The Art of Love

By Cgard 43

Published on May 30, 2006


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Part 21


I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived at Art's the next evening. I mean, I knew I would be meeting Joe and Freddie, two buddies of his. They'd all come out to each other the night before at Art's initiation, but I didn't know much about them.

Joe was already there when I arrived, after I'd stopped at home to shower and change. He was probably about thirty, medium in height and weight, and had a definite 'boy-next-door' look about him. He was soft-spoken, but seemed very knowledgeable and well educated. He told me he was a high school teacher and he certainly had the demeanor for that.

He also had a very direct conversational approach with me that I didn't mind at all.

"How did you ever get Art out of his shell?" he asked after a couple of minutes of small talk.

"Actually, I didn't do much at all. He asked me one night if I was gay and I told him yes. I suppose I could have avoided it, but if I can, I'd rather be upfront with people."

"Not in my job you don't," he said with a smile. "Teachers just can't come out that way."

"Anyway, then Art started talking and asking questions and after several conversations I gave him a list of websites that I thought would actually answer his questions better than I could."

"What a great idea," Joe said. "I do think it's wonderful that there is so much information out there about being gay nowadays. Of course it's not all completely truthful, if you're into some of the story sites, but even those seem to be getting better lately."

"Those weren't the kind of sites I pointed him to," I said. "I wanted him to read about some of the modern thinking on why people are gay and how gay people can be just as monogamous and have just as fulfilling lives as straights."

"Interesting point," Joe said. "Sounds very sensible to me. Fred's not much into the Internet - maybe I should be glad - but even he might like to check out some of those places."

"After that," I said, "I waited for Art to decide if he wanted to make a move or not. I certainly wasn't trying to seduce him." Joe chuckled at that.

Art joined us with drinks at this point and seemed quite comfortable in the situation.

"I'm afraid Fred's apt to be a little bit late," Joe said. "He's been so busy lately that he has trouble getting away from the office at night sometimes.

"Good busy or bad busy?" Art asked with a smile.

"Well, when you're in customer service, busy is busy, I suppose," Joe countered.

We made small talk while we waited for Freddie to arrive. Art explained to me how he and Joe had met in college and that Joe had been a very helpful tutor for a class or two.

"It was nothing," Joe said modestly, "Though it was in part helping the guys that I convinced myself I wanted to go into teaching. I work at a really good school with plenty of talented students so it's been a pleasure."

"Did you all meet at the same time? I mean you, Joe and Freddie?" I'd directed the question to Art.

"Just about. I was in one class with Joe and right after that was the one that Fred was taking. We all met in the hallway each time.

"I think it's great that you've stayed friends all this time. I think having good friends is very important, don't you?"

"Absolutely," Joe said, "Although Fred and I were talking last night and we decided that we hadn't been a very good friend to Art by not telling him about us being gay."

"Oh, I don't know," Art said. "I'm not sure how I'd have handled it, so maybe it worked out better this way. I know I sure was nervous as hell about telling you last night."

"I know," Joe said with a quick smile. "That's why I decided to handle it the way I did. You deserved to know about Fred and me and you needed to learn it right then."

"Did you ever think I might be gay?" Art asked.

"No, I can't say that I did," Joe answered. "I thought about it from time to time when you seemed to lose interest in dating, but you never did anything to make me suspect you might be."

Fred arrived just then and he was rather a surprise. First of all, he's quite a large man - both tall and muscular - and stood a good five inches or so taller than Joe. I wouldn't exactly say 'Mutt & Jeff' but you get the picture.

He also had a very different personality. Almost bubbly, cheerful and ebullient, he was obviously gregarious and outgoing. We shook hands when we were introduced and he had a remarkably firm grip.

"I prefer Fred nowadays, Art," he said, "Makes me seem more mature." Everyone laughed at that. He turned to Art right away.

"Well, Art, you found yourself a looker, didn't you?" he said right away and I'm sure I blushed.

"Sure did," Art said with a broad and happy smile. He winked at me.

"Thank you," I said shyly. Compliments like that always make me uncomfortable but I was proud to hear what Art had said.

We finished our round of drinks and the talk turned to where we would go to dinner.

"Have you guys ever been to the Winery?" Fred asked. Neither Art nor I had and said so.

"It's a little bit further than some of the other places, but we like it because the owner and several of the waiters are gay."

That was a surprise.

"I didn't even know there was a gay restaurant in town." I said.

"Well," Joe said, "It's not a gay restaurant per se. But as Fred said, the owner and at least three of the waiters are. The food's good too."

"Well, I'm all for supporting our gay brothers. What do you say, Art?" I asked.

"Fine with me," he answered. "I'm tired of most the closer places anyway, and we need to celebrate tonight."

Logistically it worked out best to take three cars. Since both Joe and Fred had driven to Art's house, they wanted to take one car home and then meet us at the restaurant that was nearer to Joe's place than to Art's. So Art and I rode in my car and followed Fred.

Joe lived in a very nice subdivision in a pleasant, medium-sized house with lovely landscaping. It had become clear from the conversation about driving that the two men didn't live together. We proceeded onto the restaurant, which I'd never even noticed before. It wasn't overly large but it was attractively decorated.

The owner greeted Joe and Fred by name as we entered. He was a pleasant, slightly fey looking gent who I guessed to be about fifty.

"Guys, this is Henri," Fred said in his friendly style. "This is Art and this is Darren." We shook hands and all said hello.

Henri seated us toward the back of the restaurant in a large booth quite apart from any other tales. Art and I shared one side while Joe and Fred slid into the other.

We ordered drinks from a young, charming waiter I guessed immediately to play for 'our team' and perused the menu. Everything sounded delicious.

Once we had our drinks, the conversation got going pretty hot and heavy. Joe asked what I did for a living and I explained that I worked in Personnel or Human Resources.

"Oh, you're the guy who knows where all the bodies are buried, right?" Fred asked jokingly.

"It's a pretty staid company," I said, "And not a lot of bodies buried anywhere that I can tell." Everyone's always interested in my field because they think I know all the secrets. I do, but naturally I don't talk about them or they wouldn't be secrets.

"So, does that mean Art's got an inside track for that new metallurgical job?" Fred asked.

"He does, but not because of me," I answered. "He's very well thought of at work, that's for sure."

"Now you're embarrassing me," Art said with a smile.

It was a pleasant, chatty evening with three old friends rediscovering each other after their recent revelations, and one hopefully new friend getting to know the other two.

Toward the end of dinner, the conversation got a bit more personal.

"Joe and I don't live together," Fred said, "Because frankly I'm afraid my ex-wife would have me back in court to try and deny visitation rights with my kid if she found out. I hate that we can't, but until fathers get a few more rights, that's the way it has to be.

"We've talked about maybe selling my house and buying a duplex that we could share. Each of us would then have a private entrance and all that," Joe said.

"That sounds cool," Art said. "We've only talked about living together in an abstract sense. I mean I think that would be wonderful to come home to Darren every night and to share everything."

"It sounds wonderful to me," I said, "But as you said, we haven't really talked about it that much yet."

"Well, I'd love it," Joe said. "I'm rather a homebody and I'd like to have my guy with me every night. As it is, it feels like we're still dating." He smiled at Fred.

"I want it too, baby," Fred said, "Just wait until I get a few more bucks ahead so we can buy together."

"Fred insists that everything be 50/50," Joe said. I thought to myself that I agreed with him.

"I don't mean to pry, guys," Fred said, turning to Art, "But just how far along are you? I couldn't help but laugh and that got a strange look from the others.

"It sounded like you were asking how pregnant we are?" I explained. That got smiles from everyone.

"Not to tell tales," Art said, "But we've both said we love the other and well, the sex is fantastic!" Everyone chuckled.

"Oh good," Fred said with a laugh. "Never get involved with someone who's bad in the sack." Art blushed.

"I agree with you on that one, Fred," I said and we 'high-fived.'

"I admit I've never been in a really committed relationship," I said. "It's still very much in the developing stage, although Art did ask me to marry him the other night." Fred and Joe grinned.

"Yes I did," Art said proudly, "And as a I recall, you accepted." I just nodded and smiled at my man.

The conversation wound down but I could tell they were good guys and would be good friends to both Art and me.

"Well that was fun," Art said as we drove home. "Don't you like the guys?"

"Yes I do," I answered, "I think we can all be good friends and the best part is you didn't lose any friends in the process."

When we were cuddling up in bed that night, I couldn't help but think about the earlier conversation.

"You know, Art," I said, "I really am very happy with the way things are working out. I just hope you are too."

"I sure am," he said. "I'm learning each day how to love you and how wonderful it feels for you to love me."

That wasn't sex talk; that was snuggle-and-go-to sleep talk and it was very nice indeed.

Part 22


I'd forgotten that we were having dinner with Darren's parents that Saturday night. Maybe that's a good thing, as I didn't have too much time to get nervous about it. Darren reminded me of it when we woke up that morning. I'd gotten up to pee earlier and had gargled with some mouthwash, but I came back to bed to wait for Darren to wake up. He did the same about fifteen minutes later and climbed back into bed and spooned up against my back.

"It feels like you're still hard; how did you manage to empty that thing in that state?" I asked. Darren laughed.

"It wasn't easy but I managed."

"How are this morning, lover?" I asked. Darren chuckled.

"I'm great, honey, and don't you flinch when I say that."

I turned around and faced him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The first time Dennis and George were here, one of them called the other 'honey' and you flinched."

"That was different," I said with a laugh. "That wasn't you talking to me."

We both laughed then.

"Give me a break," I said, "I'm just learning about this stuff, you know." Darren leaned forward and kissed me. I tasted mouthwash on him too.

"This is really a wonderful way to wake up," Darren said, "Lying here and holding you like this."

"Does that mean you're horny?" I asked. Darren shook his head.

"No," he whispered. "I don't need to have sex every time we cuddle like this. Sometimes, just holding you is all I need to reassure me that you love me and to let you know I love you. Okay?"

I reached down and found that his dick was still at least half hard.

"Seems like this dude feels otherwise," I whispered in his ear.

"No, that's just from being so close to you. And I'm more than ready to have sex if that's what you want, believe me."

"See, that's the thing. I don't know all these things. I don't know how you feel about sex. I mean I could have sex with you every hour - well, I mean I would if I could." Darren laughed.

"I know, lover," he whispered. "We'll learn about each other day by day and week by week." We kissed again for several minutes.

"And now we'd better get up. We've got errands to do and then we go to my folks tonight."

"Oh dear," I said, "I'd forgotten about that."

"Now don't go getting nervous, babe," Darren said. "They're fine with us."

I figured out something about Darren that day. When I saw him at work during the week, he was always nicely dressed but in loose fitting dress pants. On the weekends he usually wore khakis or jeans that tended to show off his package and his ass more. Every time I looked at him when he was dressed like that, I was reminded of how sexy his ass is and what a nice package he had in front.

I figured out that's why I got so horny last Saturday when I'd sucked him off on the couch. Doing our errands this Saturday, I had the same reaction and had an almost constant hard-on. Darren noticed of course.

He'd stopped to pick up some things in the drug store and I walked around the store with him. By the time we were back in the car, he was laughing.

"You know I'm very flattered that you get so excited when we're together. I really am," he said.

"Well take me home and let me make love to you then," I answered.

"Before or after lunch?" he asked with a laugh.

"Hell, pull it out and I'll do you while you're driving," I answered.

"I don't think so," Darren said with a laugh, "But let's pick up some burgers and go home. How about that?"

We did and we ate when we got home, sharing a beer with the food. Then we went back to the bedroom.

Darren sat down on the bed, but I got on the floor in front of him and starting massaging his package. He stopped me when I reached for the zipper.

"You can undress me, but I want to be in on the action this time, babe. I want to do you too."

Let's face it. It's much more efficient to undress ourselves and we were soon naked on the bed. We were both hard and after some minutes of kissing, I figured the time had come for me to 'put out.'

"Darren, show me how you prepare your partner for anal sex."

He looked at me questioningly.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded.

"I'm sure I want to know. And while I'm more than a little nervous about it, I know that I want to try doing anal that way." His eyes appraised me for about half a minute.

"Okay," he said quietly, "But I want you to realize that you're putting your faith in me. Do you feel confident enough for that?" I nodded.

"I trust you more than anyone I've ever known, and that's saying a lot."

"Okay," he answered. He got up from the bed and went into the bathroom and returned with a towel. He had me move so he could spread out the towel and then he got a bottle of lube from the nightstand drawer.

He got back in bed and stretched out right next to me.

"First, Art, I want you to know that I love you. I will never hurt you and I want you to promise me that if you ever want me to stop doing something you'll tell me right away," he said.

"I love you too and I believe you. Thank you for that."

"And," Darren went on, "I promise I'll stop doing anything that hurts you. Trust me."

We kissed, starting slowing and then building up to a quite passionate level. I could feel his hard-on pressed against my leg and I don't think I've ever felt anything harder.

"Roll over and pull up on your knees, honey," he said quietly.

When I'd done as told and was on my hands and knees, he moved behind me and started massaging the cheeks of my ass.

"My God, you've got a sexy butt," he said. Then slowly he began to kiss me all over down there...on each cheek, and then along the channel between my cheeks. Then I felt his tongue slide up and down that channel. I thought I'd pass out, it felt so good.

"Oh God, that feels so good," I said. He just made a funny noise as he continued licking me.

He directed his attention to my hole, using his tongue to wet it and poke at it and sometimes just lapping against it. It was so hot I thought I was gonna come right then and there.

Luckily he moved ahead before I lost it. Darren reached for the lube.

"This is going to feel cold, but it will warm up in a minute, okay?" I nodded.

I felt his finger touch my hole, as I'd felt before, but this time he was using quite a lot of lube and seemed to be pushing it into me. It was a wonderful sensation, like when he'd fingered my prostate on other occasions.

After he'd been sliding that finger into me for a minute or two he spoke again.

"Now I'm going to try a second finger. If it feels uncomfortable, push down like you're 'going.' Relax, babe." I felt the second finger enter and was amazed that it didn't really hurt at all. Of course fingers aren't that big, but it didn't hurt. After a few minutes, I felt him add a third finger. That one got my attention. It didn't exactly hurt, but I could feel the muscle stretching to accommodate all three digits.

"Doing okay?" Darren asked. I answered yes and said that I was fine.

He continued to stroke those fingers in and out of my hole for a number of minutes. It actually felt pretty good and I forced myself to relax as much as I could.

"Now lie down on your side, honey," Darren said. He guided me into position where he was spooned up behind me. I heard him open a condom packet and the sound of more lube going someplace, and then I felt the head of his cock at my hole.

"Relax as completely as you can and trust me, Art. There may be a brief pain but if it's anything more than that tell me right away. Okay?" Darren said. I answered that I understood, and then felt the head push into me.

It didn't hurt, but it certainly did feel strange. The finger stretching had obviously done the job because there was just the feeling of being 'filled.' I could almost feel Darren watching my face for any reaction.

He pushed a little bit further in. There was still no pain, but more of that very full feeling. He moved very, very slowly, pushing in and easing back. It took quite a few minutes.

"You okay, babe?" Darren asked very calmly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered. He kissed me on the shoulder.

He continued, moving ever so slightly in and out for a number of minutes. At last, I felt his pubic hair against my ass and realized he was fully inside me. Then he pulled out of me completely.

"Don't stop," I said, but he shushed me.

He moved around me and slid his legs between mine so we were facing each other with my legs on either side of his body. Then I felt his hard pole at my opening again and felt the first part of it slide in.

"Okay?" Darren asked again. This time I could see him and I smiled and nodded.

"Very okay," I said. "It really doesn't hurt."

Very slowly, he began stroking his cock into me. It was so exciting knowing that he was inside me that it made me tense up a bit. He sensed or felt it and stopped.

"Relax, honey," he said quietly and as if on auto pilot I did.

He started stroking again and this time he was hitting my prostate on every second or third stroke.

"Oh God, that's wild," I cried. Suddenly I understood the whole point of anal sex. That incredible sensation with him massaging my prostate, coupled with the fact that the man I love was inside me, was overwhelming. And he just kept doing it over and over again - finding that place in me and sending sparks throughout my whole mid-section.

Suddenly Darren bent down and kissed me as he continued stroking slow in and out. What a wonderful sensation that was.

And when we broke the kiss and I looked into his eyes I saw love. He loved me and he was loving me with his body at that moment.

I was very surprised when his hand wrapped around the shaft of my dick. I hadn't even been aware of my dick, and I was amazed at how hard it had become. As his cock stroked in and out of my ass, his hand stroked up and down the length of my dick. It was an incredibly good feeling.

I don't have any idea how long he fucked me. It could have been five minutes or half an hour. I only know that during that time I was transported into a wonderful blissful state.

Darren had begun to grunt and groan loudly and something told me he was getting close. I could feel every fat inch of his long cock inside me and it was giving me the wildest of sensations.

"Oh babe," he moaned and I felt the strokes getting faster and even deeper. I could feel his hair against my ass and knew he was all the way inside. Suddenly he jerked sort of and I could actually feel his dick start to pulsate inside me. It seemed to be erupting right against my prostate and then all at once, he stopped stroking. I felt what could be described as a twitching feeling deep inside me.

"Oh yes," Darren cried, "Oh baby."

Then I felt my own eruption starting even as I could feel that twitching deep in there. Darren was stroking me and suddenly I started the longest, hardest orgasm of my life. I thought I was going to pass out, it felt so wild.

"Oh yes," I almost shouted. "That's it, that's it!"

Darren wrapped his arms around my back and pulled us together. My cock was still shooting between us but that didn't matter. My man had made love to me and satisfied me too, and I was in heaven.

We stayed clinging together for a long time, until we could both feel the stickiness between us start to cool off. Darren smiled at me and I think I giggled.

"Wow," I said. "I think I now know what all the fuss is about." Darren laughed.

"It didn't hurt too bad, did it?" Darren asked solicitously.

"It didn't hurt at all," I answered. "It felt wonderful. The whole time it felt terrific."

Not only had it felt great but the afterglow was incredible. Holding each other as our heart beats slowed to normal was just beautiful.

"I love you, Art," he whispered.

"I love you more, Darren," I answered and we kissed again and again.

Next: Chapter 13: Art of Love 25 26

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