Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 23, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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These four white students are intheir exclusive school detention room; three of them are already naked and onemore is being stripped by the prefect that belongs to the black race. The fourwretched whites were accused by the black students that now are majority in theschool to refuse to move and allow a black boy walk where they were, and thatwas enough to the school ´s principal to put them under arrest. Two years ago ablack candidate won the general election to be president, furthermore that hegot the congress control because also the majority were integrated by blackcongressmen, since then the laws beganto change giving to the blacks more right while the whites were losing them.The expensive and exclusive schools were the wealthiest white boys used tostudy began to receive black boys, something that never would had happened ifthe government would had been controlled by the whites. Other change thathappened was that all the whites were taken out of the corporations, factories,business and enterprises executives jobs and they were put to work on the lowerjobs, furthermore that their bank accounts were confiscated making that in justminutes from be rich or belong to the middle class were the poorest of theirsociety. Many whites wanted to sale their houses to get some money and can havea better life, but the blacks issued an order where their properties wereexpropriated and then the white began to be sent to live in a very poor zonenamed by the blacks "The Ghetto", there the houses were built with woodenboards that were nailed with bear nails, the houses didn ´t have bathrooms sothe new white inhabitants if the wanted urinate, defecated and even take ashower they had to go to the communal bathrooms that were located on eachcorner and one more in the middle of the ghetto, the bathrooms didn ´t give anyprivacy, since where they shit and urinated only were long boards whit manyholes and the holes were over other holethat had been dug in the ground where the shit and the urine fell, and there were four boards a long side ofeach communal bathroom without any division that gave them any privacy to theinhabitants, so they had to seat one beside the others, for those that were infront of the walls, and those that werein the middle was back to back and side by side, the shower area was the same,the cold water went out from pipes that were above their heads, and the showerusers were stood side by side if they were in front the boards or face to faceand side by side if they were in the middle, but rather the showers and theboards to urinate and defecate were together and the smell of the place wasnauseating, due that the body wastes were storage in the bottom of the holethat had been dug in the ground and the body waste couldn ´t go out. The white inhabitants dived the bathrooms twofor the men and two for the women, and the bathroom that was in the middle wasused for both the males and the females,furthermore that they had gang to take out form the bathrooms holes the bodywastes with buckets, although that only it can be done one day per week and theghetto administrators were very careful that the rule was followed as it wasestablished, furthermore a whiteys gang that were chosen by the ghetto blackadministrators were on charge to patrol the place to avoid that they might havedisturbs, also like the houses didn ´t have pipes the water that they need towash their clothes and dishes were brought in buckets and the dirty water ranby furrows that had been dug in the streets, so even to arrive to their homesthey had to walk over the mud and endure the nauseating smell, so any whitewanted to live there and much less their children although they couldn ´t avoidthat, but they felt very fortunate when one of their children were allowed tokeep studying in the school since if they were good students they have apossibility to go out of the country andaspire to have a much more better life somewhere else. But for these four whitestudents that opportunity is over, two of them are eighteen years old, other istwenty and the last one is twenty four, The twenty four bald boy after had beenstriped his hands were cuffed on his back and now he ´s looking with desperationa way to go out of the confined and log room, that only has one window on theback ground. The twenty years old black haired boy has been gagged and hishands and legs were tied together over his buttocks and he's lying on his stomachon the floor naked without can move. One of the teenage eighteen years old boythat is seated naked on a wooden bench edge is looking at the closed door thatis front of him trying to understand what he did wrong, since he wasn ´t in theplace where the black boy was offended, but like one black student had saidthat he was there it was enough to put him under arrest without anyinvestigation, and the last teenage eighteen years old blond boy is over theblack prefect legs lying on his stomach while the perfect is taking off hiswhite briefs after he had taken off the rest of his clothes, and as apunishment because he refused to obey the order to undress, he's going to bespanked and the prefect will give him fifty smacks with his palm hands on eachbuttock, and after that he'll dance the spanked dance lifting up his legs andrubbing his buttocks. The whitey that isimmobilized and the other that is cuffed were punished like that because thefirst hit a black student and the second one tried to do the same. The fourstudents at the end of the scholar day are going to be pick up by the SlavePolice and taken to the Slave Processing Center, where the eighteen years oldboys are going to be put on auction and the other two as punishment because onehit a black student and the other tried to do that are going to be castratedand be taken to work in the mines.

Next: Chapter 104: Victims 9

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