The Paths End

Published on Jul 22, 2023


The Path's End Chapter 9

The Path's End

Revised Version

By Vic James

Copyright 2017 & 2021 by Vic James

This story has been heavily revised, beginning with chapter two.

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This story is fiction. None of the characters are based on real people.

This story takes place in the same universe as my stories Plan of the Shusheen, Son of a Wolf, Being Pack, Protecting Pack, and A Winding Path. It is a sequel to Protecting Pack and A Winding Path. You should read those two stories before you read this one. Plan of the Shusheen explains how three genetically-engineered shifter races were created.

Warning: this story contains incest scenes.


Lobo walked to the kitchen and took a bottle of water out of the drink fridge. Luke, one of Tom's mates walked into the room. Luke was angry.

"What's wrong?" Lobo asked him.

"I heard you were back," Luke said to him.

Lobo frowned.

"That's upset you? Why? I have no designs on Tom," Lobo said.

"No. It's not you. Shit! Fuck!" Luke said.

Howard walked into the house. He walked over to Luke.

"Calm down," Howard said to Luke.

Nick, Chris, and Nicky joined them. Ed introduced the Kostas to Luke and Howard, who'd heard all about them from Alephin.

"What's going on? Why is Luke so upset?" Lobo asked Howard.

"Alephin wants us to encourage Tom and Jack to take other security guards as mates," Howard said, softly to Lobo. "Bobby has you and Ed. Tom and Jack need the same constant protection."

"Oh. Well, they do. And Alephin wants to bring security in-house, so being mates is possible," Lobo said.


Lobo understood why Luke was upset. It was bad enough just knowing your mate might acquire another mate. But 'encouraging' it was much worse.

"Alephin would prefer that Tom, Jack, and Bobby each have at least three security pros as mates. That way we can have three eight-hour shifts," Howard continued. "You know twelve-hour shifts aren't ideal."

Lobo groaned. That meant Bobby would be getting another mate. He knew he shouldn't be surprised. Bobby could have several more mates. But he would have less time with Bobby. He understood why; Alephin was being practical. Then Lobo realized that if they had three shifts, it meant that he would have more time with Bobby, shared time, but still... That was an upside!

"Does that mean Bobby will be getting another mate?" Nick asked.

"Unfortunately, it does, Nick," Ed said.

Nick groaned. Chris looked at Nicky, who seemed fine with it.

"Bigger orgies, huh?" Chris asked his big brother.

"Exactly! And in case you haven't noticed, the security men are all very hot."

Ed grinned at Nicky.

"And that means he wants Tom to take on two more mates," Luke said to Lobo. "I've been training, but I'm not a pro!"

"Alephin is trying to keep our mates and the rest of his pack members safe. You know that, Luke," Howard said. "There were two, but now there are three incredibly valuable targets, all right here in this house. One single location for the three most valuable Vin-Ta prizes in the world. Cucco is dead, but reason for the danger still exists. He can't ignore that. Besides, we've talked often enough about Tripod."

Luke sighed.

"Is Seth here?" Lobo asked.

"Yeah. Well, he works for Hephin, actually," Howard said.

Lobo knew Seth got the nickname Tripod from the size of his cock. Lobo had met Seth, but he'd never seen his cock. He wondered if the man was bigger than him. He hoped not, especially if he was going to be Bobby's next mate.

"It's only a matter of time before another like Rod gets into the pack," Howard said to Luke.

"It's true," Lobo said. "Even though Edvard Cucco is dead, the people he knew he could sell to are still around. And they still want the three brothers."

Luke looked resigned.

"How do you feel about it?" Luke asked Lobo.

"Well, I wish it didn't mean getting another mate, but I understand Alephin's reasons. There is no such thing as 'safe enough', where my mate is concerned."

"Do you think Tom is going to ask them through the gloryhole if they want to be his mate?" Luke asked.

"What a horrible thought," Lobo said. "Don't think that way! Alephin will probably pick them, and based on ability. He won't want Tom or Jack choosing a mate based on the shape of their dick or the taste of their cum."

Nicky almost laughed.

"Oh, fuck!" Nick said.

"The idea is to keep them safe," Lobo said.

"How are Jack's mates taking the news?" Lobo asked.

"About like us," Luke said. "Dave already knew. As a matter of fact, Dave suggested it, which is why he could remain here and skip the meeting. Keith and Jerry don't like the idea any better than I do."

"I noticed Dave left as soon as I got here," Luke said.

Lobo laughed. "You'll probably have trouble finding him for a while."

"I know you don't like it, Luke. At the risk of making you angrier, if you were a, you'd approve," Lobo said to Luke. "You are thinking like a jealous mate, not a security professional."

Luke frowned. He was silent for a moment. His face fell.

"I see your point," Luke said.

"Your age has something to do with it, too. You've led a very sheltered life," Lobo said.

Luke was about to disagree. He'd been homeless for quite a while! But it was true the security men were a lot older and all of them had fought in at least one war. Lobo had fought in three.

"The men you will be going up against may have had centuries of training," Howard said to Luke, who reluctantly nodded. Luke shook his head. He'd never catch up. But then, he didn't have to. Tom would have a full security team guarding him and Luke would no longer have security training. He could spend more time with Tom. There was an upside!

Lobo turned back to the Kostas.

"Now what are we going to do about beds. We've got another mate coming!" Nick said.

'I guess he'll have to sleep in Ed and my bed. One of us will always be away, on duty," Lobo said.

Nick nodded.

"Nelson, this is Alephin," Alephin said, on a speakerphone. Bobby sat on the other side of the desk from him.

"What the fuck do you want, you fucking pervert?" Nelson said.

Bobby was outraged. Alephin shook his head and mouthed, 'Calm down'.

"I want several minor things, but first I want to make an offer and introduce you to Bobby Mitchell, the brother of Tom and Jack."

Alephin pointed at Bobby.

"Hello? This is Bobby."

"What is going on?" Nelson said.

"I was rude earlier and I regret it," Alephin said. Nelson made a rude noise. "I asked Bobby to give you a pup and he agreed. His mates agreed, too. He is willing to get pregnant immediately. It's up to you. He will not pretend to be female, however. Believe it or not, most gay men are not ashamed to be gay. Bobby isn't. Now Bobby is only eighteen and he doesn't understand the situation between us. Please don't take out your hostility towards me on him. He just arrived here, he thought he was human when he woke up this morning, and he wouldn't understand. He's a young, innocent pup. I've got you on speakerphone. Bobby, do you want to introduce yourself? Tell Nelson a little bit about yourself. If you do give birth to his pup, I'm sure he'll want to know something about its mother."

"Hello, Bobby," Nelson said.

"Hi. Well, let's see. My stepfather, Nick Kostas applied for a job here as an anesthesiologist. He had no idea what the place was, but not long after my mother died, he stopped going to work at the hospital. People kept telling him to get on with his life—"

"It's very easy to give advice like that," Nelson said.

"But he'd lost two wives and he was very depressed. He didn't want to get fixed with everyone's friend or relative. He hadn't worked for a while when he happened to come across the job offer. He wanted to get out of the house we were living in. His first wife died while they were living there, too. The job was far from anyone we knew. No well-meaning friends would keep telling him it was time to jump back on the horse."

Nelson sighed.

Bobby wondered if he was boring him. "Should I keep going?" Bobby asked.

"Yes, Bobby."

"Techupawa is far from everything. That seemed to appeal to him, for some reason."

Nelson laughed. "No. It's not far from everything. There are plenty of alligators nearby."

Bobby was alarmed. "Are there really Alephin? Do we need to look out for them?" Bobby asked.

"No. They live in water, Bobby. In lakes, not bathtubs."

Nelson snickered. "Unless they get confused."

"I should tell you that after my mother married Nick—that was a few months ago, I fell in love with my stepbrother Nicky. He had a brain injury several years ago due to a car wreck. He had trouble communicating because of the brain damage. I could always understand what he meant from just a word or two. Now I think that is because we are mates, but I'll get back to this morning. Anyway, Nick left early this morning, and drove here for the job interview. My two stepbrothers and I were worried about moving to the middle of nowhere. The idea of being so far away from everything wasn't nearly as appealing to us, especially to Chris. Chris is my other stepbrother. We decided to follow Nick down and check out the place for ourselves. When we got here, Alephin had already told Nick he was Vin-Ta, after Nick shifted for the first time. Alephin met us at the gate and took us to Nick. Nick looked much younger, which was very confusing, but Alephin immediately taught us how to shift. Once Nicky shifted, his brain was healed. He is completely normal. That makes today the best day of all our lives. The Vin-Ta thing and shifting is a distant second in importance. I found out after I shifted that the four of us are mates. That was very bizarre."

"Are you happy or unhappy that they are your mates?" Nelson asked.

"I'm happy. Then I found out Lobo and Ed, who are security guards are also my mates. I found out I may find more mates, which isn't exactly great news, because I don't know how I can keep all the ones I have happy. I had none yesterday and five today."

"Don't worry, Bobby. You won't find five more tomorrow," Alephin said.

Nelson smiled. The clones had been abstracts before. He was glad he was getting to know at least one of them as a person. Alephin might be planning something, but Bobby seemed to be sincere and most likely intended to do just what Alephin said.

"I also found out I'm a clone, which I don't understand. I didn't think anyone had cloned people, yet, and I'm eighteen. How could they do it eighteen years ago?"

"Bobby, you are correct that there have been no successful human clones brought to term," Nelson said. "But there are people who have been trying and failing for years. Those of us who are aware of your existence think cloning works for your race and Vin-Ta because we are easier to clone. Keep in mind that Vin-Ta and your race were created by the Shusheen. Our DNA isn't as random as humans. Our genome is shorter. That could be why clones work."

"Oh, thanks! Now, let's see... One of my mates, my stepbrother Chris, has been saying since I met him that he wants kids. But I spoke to him about this, and he agreed to wait. I don't think he expected to have them so soon, anyway, though. Um. I could tell you more, but my life before today was pretty boring. Oh! I found out after my mother died that I was adopted. I don't know why she never told me. I'm curious now how she got me."

"Would you like for me to do a little research on your behalf?" Nelson asked.

"And maybe locate another clone," Alephin said.

"What was your mother's name?" Nelson asked.

"Actually, Nelson, I'd rather get to know more about you, first. It makes me nervous to think a possible enemy knows more about me than I do."

Nelson sighed.

"Bobby, I am not your enemy."

"OK. If I do end up becoming the mother of your child, we'll be family, I guess. I hope. I'll tell you anything, then."

"Fair enough."

"Do you have any questions for me?" Bobby asked.

"Is Alephin paying you to do this?"

"I don't think so. That wasn't mentioned. It didn't occur to me to charge for it."

"You don't know me, and I doubt Alephin said very nice things about me. Why are you doing it?"

"Alephin asked. And he wants to start having social events between packs, where people could look for their mates amongst the members of other packs. Having so many mates makes me very sad for people who don't have even one. I'd like to help them."

"What's this about social events, Alephin?"

Alephin explained.

"Hmm. Sounds expensive and dangerous, but I don't hate the idea," Nelson said. "I suppose this has something to do with the fact that it is no longer safe for your pack members to leave the area. No more shopping or visiting friends in Houston."

Alephin didn't respond.

"Is that all you are hoping to get out of this, Bobby?" Nelson asked.

"I don't need anything. I'm not hoping for anything, for myself."

"Do you have FaceTime?" Nelson asked.

"I do. Do you want my phone number?" Bobby asked. Bobby gave it to him.

Bobby's phone rang. He answered it. He was surprised when he saw Nelson's face. He was very handsome. But Alephin was handsome. He guessed he should have expected it.

"I suppose I look very old to you. I am very old."

"You don't look old to me. You look handsome and distinguished. I like older men."

Nelson shook his head. Bobby wondered if he should have said that.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply you are older," Bobby said. Nelson suppressed a smile, but Alephin laughed.

"Well, I am older," Nelson said. "But...I distrust Alephin so much, I automatically assumed you were lying, when I hope you weren't."

Bobby frowned.

"I wasn't. Like I said, I like older men. My stepfather had some gray hair on the sides of his head. He hated it, but I didn't. It disappeared after he shifted. That's a shame."

"Then I thank you. You are a handsome young man."


Nelson smiled and Bobby smiled back.

"Do you have any idea how much what you are offering me is worth?" Nelson asked.

"No. But I have no use for money. Before I wanted a car, but I don't have much use for one, now."

"Security to keep you safe is very, very expensive," Nelson said.

Bobby looked over at Alephin.

"Do I need to sell babies to keep us safe?" Bobby asked, alarmed.

Alephin sighed.

"At some point, it could be necessary. But you wouldn't selling babies. You'd be charging for being a surrogate. Infertile humans hire surrogates. They certainly don't think of it as buying babies. At least I don't think they do. They wouldn't say it out loud, if they did."

"Alephin is playing word games, but he is correct in that it is not immoral in any way to accept money for getting pregnant and giving birth. Selling babies sounds disgusting and immoral."


"Alephin, I am certain you want more than a social event in exchange for this. What is the real cost?"

"Well, I thought that you might want to help keep the mother of your child safe," Alephin said.

"Help with security costs for Tom's house, in other words. And I suppose the whole camp, since we don't want them getting as far as Tom's house."

"Yes. It isn't a requirement." Alephin sighed. "After we spoke earlier, I regretted the whole conversation. I felt cocky, until I remembered we are in even more danger than before."

"Well, that's honest, at least," Nelson said.

"And I would really like us to have a better relationship. Maria used to say all the time that she wished her two favorite people could get along. It wasn't that she expected it, it was just something she wanted." Bobby began crying. "You still feel very hurt that I took Maria. This is giving something in return. Not a wife, but a child. I miss her as much as you do, Nelson."

Nelson frowned. He closed his eyes. He looked so sad. Bobby wiped his cheeks. Nelson opened his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Nelson asked Bobby,

"It's all so tragic. All of it."

Nelson was touched. Bobby seemed sincere. Alephin seemed sincere, too, but Nelson figured that was most likely fake. But he didn't doubt for a minute that Alephin loved Maria. She was his mate; he had no choice. But he could have stopped her from running alone that night...the night Alephin let a hunter kill her.

"Alephin, I had the impression that the other clones were...emotionally damaged in some way. Is Bobby different?"

"Really, Tom is the only one with major emotional issues. Jack was just raised oddly at Mountain View, the only pup in a pack of ultra-religious old-timers. Tom is the oldest clone. I think maybe the cloning process improved each time, and it's been perfected, based on what we see first with Jack, now with Bobby."

"Ah," Nelson said.

"Bobby seems..." Alephin started.

"What?" Nelson said.

"I don't want to speak badly of the others. Jack, especially. Let's just say nothing about Bobby would suggest he wasn't absolutely normal. And by normal, I mean human."

"Hmm. And maybe that was the goal. To be completely hidden," Nelson said.

"I just don't know. We know nothing about their origin or their purpose. It makes no sense that they were randomly distributed. No one would have chosen Tom's parents, who were evidently abusive alcoholics."

"They abused the boy?"

"Not so much Tom as each other. From what I found, both had been jailed for domestic violence, before Tom was adopted. If the state somehow found infant Tom in its custody, would it have placed him with them?"

Nelson frowned. It was incredible. And yet, Nelson had found out on his own that Tom's adoptive parents were alcoholics with police records.

"Someone had to go to some trouble to get him there," Nelson said.

"I can't think of another explanation," Alephin said. "I really hoped Jack's adoptive father could provide more information."

"But he has disappeared," Nelson said.

"There are no answers, only questions. And the answers may be simple. Maybe bad parents were chosen, because someone wanted them hidden, and no one would look at Tom's parents. But placing Jack with oldtimers desperate for a pup isn't a good way to hide him. Jerry and Keith's father may have known the cloners, but—"

"You killed him," Nelson said.

Bobby gasped.

"I had to, Bobby. He was trying to kill me," Alephin said.

They were silent for a moment.

"Bobby, do you have any questions for me?" Nelson asked.

"Yes. I got the impression you are homophobic. I'm gay. Are you hiding your revulsion? How do you feel about getting me pregnant? Are you going to pray that it's over quickly and you don't vomit doing it?"

Nelson sighed.

"Listen, Bobby. I'm not homophobic. I used to be, but two hundred years ago everyone was. You'll discover when you are older, things you believed were true, aren't anymore. Or maybe never were. You will change your opinions throughout your life. The Spanish Inquisition was going on when I was a child. You can't imagine how different things were. I know why you think so; I've said things to Alephin many times that may have seemed homophobic. However, what bothers me, what I think is disgusting is that Alephin requires heterosexual men to let him sodom—fuck them. That's not gay sex the way you think of it. Tell me. Did Alephin fuck you?"


"Did you enjoy it?"

"Uh. Very much."

"Did you wish for his baby?" Nelson asked.


Bobby answered automatically. That was a relief to Nelson.

"Did your stepfather and you stepbrothers want to get fucked in the ass, before today?"

"Uh. No. Definitely not."

"That means that the entrance requirement was something you enjoyed very much, and maybe even wanted. But the rest of your family was forced to do something they really didn't want to do to join. Is that fair?"

Bobby was surprised.

"Nelson, you know why—" Alephin started to say.

"I'm giving him my point of view. Don't tell me what that should be, Alephin."

Alephin sighed.

"Nelson, you charge money to be admitted to your pack, don't you? Is that fair to poor people?" Alephin asked.

Nelson ignored him.

"In my opinion, fucking men who don't want to get fucked is perverted," Nelson said. "And that is not gay sex in the way you think of it."

Bobby nodded.

"OK, Nelson."

"And there is another thing," Nelson continued. "I've found that things you were taught as a child tend to come out when you are angry. I've observed it in many people, including myself. I know a man who recently, during a fight called another man a filthy nigger. You'd think someone who said something like that would be terribly racist. But his wife, who he loves dearly, and talks about constantly is black. But he was raised by racists and all the garbage he was told, is still in his brain. I called someone a heretic not long ago. That was a killing offense when I was young. But that was so long ago that all I got was a look of confusion. If I called someone a fag when I was upset, it would be something similar. I own businesses that have many gay employees. All my employees get treated fairly. I've fired employees who discriminated against gay employees. What I'm saying is that if I use archaic insults now and then, it's because my brain is full of garbage When I'm furious, my intellect loses control and garbage floats to the top and comes out my mouth. The same thing can happen when people are drunk. Once you get to know me, and you will, you will be able to answer your question for yourself." Bobby nodded.

"Do you enjoy getting...being a bottom? Or are you a top?" Nelson asked.

"I'm a bottom."

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Nelson asked.

Bobby blushed. Nelson grinned.

"Not if it disgusts you," Bobby said. 'That would be horrible."

"It won't. Bobby, I will be thinking of the baby we are making and how grateful I am to you for making it possible. I will be trying to make it pleasurable for you. Does that reassure you?"

"It does. Thank you.

"Nelson, if things don't improve between you and Alaphin, I'm going to a lot of trouble and pain for nothing. Will you try to forgive him for Maria? If not for him, for me."

Nelson looked pained. He paused.

"I understand. Yes, Bobby. I will try my best."

Bobby smiled.

"When do you think we will be doing it?" Bobby asked.

"Is today OK?" Nelson asked.

"Sure," Bobby said. "Do you think once will be enough?"

Nelson froze. This attractive young man really did want him! To his great surprise, he found he was looking forward to the sex. When Nelson was much, much, much younger, he had fucked a friend in the ass. He had felt terribly guilty about it afterwards, even though it was consensual. But that was more than four hundred years ago. It was ridiculous to feel the same way about this.

"I think, if you wouldn't mind, twice might be best," Nelson said. He winked at Bobby. Alephin couldn't see.

Bobby grinned and nodded. Nelson was thrilled to see lust in Bobby's face. That was a little confusing. Many, many gay men had lusted after him. He hadn't been flattered by it. But then, being lusted after by the mother of your pup was entirely different.

"Maybe it would be," Bobby said.

"It really isn't necessary," Alephin said.

Nelson grinned at Bobby's expression. He seemed disappointed.

"Twice it is, Bobby. I am in Houston, right now," Nelson said.

"Oh, good!" Bobby said.

Nelson grinned. "Is it? Anyway, I will fly my jet to Techupawa."

"We don't have an airport. You must know that," Alephin said.

"I'll land and take off from the lake closest to your town," Nelson said.

"The lake isn't that large. You may be able to land, but I'm not sure at all it's large enough to take off."

""The jets angle, like a VTOL," Nelson said. "I'll be there in about forty-five minutes."

"Wow!" Bobby said.

"Would you like to fly in it, Bobby?"

"I'd love to!"

"Alephin, I assume once the pup is born, Bobby will take him to Lombardy. I would like for Bobby to be able to make regular visits, too. Bobby isn't a surrogate."

"If I don't have to worry about you trying to keep him there, and we can be sure it's safe, he can go there every week," Alephin said. "I would love to see frequent travel between the packs."

Nelson nodded.

"Alephin and I have things to discuss. You don't need to be present," Nelson said.

"You can go, Bobby," Alephin said. "Ask Rince to clean you out and tell him to use a spermicide and flush thoroughly to get all the spermicide out."

"Oh. OK."

Nelson was impressed. Bobby was charming. He was charismatic, also. And Alephin was right. Bobby wasn't merely a surrogate.

Bobby hung up his phone and left. To his surprise, Rince was in the hall.

"I heard," Rince said. "We'll do it at the clinic. That's where the spermicide is."

As they left Tom's house, Bobby asked, "What's it like having Alephin for a mate? Is it difficult? I mean because of all the sex."

Rince sighed. "Sometimes. I wouldn't want anything to change, though. I think Alephin is perfect. It can be hard to watch him fuck so many people, though. I don't mean you, especially. He has sex with many people, all day, every day. Sometimes I wish he would take a day off and only have sex with me. But he makes people happy. He made you very happy. He makes me very happy, every morning and every night. And a couple of times in the middle of the day. We have a lot of sex. He fucked me twelve times last night. But I can't help thinking sometimes what it would be like to have him to myself. But that's like wishing he wasn't an Alpha, and we could spend a month in Tahiti. I know it's better this way. It's just selfish to want him to make only me happy, when he already makes me happy. If I was happier because I knew he wasn't making you happy anymore, I would feel bad about myself. That's not an improvement."

Bobby put himself in Rince's role and Nicky in Alephin's role. He remembered talking to Dave about Nicky hypothetically paying attention to Jack, and getting jealous. But couldn't Nicky make both he and Jack happy? Would making Jack happy make Bobby unhappy? No. And why should Nicky stand around and wait for him, if he was having sex with Lobo or Ed? It wasn't like Nicky was human and he could only have sex a few times a day. When Bobby was through with Lobo, Nicky would be through with Jack, and they would be together. And they would be just as happy as before.

"What's it like to give birth?" Bobby asked Rince.

"It's very easy. It's nothing like a human birth. There is no pain. It is uncomfortable being pregnant, towards the end. Your balance is messed up, aand the baby makes you feel very bloated. But I wouldn't spend a moment worrying. I worried a lot and I've had much more unpleasant times at the dentist."


Rince gave Bobby several enemas. Bobby felt kind of strange having Alephin's mate washing sperm out of him.

Once they were finished, Rince walked him back to Tom's house.

"Thank you for being so nice to me," Bobby said.

Rince laughed. He hugged Bobby.

"You are doing a wonderful thing for the pack and for Alephin. Thank you, Bobby."

Bobby found Lobo and Ed in the den. They stood up and grinned at him. The Kostas walked into the room. Nicky hugged him.

"Nelson will be here in about half an hour," Bobby said.

"What? How is that possible?" Lobo asked.

"He was in Houston. He is flying his jet here. He's going to land on a lake, here in the pack.

"I didn't know you could do that," Chris said.

"When you have as much money as he has, lots of things are possible," Lobo said. "I guess we can assume he's eager."

"I still have trouble believing men can have babies, but we saw some while you were gone," Nick said.

"How do you feel about carrying a stranger's baby?" Nicky asked.

"Well, he isn't a stranger anymore. We had a nice talk. It looks like Alephin is getting everything he wants," Bobby said.

"Which is?" Ed asked.

"Friendly behavior between the two of them, protection for us, and travel between packs for mate-less folks."

"What specifically did they say about protection—security?" Lobo asked.

Bobby thought for a moment.

"Alephin said he thought Nelson would want to help keep me safe. Nelson said he supposed that meant securing Tom's house. Then he said, he supposed it also meant helping secure the entire pack, since they didn't want anyone to get close to Tom's house."

Lobo grinned. "He didn't object?"

"No. Not at all."

"I only caught part of that," Tom said, joining them. "Will you repeat it?"

"Of course."

Bobby filled Tom in on the conversation with Nelson.

"Wait. Everyone needs to hear this, especially the security part," Tom said.

He gathered everyone together. Bobby repeated what he told the Kostas, Lobo, and Ed. It was obviously very good news to them.

"He can afford it, from what I hear. He's incredibly wealthy, isn't he, Lobo?" Howard asked.

"Yeah. I expect he's a trillionaire."

"A what?" Bobby asked, shocked.

"Dad, when you home school Bobby, don't forget math," Nicky said.

Bobby punched Nicky's arm, laughing. Nicky wrapped his arms around Bobby. Bobby leaned his head on Nicky.

"Nelson is so fucking rich, I heard when someone said something would cost eighty billion, he said, 'Is that all?'" Lobo said.

"Wow. I hope my kid will loan me money, if I need it," Bobby said.

They all laughed.

Alephin and Rince walked into the room.

"Have you told everyone everything?" Alephin asked Bobby.

"Yes. I hope that's OK."

"Of course. I would have told you if there were things I didn't want repeated."

"Nelson is really helping with security?" Tom asked.

"Nelson is assuming responsibility for your safety," Alephin said, grinning.

"Assuming responsibility?" Howard said. "He doesn't mean by taking them, does he?"


"That's huge! Does this mean money is no object when it comes to security here?" Lobo asked.

Alephin grinned.

"That is exactly what it means. 'Whatever it takes, even if it's billions,' was what Nelson said."

Everyone grinned at each other.

"We aren't charging him anything for giving him the pup," Alephin said. "I asked him to help keep the mother of his pup safe. He volunteered the rest. He knows what we are offering is worth."

"And you aren't enemies, anymore?" Bobby asked.

"We are going to make an effort to be friendly, even if we find it impossible to be friends. You impressed the hell out of him, Bobby. He was a little worried about telling pack members you were the mother of his pup. But by the time the two of you finished talking, he said will be proud to introduce you to his pack."

Bobby was totally mystified.

"Wow! What did you say to him?" Lobo asked. Bobby shrugged.

"Bobby, Tom, and Jack are all kind, generous men. Bobby impressed him with his kindness and his generosity," Alephin said.

"I offered Nelson a chance to smell my male members who can get pregnant, as well as two who were unable to get pregnant, despite trying. He may be able to smell a difference. That will allow him to identify males who can get pregnant among his pack members."

"Can you do that?" Tom asked.

"I haven't tried. Probably. If Nelson can, I'm sure I'll be able to."

"What two tried, but couldn't get pregnant?" Rince asked.

"Dutch and Eddie. They have been fucking each other for several months. I encouraged them to try to get each other pregnant, for the good of the pack, and as a personal favor to me. I told them they didn't have to be involved with the pups, if they didn't want to be. They agreed. Well, neither has gotten pregnant, and Dutch told me they've been fucking each other twenty or thirty times a day and wishing for babies like crazy. Dutch has even gotten drunk enough to let Eddie fist him, and push his cum deeper into Dutch's body."

"Oh, fuck, that's kinky!" Nicky said. "Maybe I should watch and make sure they are doing it right."

Bobby laughed.

"Personally, I'd much prefer to use Lobo's cock to do that, instead of a fist," Bobby said.

Lobo grinned and winked at him.

"Why did you offer that to Nelson, when you are already giving him a pup?" Jack asked.

"He didn't offer 'billions' until after I offered it. We could go broke due to security costs, now that we have three of you here. We are much more likely to be attacked, now. Neither I nor the pack have much in the way of income. We are spending reserves. I need to get money from someone. He was willing to help with security costs, because of Bobby. I hoped for more. Like not paying any of it, while having improved security." They laughed. "And it doesn't hurt us if he has that ability. If he has to try to convince old-timers to get pregnant, he will have the same problems we have. If he chooses to encourage them to have gay sex, he is basically admitting I was right, all along. I won't mind that a bit. I'd like to watch him do it."

Several people laughed. Alephin grinned.

"Is Nelson really so wealthy, a trillionaire?" Nicky asked.

"Yes. He's been earning and saving money for four hundred years," Alephin said. "Like all Alphas, he wants power over others. He is less interested in physical power, and more interested in economic and political power. I want to sexually dominate others, but only people I love. I make sure they know I love them." Bobby grinned and gave thumb ups. "I think Bobby likes my methods."

Many of the others said they did, too. Bobby noticed that Lobo and Ed did not say it. But they both seemed very fond of Alephin.

"Maybe I should tell Nelson I don't believe in premarital sex," Bobby said. They all laughed.

"Why?" Nicky asked.

"I'll get a divorce after the baby is born and maybe get alimony."

Alephin chuckled.

"I think you can expect gifts, Bobby," Alephin said. "You are giving him his heart's desire. They'll be even bigger gifts, because you said you didn't want anything for yourself."

"Now why would you say that?" Chris asked Bobby.

"To be honest, I can't think of anything I want, that isn't between some man's legs," he said, wrapping his hand around Chris' cock.

They howled with laughter.

"Any man?" Nick asked.

"Nooo. One of my gorgeous mates, although I'm extremely fond of what's between Alephin's legs, too." Bobby immediately worried about how Rince would take that, but Rince nodded his head, in agreement. Alephin chuckled and hugged Bobby.

"Bobby's breath reeks of cum," Lobo said. "Do you think he should—"

"No. I think he should meet Nelson this way. It's a reminder that Bobby has mates and a life here. I'm certain Nelson wants Bobby to live in Lombardy, where he can breast-feed and then help raise his pup. I convinced him to swear an oath he would let Bobby choose where he lives, without pressuring him. I swore an oath that I would not pressure Bobby to stay if he ever decides to move to Lombardy to be with the pup."

"Right now, I can smell you on him. Is that the message you want Nelson to get?" Rince asked.

"No. I'm glad you noticed, baby. Bobby, jump in the pool to rinse off. Then I'm afraid your mates are going to have to ejaculate in your mouth," Alephin said.

"Aaw! Too bad!" Bobby said. Nicky took Bobby's hand and they ran to the pool and jumped in. After they climbed out, they went back to the others. Then Bobby fell to his knees and began sucking Nicky.

"You each need to come quickly. Nelson will be here soon," Alephin said.

Nicky groaned and shot into his sweetheart. Bobby sucked each of them. Ed was filling his mouth with spunk when Alephin's phone rang.

"Yes. All right. I'm on my way to the lake," Alephin said. He hung up.

"That was Nelson. The plane is about to land."

"Who do you want to go with you?" Lobo asked.

Alephin thought for a moment.

"You, Ed, and Rince. Bobby, you remain here," Alephin said.

Bobby frowned.

"Is that because you want to see Nelson or the lake?" Alephin asked.

"The lake," Bobby said. Alephin grinned. "You'll have many, many chances to see it. Why don't we have a picnic there tomorrow? Lobo, can we make that safe?"

Lobo frowned. He rubbed his chin.

"It's not close to any safe locations. I hate to take too many men from the town as guards. But if we all travel as wolves, and pick a location where Bobby's face isn't visible from a distance, it should be relatively safe."

Nicky got depressed and worried. He didn't want Bobby to be 'relatively safe', he wanted him to be completely safe. But they couldn't hide indoors for the rest of their lives, which would be centuries!

"Why don't you help Bobby practice turning into other forms and other people," Alephin said to Jack. "That's his best defense."

"Sure, Alephin," Jack said.

"If Bobby looks like someone else the whole time, a picnic is safe," Lobo said.

"Good!" Bobby said.

Alephin, Rince, Lobo, and Ed left the house.

Tom and Jack took Bobby to the pool. "No mates. They will distract you," Tom said. "You have to really focus to do this."

"Alephin said for me to practice, but I don't know if I can even do it."

"We are clones, Bobby. We are exactly the same. The abilities are genetic," Jack said.

Bobby nodded, but he didn't feel certain, at all. Jack and Tom were bound to be better at shifting. He'd shifted for the first time just a few hours earlier. Jack demonstrated turning into a rock. Bobby hit the rock with his hand and jumped when Jack said, "Ow." His voice was strange, but Jack was a talking rock. Jack changed back.

"Now just close your eyes and concentrate on looking the way I just did," Jack said.

Bobby shocked all three of them when he changed into an identical rock on his first try. He became a shrub on his first try, too. Tom and Jack were impressed.

Dave and Luke brought in a small table with snacks. Bobby grabbed a candy bar. He was starving. He ate it quickly. He thanked the two men. While looking at Dave, Bobby grew erect. Dave winked at him.

"Don't worry about that," Jack said to him. "It happens and you can't control it."

"Thanks, Jack," Bobby said.

"Have you tried to shift yet?" Luke asked Bobby.

"He already succeeded," Jack said.

"Should we leave?" Luke asked.

"Bobby isn't having any trouble. I think you can stay," Jack said.

"Will you and Tom miss sucking Ed?" Bobby asked Jack.

Jack looked surprised. Tom asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"I got the impression you both enjoyed it," Bobby said.

Tom blushed.

"You can keep sucking him, if you want to," Bobby said.

Jack, Tom, Luke, and Dave gasped.

"I guess I shouldn't have said that," Bobby said.

"No, Bobby. You don't have to have the same emotional reactions Tom and Jack have," Luke said. "You may be clones, but you were raised very differently. That made you into three individuals. You have different desires and different fears."

Tom nodded his head.

"You are only offering because you have an artificial mating bond to Ed," Tom said.

"I think Nick wants to have sex with you, Jack. I wouldn't stop him," Bobby said.

Jack gulped. "I know he did, before."

"I don't understand how we can lose our mates when we all live in each other's laps. I had a long talk with Rince about sharing Alephin. It made me realize I won't lose Nick if he has sex with you, Jack. I can't lose him. It's hard-wired into us, as someone told me."

"I really don't want to talk about this," Tom said. "This is my house, and I insist on the current rule." Tom left, obviously angry.

"I didn't realize we aren't even allowed to discuss it," Jack said.

Jack shook his head.

"Of course, you didn't. Tom knows that. I didn't, when I arrived," Jack said. "But we tried it once. It didn't work. We never tried a second time."

"I think Tom feels inferior to you two," Luke said. "Especially you, Bobby."

"That's crazy!"

"No, it isn't. You seem to have grown up having sex. Tom was sexless until he met me," Luke said. "Jack grew up being told sex was evil, but he never quite believed it." Jack chuckled. "I think Tom is afraid that the two of you, especially you, Bobby, will be so much better at sex, that he will be ignored."

"Why aren't you reassuring him?" Bobby asked Luke. Luke looked irritated.

"What do you think Luke does?" Dave asked. "Do you think he ignores his mate's pain?"

"Oh. I'm so sorry, Luke," Bobby said. "I wasn't thinking. His pain hurts you. I'm new to the mate thing."

Luke nodded and smiled. "I understand. I was a complete newbie not that long ago."

"Luke, I know it's a sore subject, but maybe getting two more security mates who desire him, will make Tom feel more desirable," Dave said.

Luke frowned. After a moment, he nodded. "Maybe it could."

"Now I'm going to change into an angel," Jack said to Bobby.

Bobby laughed. Then he remembered Jack could really do that.

Bobby watched as Jack shrunk. He became a small angel, with large, white, feathered wings. He started flapping them and his feet left the ground. Jack changed back and grabbed a big bag of potato chips. He stuffed a handful in his mouth. Bobby shook his head. He'd seen it twice and still had trouble believing it. A rock, OK. A shrub, maybe. But a flying angel? It was insane. Impossible. happened.

"I could never do that. I'm too sinful," Bobby said. "I never met a penis I didn't love."

They all laughed.

"You can. We are identical. Clones, remember?" Jack said. "Just picture yourself as I was. It's easier than the shrub, and you had no trouble with that."

Bobby shook his head. But he closed his eyes, pictured Jack's angel, and felt the change occurring. He opened his eyes. Everyone was taller than him.

"You make it look so easy," Jack said, enviously. "First try, and it's perfect. Concentrate on wanting to fly. Don't think about the wings or try to flap them."

Bobby lifted off the ground, just as Jack had. Bobby felt faint. He shifted back and grabbed food, practically swallowing it whole.

"What good is changing into an angel if you become ravenous?" Bobby asked.

"Well, you shifted into three difficult things. That burns an enormous number of calories. Just shifting into one burns less. By the way, shifting into a different looking person doesn't use nearly as many. If you changed your face and your hair color, you'd barely notice the loss."

"That's good to know," Bobby said.

Bobby ate a couple of candy bars, and a small bag of chips. He felt back to normal.

"Try changing your face," Jack said. "Concentrate on looking like Dave."

Bobby pictured Dave in his mind.

"Whoa!" Dave said.

Bobby opened his eyes. "How do I look?"

"You look like me after I've been sick," Dave said.

Bobby looked down. His cock grew stiff, as he looked at his hairy belly and Dave's cock between his own legs. His chest and belly was covered with blonde hair. He ran his hands over himself.

"I want to make love to me," Bobby said.

"Thanks, sweetie," Dave said.

Bobby blushed, as Dave grinned.

"I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, Jack."

Jack sighed.

"Don't apologize or I'll feel guilty. I was just thinking about Nick. We can't help it. We just need to redirect our lust, sometimes," Jack said.

Bobby nodded.

"Why do I look so skinny?" Bobby asked.

"Because you made yourself as tall as Dave. Not only is he taller, but he is more muscular. You don't have the same body mass. You don't have enough flesh on you. You could look like a smaller, correctly proportioned Dave."

"Do that before you jack off in front of a mirror," Dave said. Bobby blushed. "But the cock looks deformed."

Bobby frowned as he looked at an exact duplicate of Dave's cock. "What are you talking about? It looks exactly like yours! It's beautiful!"

"Thanks, Bobby," Dave said grinning.

Bobby blushed, again. Dave laughed.

"I didn't mean that, Jack!" Bobby said.

Jack laughed. "Yes, you did. He's your mate, remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Try making yourself into a shorter, proportional Dave," Luke said.

"His dick will be smaller," Jack said, grinning. "Bobby might not like that. Bobby, you can make it bigger just by concentrating."

"Oh, lord!" Bobby said, laughing.

"Try it," Luke said. "Alephin said to practice."

Bobby closed his eyes. He pictured Dave smaller, but his cock bigger. He opened his eyes and grinned. He wrapped his hand around his new cock.

"Nice!" Jack said, looking at Bobby.

"Now his cock really is deformed," Dave said. "It's not perfectly sized for his body."

Jack and Bobby laughed.

"Now, why don't you experiment with making just your face different?" Jack said.

"It might be useful to choose a second face that you can shift into quickly. Don't make it the same as someone in the pack," Dave said. "In an attack, people might be aware that someone, say Nicky is in two places. That will tell them one of you is Tom, Jack, or you."

"Oh, yeah."

"And don't choose someone famous. Attackers would know Tom Cruise wasn't really here," Jack said.

Bobby thought of a guy from school he thought was hot. His name was Bob Jeffries. He concentrated on just his face. He felt a change.

"Very good," Dave said. "I would plan to use that face whenever you are off the main street in town. It only took you a couple of seconds to adopt it."

Bobby nodded.

"If I don't deliberately change back, will I stay like this?" Bobby asked.

"If you aren't trying to stay in that face, you will be back to normal when you wake up tomorrow. If you want to keep the face, you won't lose it while you sleep."

Bobby nodded.

"So if I wanted to be more muscular, I could shift and want to retain the muscles?" Bobby asked.

"Yes. But the rest of you would have to shrink, or you'd be muscular and thinner. And I'm not sure how often you would need to think about keeping them," Jack said.

Bobby nodded.

"I gave myself a bigger dick for about a week, not long ago," Jack said. "My mates preferred my original dick though, so I shifted back."

Bobby thought about giving his cock a longer foreskin. He watched it grow. He grinned as he shook his head.

Bobby concentrated on changing back to his original shape. He ate another bag of chips.

"It's so easy!" Bobby said.

"I'm not sure why it was more difficult for me. Maybe I had mental blocks," Jack said.

"Didn't Alpha George spend his time telling all of you that everything was sinful?" Luke asked Jack.

"Just about. Maybe subconsciously, shifting to other things felt evil," Jack said.

They heard voices. Bobby suddenly felt nervous.

"I should have clothes on before I meet Nelson!"

"He's here to fuck you," Dave said.

Bobby chuckled, nervously.

"Oh, yeah."

"Where are you?" Alephin bellowed.

"We're still at the pool!" Jack bellowed back.

I've received very little feedback. If you want to read more, let me know.

Next: Chapter 10

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