he was now an animal they expected thathe had some dignity and that his behavior showed some common sense, the slaveboy was embarrassed for that but for more that he wanted to tried to avoid theerection he couldn`t, then the guest that had defeated him in "The MillionaireContest" smiling went where the slaves was knelt and he began to play and pinchhis nipples a with a condescending smile told to everyone there, that wasnormal that animal like him did that because like he was naked he wanted thateveryone saw his naked body exhibited and get the people that now were his better approval, and he askedpermission to slave's former parents to allow him take him out to the street soall the neighbors could see the slave in all his glory naked and they could seehis exposed body closer and those that wanted even inspect him. The youngerbrother with a big small agreed but he told his guest that was better that theydine first, since the slave was going to be the one who was going to serve thedishes and the walk could be prolonged and the less he wanted was that theguest were hungry. So the son that once was his family pride and now was nakedonly wearing the collar that identified him as slave was serving his relativesboys and girls even younger than him included, and he had to endure thateveryone touched his must intimate body parts in addition to hear theexaggeration that the boy that had defeated him was saying to the dinersdelight, who without showing any consideration to what had once been hisrelative ordered him to bring things many times at the same time, and as hecould not write what they asked and sometimes he was wrong or forgot the order,the little brother authorized to the offended guest smack the slave's buttocksevery time he made a mistake, and while the slave screamed in pain and hisbuttocks were getting redder by the punishment although sometimes he had donenothing wrong, that was amusing the guests. For the slave the dinner lasted aneternity because of so many spankings that the guests gave him, but especiallythe younger ones who enjoyed hearing cry out to the helpless slave and thenhaving to thank them for correcting him, the tears were running freely on hischeeks and that made his little brother angry, who rose from his chair and gavehim a strong slap that made the unhappy slave feel dizzy and had to recharge onthe wall to avoid falling. But for the slave the worst was yet to come, sincewhen he was taken out to walk on the street through the neighborhood several ofhis former school mates went out their homes and forced the slave to put aparthis buttocks so they could see his pink hole, furthermore that many of themfingered his hole and masturbated him and even many times his prostate wasstimulated and made him cum, and that made that the boy that was one of hisformer cousins having hold the lash took off his belt and strapped the wretchedslave on his buttocks for his shameful behavior, while all the neighbors thereincluded girls were laughing at the wretched slave, and when at last he wastaken back home still the most humiliating act was waiting him, since all themale guest went into a room and the guest that had defied him fucked and cuminside him, and when all was over and the guest had gone the only thing thatthe slave was thinking was to please his little brother in whatever he wantedto see if that could be punished , even though deep inside of him he knew thatwas not to be possible, and he cursed the day that he decided to sing up for"The Millionaire Contest" at the gymnastic event, and his only hope now wasthat his little brother was tired of him and wanted to sale him so perhaps hecould have a better life serving others.

Next: Chapter 112: Salvajes 10

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