New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Nov 9, 2007


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Note: I would like to thank Colin and John for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors not only keep me in line, but contribute significantly to a better story.

Chapter Sixty-Seven: New Horizons

After lunch, Daniel gave his guests a quick tour of the facilities. The tour included the recently constructed sports and recreation facilities together with an explanation of the contributions made by the police department. When they returned to the administration offices to talk, Paul reminded Daniel that a conference call was scheduled for 2:00PM to Britain. The reminder alerted Daniel that it would be best not to get involved in an extensive or complicated discussion until after the conference call. Father David gave Daniel a questioning look.

"Before we can really settle down and talk I have a call scheduled with someone from England." Daniel informed his guests. Daniel turned to the college students and retired professors.

"I'm not sure how much you follow local events in the news or papers, but a few weeks ago there was a serious accident on the interstate. A motor home was hit by a truck. Unfortunately, there were two deaths. However, fortunately, there were also two survivors. The people were tourists from England. The parents were killed, but the two boys survived and are here with us. Actually, I've been appointed their guardian until appropriate arrangements can be made for them."

"Daniel, you're saying the authorities haven't been able to locate family?" The Father asked.

"They've located the boys' grandmother. However, she is seriously ill herself and in a hospital. She can't take the boys at this time and no one can give us a guestimate as to when she might be able to take them. This call today may have something to do with the boys; we really don't know at the moment. The initial call came in early this morning and was on our answering machine. Paul arranged the call this so we didn't have to worry about playing international telephone tag. So long as the other party doesn't object, you all are welcome to sit in on the call." All of the men nodded and expressed their appreciation for Daniel's consideration. Father David then changed the subject.

"Daniel, I've told these gentlemen about Jeremy. When I told them who he was they recognized the situation and were actually somewhat surprised that you had him here." The Father didn't say anything further, leaving it to Daniel to disclose what he felt to be appropriate.

"He's here, in fact, we walked past him twice while walking around the grounds. Given what he has been through, we feel that he's doing very well. He's comfortable with the boys here and seems to be opening up. He's also been practicing for the educational assessment that he knows is coming." Daniel informed the group and then added with a smile, "I'm not too sure he's looking forward to that."

"I know you want to wait until after the call to get into a lengthy conversation, so I'll just say for now that Carl here, in addition to being a university professor, has some background in educational administration and planning. We think that just maybe your dad made a few phone calls to get some calls made for Carl to be here." Paul stepped into the room prompting the Father to conclude with, "We'll explain shortly."

"Your international call is on the line." Paul advised. Daniel moved to sit behind his desk and use the speaker phone.

"Yes, this is Daniel Thompson, can I help you?"

"Mr. Thompson? Thank you for taking my call," was the answer from a male voice with a definite British accent. "Mr. Thompson, my name is Colin Smythe, I'm an international reporter for The Times. Do you have a few minutes where we can talk?"

"Certainly, but please, call me Daniel. Mr. Smythe I would like to inform you that I am not alone at the moment. I have with me Father David and Father Andrew from the Diocese. In addition, there are four gentlemen with us discussing the children's education and welfare. Do you mind if they sit in on our call?"

"Oh, no, I think this may be a real bonus, at least for me. You see, we are aware that you have two young boys with you that are British subjects. Their story has been quite in the news. After their story ran we anticipated the interest may wane as it does in many such stories, but that hasn't been the case. Their story has brought quite a bit of attention to your story and the children. We receive many letters and emails each day asking about New Horizons. We have also been following the debates and developments you've been part of. I assume you have not been made aware of the international interest in your program? Daniel, you have been taking on a status of a hero." Daniel sat back in his chair and smiled at the gentlemen in the room, somewhat amazed.

"I do appreciate the kind words, but I can assure you, I am not a hero. I'm just part of a small group of people that believe certain social situations need to be addressed and adjusted."

"Is that your nice way of saying that you think the enslavement of children is barbaric?" Daniel almost laughed aloud at the bluntness of Colin's statement, but remained quiet to allow Colin to continue.

"You don't understand Daniel. Many people, here in England and in other countries, fully support your position. There was a feeling that you Americans were returning to the nineteenth century with slavery. When the system continued to be modified to include the enslavement of children, a feeling grew to be held by many that you colonials had turned into barbarians. Your story, including your own personal enslavement and your fight for New Horizons has been well researched and reported over here. That brings me to the principal reason for my call. My employer would like to send me over there to spend a few days with your organization. It would be a major story and, I can assure you, excellent publicity for your program."

"Colin, I hardly know what to say at the moment. Quite honestly, I thought you were a government official calling about the boys. I never expected this."

"Well, if it's not convenient, or if you would prefer that we . . ."

"Oh, no. Please don't misunderstand me. You just caught me by surprise. When would you like to come visit? We would be glad to have you."

"As soon as possible, if you don't mind. Say, around the middle of next week? My employer has discussed my staying with your group for about a week to ten days, if that's convenient. I've been given the latitude to extend my stay if I believe it would be a benefit to the story. Understand that I would be doing stories not only on your organization, but also the two British boys and the other boys; with your permission of course. Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to bring my own son with me, he's twelve years old. I think the experience would be excellent for him and I'm sure I can make arrangements with his school."

"Colin, since you have already told us that you have done some research on us, may I also assume that you are familiar with the way we allow the boys to live?" Daniel spoke hesitantly, he wanted to be sure that Colin understood the boys were allowed to be nude at all times. Colin answered with laughter in his voice.

"There you Americans go again. Don't you know that you Americans are probably the last to accept that people can be natural without being evil? When I take my son to beach on holiday he gets naked before I park the car, refuses to wear anything while there, and then I spend a week after we arrive home trying to make him keep clothes on. My biggest concern will be trying to pull him away from there to return home.

"Nude beaches and resorts are very common both here and in Europe. I believe if you study art and literature you will find nudity, particularly with children, is representative of innocence. You have two priests with you now, why don't you ask them what the Pope has written on the subject; you might be surprised." Daniel looked at the two priests who now held a hand to theirs mouths, hiding a smile.

"So then, may I assume that the plan is approved?" Colin asked in closing.

"You may assume the plan is approved," Daniel answered with a smile, then added, "I would like to clear this with the diplomatic authorities. I think you can understand my concern to be sure we are not creating unnecessary issues? I'll have my associate, Paul, give you a call in the morning, our time, to reconfirm. Fair enough?"

"Certainly, and I look forward to hearing from Paul."

Daniel sat back in his chair, feeling both astounded and amused at the conversation he had just finished. He looked to the two priests whose faces still reflected their own amusement.

Derek walked through the compound looking for his friend. When he turned towards the recreation area and looked out towards the garden, he spotted Sean, the boy he needed to talk to. Sean was busy hoeing the garden. Derek looked in the garden shed, found a small rake and proceeded to the garden. He approached Sean, stopping only three or four feet away from the boy.

"Hi," Derek said, hesitantly and hoping his nervousness didn't show in his voice.

"Hey," Sean answered, suddenly becoming nervous himself.

"Uuummm, can I help?" Derek stumbled through trying to relax with Sean.

"Yeah, sure," Sean answered, "didn't think garden work was excitin' enough for somebody ta want ta come out here and help."

Sean tried equally hard to relax with Derek as he thought about what they did together. Both boys were nervous, but for different reasons and it was at the same time a fearful nervous and an excited nervous. Sean feared that Derek would now hate or at least dislike him for what he had done. Derek feared that Sean would regret what he had done and ridicule him when he asked what was on his mind. Neither boy realized that they both really wanted the same thing. One tried to hoe the furrows; one tried to rake between the furrows. Both boys had trouble concentrating on what they were supposed to be doing.

"Sean, can I ask ya somethin'?" Derek asked, his voice almost betraying how much his insides were shaking. "Are you mad with me? I mean, ya know, after what happened, what we did?" Sean looked at Derek, confused.

"No." Sean answered simply. "I thought maybe you were mad at me for what I did." Derek looked at Sean a moment, then smiled.

"What you did? You did'n do nothin' bad. Man that was the best feelin' I ever had. That was great! I thought you might be mad at me 'cause I did'n do you." Now it was Sean's turn to smile.

"I never thought 'bout you doin' me. I was already too scared." Both boys began to laugh as they revealed their secrets to each other.

"Scared? Why? I was the one scared. I felt like I was gonna pee any second and was scared I was gonna pee in your mouth." Derek revealed.

"Pee in my mouth! Gross! Double gross!" Sean exclaimed. "The other guys, I heard 'em talkin' one time and they said that sometimes you feel like ya need ta pee when you're 'bout to shoot a load."

Both boys laughed and agreed it would be gross to have somebody pee in your mouth. Each boy returned to his work with renewed energy, their minds running too fast for them to concentrate on any single thought. As they approached the end of the furrow, Derek stopped and turned to Sean.

"Sean, can I do you? I had'n never sucked anybody before." Sean looked up at Derek and at first just stared, but then he broke out in a big smile.

"You had'n ever had sex with anybody before, have ya?" Derek blushed and shook his head. Sean continued.

"Me neither. My brother, Brad, always ran everybody off. If we hurry and get this finished, maybe we could clean off at the pool shower and then go out back and play around some?"

Derek quickly turned to complete his raking. Both boys smiled, their thoughts causing each of them to become aroused. When they looked over and saw what was happening to the other, both boys broke into laughing fits that only boys with special little secrets and exciting thoughts could enjoy.

When the boys finished the work no words needed to be exchanged. They did exchange knowing smiles and started walking towards the garden shed. The walk became a jog and the jog became a run accompanied by silly giggles. Brad and Patrick had told Sean he needed to learn by experimenting with the other boys his age; they did not want to deny him the thrills of discovery and growth. Sean knew he had found someone as equally excited as himself to experiment and discover the pleasures a boy's body can provide. Derek was excited that he would have the chance to learn without the fear of embarrassing himself or risking ridicule for being clumsy.

The garden tools were quickly cleaned, dried and stored. The boys then ran over to the showers to rinse off the layers of dust that stuck to their sweaty bodies. Both boys tried to act normal, but anyone observing them would know how excited they were. When they had cleaned themselves each boy had to reach down deep to maintain the self control necessary to avoid bringing attention to themselves. Each boy was excited to begin this adventure of discovery. Then, their exciting thoughts were shattered by a small voice.

"Sean! Sean!" cried out the small voice, "I wanna play, too."

Sean looked to his side and saw Danny running towards him. He quickly looked around to try and see what the boy was talking about. What did he mean by 'play, too'? Sean didn't see anything that Danny could be referring to; however, he was certain that Danny was not going with him and Derek to play.

"Danny, what are you talking about?" Danny turned and pointed to the far side of the volleyball courts where Ian and Ryan were rolling around in one of the sand pits built for them to play in.

"If you want to play with Ian and Ryan, go play."

"They won't let me," whined the sad little face. "They say they were there first."

"I thought you and Ryan and Ian were bestest ever friends, but they're just not playing very nice right now, right?" Danny looked over at his friends that excluded him and nodded his head.

"I tell you what. If they want to play in that dirt pit, why don't we just let them, and I'll make you something special with the other dirt pit. How about some good old yucky mud to play in?" Sean asked the boy with excitement in his voice and smile. Danny quickly became excited.

"That way when they want to come play in your dirt pit 'cause it's so much better, you can tell them no 'cause you were there first." Danny looked up at Sean and beamed. "Or, you can be nicer than them and share."

Sean and Derek walked Danny over to the other dirt pit that had been dug just for the little ones to play in. It was one of their favorite places to play, and one of the messiest; the little ones didn't care because they got just that much more attention when it was time to get cleaned. They knew that even Mr. Daniel would take time to help them.

Sean turned the handle on the water bib and began running water into the pit. Derek stood in the pit mixing the water and dirt to the right consistency for lots of dirty little boy fun. When the pit was ready, Danny jumped in with a high pitched scream and splashed mud over all three boys. Sean and Derek laughed as they rinsed themselves off and then walked away. When they reached the far side of the volleyball courts they turned to see Ryan and Ian approaching Danny. Both boys watched until they saw Ryan and Ian join Danny in the newly formed mud pit, laughing and playing; then the two boys continued on their way.

"I thought you and Jeremy were good friends," Sean stated. "How come you haven't played with him some. He oughtta know a lot and be able ta teach ya."

"That's just it, that's why I didn't try or ask 'im to play with me or show me anything. We are good friends, fact is, I kinda like 'im, but he scares me, too." Sean looked at Derek, surprised and questioning.

"Ya gotta remember, he was a pleasure slave and he had ta be good. If he wasn't good or a customer complained about him, I heard that the slave would be severely punished. Jeremy don't have any scars or marks on him so I figured he was good and I was afraid he might laugh at me. There was another reason, too. I didn't want him ta think I might like him just because he might have sex with me or teach me." Derek looked at Sean. He didn't want to hurt Sean or mislead him. All Derek wanted to do was learn; he wasn't looking for a commitment like from a real boy friend.

"You still wanna do this?" Derek asked, concerned he may have blown his chance.

"Yeah." Sean answered quietly. "I'm just lookin' ta figure some of this out, too. Whatta ya wanna do first?"

"I dunno," Derek answered and continued in a serious tone. "All I know is that when you sucked me it felt good. I do know not to use my teeth so I don't bite it off."

"Before we do the suckin' thing, we gotta do some foreplay. We gotta do some things ta make each other all hot and horny. The guys say that makes it feel a lot better when it happens."

Both boys stood under a tree at the edge of the woods, neither knowing what to do; neither knowing who should go first. The boys stood nervously, staring at one another. They were so nervous that neither of them could get their boyhood to stand up.

"Maybe we should try a simple kiss to start." Sean suggested. Derek nodded his consent.

The two boys moved closer; each boy ran his tongue over his lips, anxiously. As they got nearer to each other, they tilted their heads a little and closed their eyes. Each boy reached out and placed a hand on the other's shoulder. Keeping their lips tight, the boys soon made contact. After a moment, they broke the kiss and moved away from each other, just a little.

"That didn't do much for me," Derek commented. "What's the big deal? Maybe we didn't do it right."

"The guys say they open their mouths a little and you're supposed to suck the other guys tongue out. Let's try it like that and see what happens."

"Is that what they call a French kiss?" Derek asked.

Sean shrugged his shoulders, but the two boys again moved closer. As their lips touched again, both boys opened their mouths a little. Each waited for the other boy to make a move; neither moved. Finally, Sean pushed his tongue to Derek's lips and then ran his tongue over the other boy's lips. Derek shuddered, but then suckled the invading tongue. Sean wasn't sure if he should relax or pull back, but he decided to relax. After Derek sucked his tongue a little, Sean pulled his tongue back and suckled Derek's tongue. They broke the kiss and looked at one another. Each boy had an expression like he had just bitten into something rotten.

"What do ya think?" Derek asked.

"Didn't do a whole lot for me. You?"

"Uh-uh," Derek answered. "How come the other guys think this is so hot?"

Sean merely shrugged his shoulders and thought for a moment. He then looked at Derek with a mischievous smile. Sean leaned over to his friend and then, holding both of the boy's shoulders, stuck his tongue in Derek's ear.

"Ohhh Gaaaahhhddd! AAAAAAHHHHH! . . . Ohh, fuck!" Derek exclaimed as his boyhood suddenly jumped to a full salute. Sean pulled back and looked at his friend as Derek added, "man, that was fuckin' awesome! C'mere, let me do you."

Derek stepped up to Sean and gently pushed the boy back against a tree. He then, tentatively, reached around so he could insert his tongue into Sean's ear, pausing first to eye his target and, unintentionally, breathed into Sean's ear; the boy shuddered with pleasure and anticipation. When Derek pushed his tongue slowly into Sean's ear, Sean began to shake and whimper. Sean wrapped both arms around Derek and pulled the boy close; Derek reciprocated, wrapping both of his arms around Sean. Derek giggled under his manipulations; Sean moaned and his insides shook with the pleasurable feelings coursing through him.

The two boys continued to hold each other tightly. They traded back and forth. Each boy enjoying the pleasures of both giving and receiving their first ear tonguing. Both boys were excited and no longer thought or worried whether they were doing something right; they just enjoyed what they were doing. Each boy reacted with excitement and shudders coursing through their very being. Each boy could feel the other's stiff boyhood.

Instinctively, they began rubbing against each other. Mixed with the whimpers and moans of pleasure was the rapid breathing that comes with sexual excitement enhanced by mutual discovery. The boys tightened their grips and hastened their movements. Their need for release guided them through a natural act of mutual satisfaction. When the moment came, they held on to each other as tightly as they could and cried out their release. As the feelings subsided, the boys kissed again; this time, they enjoyed the kiss.

"Father, why is it that I think you may know more about what's going on here than you're letting on?" Daniel asked, both suspiciously and with a smile. "Before the phone call you said something about some phone calls being made?"

"What I made reference to, Daniel, was a suspicion that a few phone calls were made to encourage Carl and Bernie to come here." Father David answered.

"Carl has a background in educational planning and administration. Bernie's area of expertise is education and psychology. Let me explain it this way. I received more than one call asking me to encourage these two gentlemen to 'volunteer' a little of their time and talents for the benefit of your program. I was also asked to find a couple of interns that could meet certain criteria. As you can guess, my calls came from the diocese. You also know the Bishop is good friends with several state officials and other influential people; that would include your dad. My guess is there are people sitting in high places that want to give you all the support they can."

"Now, Father," Daniel responded, "you really have me curious. What 'certain criteria' are we talking about?"

"The diocese wants to make sure that no one can attack the education these boys are receiving. Carl and Bernie can do an assessment of the number of boys, their needs, and your ability to satisfy what is considered to be accepted standards for education. In other words, if you need portable classrooms, more computers, more instructors, or what ever else may be required, the support is there for you. These men have the credentials to construct the report and recommendations and it will be accepted without question. We would like your permission to let these men conduct the study and make the recommendations."

"I have no problem with what you suggest." Daniel responded, "however, you didn't answer my question; what criteria?"

"Excuse me," Carl interrupted, "maybe I can explain this a little better. Daniel, when we were first asked about doing this, we declined. We declined because we felt that you would not allow us to be ourselves. Only by being ourselves, who and what we really are, can we win the boys' trust and confidence. If they will trust us, we can help them. I think the same is true for Terry and Greg. They can help the boys, but they need to be comfortable and the boys need to feel comfortable. We left the academic world so that we could relax and be ourselves." Carl paused a moment to give Daniel the opportunity to ask any questions, and then proceeded.

"Daniel, it's simple. We are two old fuddy-duddies that weigh a little more than we should, our hair is turning gray and in some places even thinning out. We'd like to give these kids, for want of something better to call it, a 'grandfatherly' person they can be comfortable with. We think that some of your policies separate you from them; particularly your rule about dressing all the time while the boys stay nude. We are nudists. We are most comfortable in that state of being and we feel the boys can relate to us as such. Regardless of what you choose to do, we will complete the report and recommendations for the diocese. We do believe and support your program. If you will let us work our way, we feel we can offer a lot more." Daniel looked at Carl, then to Bernie and the two younger men who were nodding their heads.

"Terry, Greg, would it be fair for me to assume you feel the same way?" The two young men nodded. "I don't know if any of you realize it, but one of my staff is also a resident here. I found him standing naked in a fountain; he was cleaning it with a toothbrush. He was also about to be enslaved. He is a college student that takes courses over the internet and teaches the younger boys. He is allowed to go nude if he chooses. He also said it helped him get the boys' trust more easily. My rule with him is that it's alright except when we have officials from the outside visiting. My concern is that no one tries to accuse us of taking advantage of the boys. It's that simple. If you can accept that condition, I'm willing to give it a try." All four men looked at Daniel, smiled, and nodded their assent.

"There is one more thing, Father." Daniel continued. "Several of us have been wondering, and quite honestly confused, we didn't know the church would sanction a unit at a nudist camp."

"Daniel, this is not the inquisition. We try to be modern." Father David answered, laughing. "I am a full time resident of the colony. Remember the old saying about when in Rome? Well, when I'm at the colony I too enjoy the bountiful comforts of being natural. Although, I do wear my cross at all times. You know priests can develop nice tans, too." The Father continued to smile while Daniel blushed.

"Seriously, you heard Colin mention the Pope. Of course he was referring to Pope John Paul II. Prior to becoming pope he was known as Karol Cardinal Wojtyla. Under that name he wrote a book, Love & Responsibility, published in 1981. In the book he reminds us that God created the human body and that it can remain nude and uncovered and preserve its splendor and beauty. He tells us that the nude human body is not shameful or immodest. 'Immodesty is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of a person. Shamefulness . . . is a function of the interior of a person.' In other words, the naked body is ugly only when viewed through an ugly mind and an ugly heart.

"Unfortunately, in today's society, nakedness has taken on a negative role. Slave owners use nakedness as a way of humiliating and demeaning their slaves. They tell slaves they are no more than animals and animals do not wear clothes. The Creator has arranged it so all of us enter this world naked. Our nakedness represents purity, free of sin and ill will.

"One nice thing I've learned about children, Daniel, their minds and their hearts are innocent. Look into your boys' eyes and their smiles; you'll see a level of trust and love like no other. They don't see anything or anyone as ugly. That's part of the reason, I think, that many people believe a naked boy is one of God's most beautiful creations."

During supper, Daniel introduced the two professors and interns. He also asked the boys not to hold it against the gentlemen that they are there to work with the boys on their schooling. Daniel also announced that the Fathers would be available through the weekend if any of the boys would like to speak with them. Following he announcements, Daniel pointed out Jeremy to Father David.

After supper, Father David walked through the grounds, stopping occasionally for a friendly word with some of the boys. Father David had been helping the boys since the camp was opened and was considered an old friend by the boys. While making his rounds, the Father noticed that the professors, Carl and Bernie, as well as the two interns, Terry and Greg, had shed their clothes and were commingling with the boys. The Father also saw Jeremy, and approached him.

"Hi, I'm Father David, and I believe you are Jeremy?"

"Yes, sir." Jeremy answered shyly and looking to the ground.

"Jeremy, I've been looking forward to meeting you." Father David paused a moment, hoping Jeremy would look up at him. "I've heard a lot of good things about you; seems you have quite a few admirers." Jeremy glanced at the Father, puzzled.

"Me? Really?" Jeremy responded, somewhat surprised. "Why would anyone admire me?" Jeremy turned his eyes back to the ground. "Father, do you know what I've been? I know what Mr. Daniel and Mr. Arthur say . . but, Father, I don't know . . . ."

"Jeremy, I know what you were forced to be. You speak as though you think I should think bad about you; not only me, but others." Father David placed two fingers under Jeremy's chin and lifted the boy's head so he could look into his eyes. "Do you think that way?" Jeremy began to shift his weight as though he was uncertain or nervous.

"Sometimes," Jeremy confessed and again he focused on the ground. "I want to feel like they say I should, but sometimes I just feel dirty. I remember what I did and what people did to me, and I feel dirty." Jeremy turned to the priest. "How do I stop feeling like that? What do I do?"

"Have you told anyone else here how you feel?"

"No sir, I was ashamed. The boys said I shouldn't be; they said I should be proud that I survived. Father, Miss Linda and Mr. Arthur want me to be their son; they want to adopt me, but . . ."

"And you don't feel like you are worthy; is that it?" Jeremy nodded.

"Jeremy, do you have a friend here that you think you can sit down with and talk to, and I mean just tell him how you feel deep down inside?" Jeremy nodded and whispered Kevin's name.

"Good, then I want you to talk with him tonight. I think you might learn a number of things; mainly, that you're not the first boy here to feel the way you do. Also, I want to ask you something." Father David again held Jeremy's chin so the boy looked straight into his eyes. He gave Jeremy a slight reassuring smile and asked, "Jeremy, do you feel that you have sinned? Do you feel that that the dirt that is on you is from a sinful act? And, would you like to be cleansed of that dirt?" Jeremy looked at Father David and tears began to flow.

"Yes, sir. More than anything right now." Jeremy pleaded.

"Tonight, you talk to Kevin and I think you'll have a whole new perspective on things. I'll tell you this much; you are not the only boy here to feel like this. Tomorrow morning, if you think you are ready to put all this behind you, then you come see me. I will do for you the same as we did for the other boys. Okay?"

Father David wrapped his arms around the boy and held him. The tears continued to flow, but Jeremy felt safe.

End Chapter Sixty-Seven

To Be Continued: comments welcome; contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 68

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