New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Oct 18, 2007


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Note: I would like to thank Colin and John for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors not only keep me in line, but contribute significantly to a more enjoyable story.

Chapter Sixty-Five: New Horizons

Jeremy sat in the computer room waiting on Kevin. Jeremy looked around the room and counted twenty four computer stations. After breakfast, boys dispersed to the various computer rooms quickly to do school assignments, but Jeremy sat in this room alone. Kevin had told him to meet him here; Jeremy waited.

While he waited, Jeremy looked out the window, watching as the younger boys gathered in two groups outside the recreational hall. He knew the boys were waiting on Mr. Mark and someone else to meet them and take them inside for a class. As he watched the boys joking around, and horsing around as young boys often did, he remembered when he was in school and the kids were required to form a line outside the classroom. They were supposed to form two lines, face forward and remain quiet. He laughed to himself when he remembered the rule. Whoever thought up that rule had either forgotten what it was like to be a kid or had a very rigid childhood that was no fun. Stand still and be quiet was only for nerds and mannequins. As an after-thought, he added 'and slaves'.

"Hey, Jer," Kevin called out as he entered the room. "Sorry to keep you. I thought the program we needed was in the office but Mark took it to the dorm. I had to do some quick searching." Kevin could tell from Jeremy's questioning look that he hadn't been told why they were in that room. "Nobody told you what we're doin', right?"

"Not yet. Usually I meet Mr. Mark. What's going on?"

"Well, I'm just here in Mr. Mark's place; he had a meeting with Mr. Dan'l. Did Mark tell you what this program is for?" Jeremy shook his head. "This is a practice test. It's to let you get used to taking a test on the computer and get a feeling for the kind of questions you'll see on the evaluation test you take. I noticed you were starin' out the window when I came in, what's goin' on?"

"Nothin' really, at least as far as I know." Jeremy answered somberly. "I was just watchin' the young ones across the way. They were linin' up to go inside and I was rememberin' when I used ta have ta do that. We didn't follow the rules any betterin' them." As he finished the statement, Jeremy displayed a little smile with a note of humor in his tone.

"I don't imagine any of us did too well when we were their age. We stood in line but horsed around a lot. The principal or teacher would come out and tell us to quiet down and get in line. We'd snap to when they hollered and as soon as whoever it was doin' the hollerin' was out of sight, we went right back to horsin' around." Kevin also spoke with a little humor in his voice as he remembered the 'good old days'.

"Kevin, can I ask ya somethin'?" Jeremy spoke hesitantly. "You don't have ta answer if don't want to." Kevin looked at the boy and smiled as he waited for the aniticipated question.

"You ever miss it? I mean, do ya ever think that maybe you'd like ta go back?"

"If you mean go back to before all the shit hit the fan, well, yeah." Kevin fell off into a deep thought. "I think just about all of us would. But there's one big problem with that now, you can't go backwards. What's happened, happened. You can't change it. You learn to accept it, adjust, and move on. I'm just glad I can move on. I missed not being able to move on by probably less then two minutes." Jeremy looked up at Kevin as he listened.

"You heard they had to rescue me from the slave auction place. I was on display with a bunch of others, even had a SIN. Mr. Dan'l got 'em to hold up the sale while he found me and two others. That was a lot closer than I ever want to get again." Kevin paused a moment, then continued. "If they hadn't run a hose up my hole and cleaned me out, I bet I'd a dropped a load right then and there I was so scared. When I first saw Ben I thought that they had him too and I wanted ta cry. Then I saw Mr. Dan'l for the first time and he got us out. I didn't know who he was when he got me, but I didn't much care as long as I wasn't bein' sold." Tears welled in the boy's eyes and slowly made their way down his cheek as he remembered.

"I can understand that." Jeremy said matter-of-factly and both boys suddenly broke into nervous laughter.

"Well, we better get started. If Mark comes in and finds us just goofin' off we're liable to be sitting here through both lunch and supper. And, believe me, they wouldn't feel sorry for us and bring us anything, either. We'd have ta go beg Mr. Barry for somethin'."

"You think they'd really let us go hungry?" Jeremy asked seriously. Kevin recognized that Jeremy didn't understand that he was only kidding.

"Jeremy, that's one of a lot of things you don't have ta worry about around here. If we did need to work through lunch and supper, Mr. Dan'l'd make sure somebody brought us something to eat." Kevin watched to make sure Jeremy understood that he was serious, and then continued. "Right now I need to load this disc on a computer. Pick one where you're most comfortable and I'd suggest not near a window where you'd be distracted."

"Is this a test?" Jeremy asked, concerned.

"Kind of," Kevin replied as he loaded the program. "If you're worried about what might happen if you fail, don't. This is a practice test so you can get used to taking a test on the computer. Some guys have trouble doin' it. You ever use a computer? You know, like ta play games and stuff?"

"Yeah, but not since I was a slave. Slaves weren't allowed near a computer. I heard the masters were afraid we'd start a rebellion or somethin'. Sounded kinda dumb ta me."

"Do you know what Microsoft is?" Jeremy nodded. "Good, 'cause that's all this is. Mark wanted to make sure you understood how to mark your answers or change them if you wanted. One thing about these tests that's probably different, is you can mark a question so you come back to it; you don't have to answer it before moving on. If you aren't sure of the answer or don't want to guess, mark it to return to later."

"So, what's this test about? I don't get it."

"Didn't Mr. Dan'l tell you that you'd have to take an evaluation test? When you take the real thing, it lets 'em know where you are on your education. A program of study is then designed so you can catch up to your grade level. All of us have gone through this and we all have our own study program to follow. C'mere." Kevin led Jeremy to a window.

"Look over at the rec hall where you saw the young ones earlier. Look up on the second floor. That's a class of some of the older boys. All of them have the same class in their program. Rather than each boy having to sit at the computer alone, Mr. Dan'l had the material printed out and they all attend a class, just like real school. That looks like Mr. Paul teaching, so it must be a math class. This way there's more computers open for the other guys to use. Make sense?" Jeremy smiled and nodded as Kevin led him back to the computer they would be using.

Kevin spent the next two hours with Jeremy working on the computer. Initially unsure about how to handle the computer, Jeremy soon became comfortable with which icons to click and results he could expect. They didn't work through the practice test for the whole two hours. The program included a game every twenty minutes. Playing the games, Jeremy quickly learned to read the screen and react to what the other player, Kevin, did. Before they were finished, Jeremy maneuvered his way through programs without thinking.

"Kevin, you said ya can't go back, that you just have ta move on." Jeremy stared out the window at a passing cloud. "Well, suppose you had the chance ta go back, that ya really could. What would you do?" Kevin stared at Jeremy, then looked away. He understood what Jeremy was really asking, but debated on how much he should say.

"Jer, each of us wound up without a home and without a family for about the same reason. Some of us came from I guess kind of the same backgrounds, others might have been a little different. My family was comfortable, I thought. I don't ever remember wanting for anything. We didn't go to church every Sunday, but my parents taught me to believe in God and to do the right things. Somewhere, somethin' went wrong. I don't know when or what. It used to worry me, but not any more.

"Would I go back if I could? If time could be turned backwards, back to a moment just before that something went wrong and somebody were to ask me if I'd go back, I'd have to think about it. I'd probably want to, but I don't know if I'd actually do it. Understand?"

"Not really. If you had a nice family and home, why wouldn't you go back?"

"Because I'm not the same person I was then. I've changed; things have changed. The past two or three years have been like hell; why would I want to relive them again? Understand this though, that's me and just me. Ask one of the other boys and you might get an entirely different answer. I'm almost grown; I'll be leaving here in less than two years. Hopefully, I'm going to college. Mr. Dan'l said he could get sponsors for us so we could get an education. That's what I want now. With that, I can control my own life." Kevin looked at Jeremy for a moment in silence. "Sorry, Jeremy. I'm not tryin' ta cut you short, but I can't really give you a simple answer. I don't think there is a simple answer for us."

The two boys walked out of the building. Kevin walked with his arm around Jeremy's shoulder; Jeremy didn't object. When he was a pleasure slave, Jeremy had felt arms around his shoulder, hands on his shoulder or head. Regardless of where the arm or hand touched him, it was a signal of control. Control which the slave boy must submit to or face severe punishment. This arm was friendly, and comforting.

Kevin knew what Jeremy was really asking. Mark had told Kevin that Daniel was in contact with Jeremy's natural parents. Kevin also knew that the Sinclairs wanted to adopt the boy. Jeremy wanted someone tell him what to do. Which home should he return to? Only Jeremy could answer that question, but the boy still had many issues to resolve.

The two boys walked quietly towards the mess hall. There was an unspoken message or understanding with teenage boys that about every two hours, they needed to replenish the fuel tank. It was snack time. As they walked through the yard, Jeremy saw the pool and a grin slowly grew.

"Hey, Kevin, wanna do something mischievous?" Kevin heard the tone in his young friend's voice and liked it.

"Dunno. What do you call mischievous?"

"Wanna go skinny dipping?" Kevin had to laugh.

"I dunno. Aren't you afraid somebody'll see us naked?"

"So what?" Jeremy answered with a broad grin and pure mischief in his eyes. "Let 'em stare and admire two good lookin' guys and be jealous." Jeremy then tapped Kevin on the abdomen with the back of his hand and ran towards the pool with Kevin in pursuit.

"Daniel," Paul called out as he walked through the office door. "The Father is on the phone. Says he has some good news for you." Daniel sat in his office and watched as Kevin and Jeremy walked across the courtyard. He didn't know what the boys said to one another, but the look on Jeremy's face said he was becoming more comfortable interacting with the other boys. That was a good sign of progress. Daniel reached for his phone after Paul walked in.

"Father, good morning. What can I do for you? It's been a while since I've seen you here."

"That's true, Daniel," the Father responded in his typically friendly tone. "If you don't go traveling again on me, I hope to remedy that situation tomorrow; with your permission, of course."

"Father, since when did you have to have my permission to visit here. You and your associates are always welcome."

"Let me get to the reason for my call. I'm sure you remember the Bishop agreed to sponsor two teacher internships for your boys. We have two volunteers that we think will work well for New Horizons. Both are fine young men that have been in the honors program. One is majoring in elementary education with a minor in child psychology. They are twenty-three and twenty-four years old. We think their youth will work to their advantage with the boys."

"Father, I'm sure my question is unnecessary, but^Å."

"Let me save you the trouble. One of the boys was raised as a nudist and the other is a close friend of his who has spent quite a bit of time visiting his friend's family. That's just one of the reasons we think they are a good fit for New Horizons. Another reason is that one of the young men is doing graduate work. When I told him about your boys he thought it was perfect. He's doing his graduate thesis and hopes to do a doctoral paper on the effects of slavery on young boys. Up to this point there has been little opportunity to visit with a group of boys affected by slavery. I think you can understand his point."

"I'd really like to meet and talk with these young men." Daniel answered. "Did I understand correctly, you plan on being here tomorrow?"

"Correct," the Father answered, and added, "and I plan on having the young men with me. If you approve them, they are prepared to remain when I leave. Their names are Terrence, or Terry, and Gregory, or Greg. Greg is the young man raised as a nudist and doing the graduate work; and his friend Terry is the wanna-be." The Father paused a moment and then proceeded.

"Daniel, there's more. At our camp I have been working with a group of the residents who wanted to do something to help the boys. I let them know about the need for instructors or teachers for the boys. Two of our residents are retired professors. One taught at a junior college, the other at a university. Both have volunteered to work with your boys about three days a week, teaching a group or tutoring."

"Father, you really are full of good news today. You need to call me more often with this kind of news." Daniel responded with a light laugh in his voice.

"I wish I could," the Father answered, but then continued in a serious tone. "However, there is something I need to tell you about the volunteers. Both men have confided in me, and given me permission to reveal to you in confidence, that they are gay. They insisted that you be told before they come to visit. They are a couple; both are in their early fifties and fit. They also wanted it made clear that they are not pedophiles. They are offering their services because they want to help the children."

"Father, we are not here to judge others. I believe you know my feelings regarding sexual orientation, that's a personal issue. Our rule here is that so long as the children are not threatened, it remains private."

"Yes, Daniel, I am familiar with the rules. However, I gave my word that I would tell you personally and, now, I'll assume that I can tell the gentlemen that you look forward to meeting them?"

"Absolutely. Please tell them we greatly appreciate their willingness to help the boys. Will they be with you tomorrow also? If so, I'll ask Rick to make arrangements for quarters."

"I believe they will come down with me tomorrow. They will be in their own car, though. We should arrive around lunch-time. Do you think Barry and Rob could handle a few extra appetites?"

"Father, we look forward to seeing you and the volunteers. Please convey my gratitude to all of them." Daniel started to hang up, but remembered something he needed to ask the Father. "Excuse me, Father, will you be staying the full weekend? A few of the boys have asked when you might be back. My guess is they would like to have a few minutes in private."

"Tell the boys I'll be there and stay as long as they need me. I don't think there would be any problem in getting another priest to come with us, if needed."

Paul had remained in the room while Daniel was on the phone. It was easy for him to guess what the conversation was about; he knew it was good news.

"Sounds as though we may have a busy weekend coming up." Paul commented.

"Busy isn't the word for it. Better let Rick know we'll have six more guests this weekend and need three bedrooms. Two of our visitors are interns that will be with us till the end of the semester. Two are retirees that volunteered to help tutor and teach. The father said the retirees are a couple so I don't think they'll mind sharing a room. All of them are also nudists so they shouldn't be uncomfortable around the boys."

Paul nodded his head and made quick notes for himself. He was a little surprised to hear two of the volunteers were a couple. It didn't mean anything to him except that it was unusual to hear of a same sex couple in a family nudist community. Were people finally beginning to acknowledge a person's right to choose their own lifestyle? Amazing!

"Jeremy," Kevin called over to his young friend, "we need to get out of the pool and grab a snack. We still have some practice tests to do before we're finished."

"There's more?" Jeremy answered, surprised and disappointed. "I thought I did pretty good on handling the computer."

"You did, and now that you have that part under control we have to do some timed tests."

Climbing out of the pool, both boys planed the excess water off their bodies. They didn't have any towels but knew it wouldn't take long for the sun to dry them. Walking over to the mess hall, Kevin opened the door and looked in.

"Hold it! Not another step!" Came a loud voice. "You mess up this floor and I'll have the two of you cleaning it with toothbrushes." Mr. Rob had seen the two boys coming in and decided to have some fun with them.

"But, Mr. Rob, it's only water and we just wanted to get an apple or something for a snack."

"Just water, eh?" Rob placed both hands on his hips and looked sternly at the two boys. "You ever think about the fact that dirt sticks to wet feet? You come walkin' in here like that you'll get this here floor all dirty. If there's one thing I can't tolerate it's a dirty floor. You boys ever think about eatin' food that's dropped on a dirty floor?"

"No sir," Kevin answered, realizing that Mr. Rob was playing with them. "Does that mean though that you've been givin' us food that was dropped on a clean floor?" Kevin asked, smiling.

"Hmmm, smart one, eh? Maybe. Maybe not. That's for me to know and you ta worry over." Rob answered with a twinkle in his eyes. "Now, I suppose you two think I should let you have something ta eat, that it? Guess we can't have the two of ya passin' out from starvation." Rob commented as he walked away.

Rob soon returned with a plastic bag filled with apple slices. As a little extra treat he gave the boys a small cup filled with honey to use as a dip. As he handed the snack to the boys he told them that if the treat spoiled their lunch then they wouldn't be getting any afternoon snacks. They were expected to eat the balanced meals prepared for them. Rob's biggest problem was he couldn't keep a straight face while teasing the boys, but he still enjoyed those special moments.

Kevin loaded the disc back into the computer and gave Jeremy brief instructions on what he was to do. Each part of the test was timed and a clock in the lower right hand corner kept track of the time remaining and number of questions remaining. Jeremy was to complete three parts before taking a break. Most importantly, he was to follow the instructions. Kevin picked up the apples and dip and moved to the far side of the room, trying to minimize making Jeremy nervous. Kevin also knew that part one gave a lot of the boys trouble; he watched Jeremy closely.

Jeremy started the program as he was shown. He sat facing the computer, reading. Soon, he turned around and smiled at Kevin. Kevin returned the smile and laughed.

"Congratulations," Kevin offered with his laugh. "You wouldn't believe the number of boys that fail that part of the test. One of the most important things to do is taking the time to read the instructions. What did you read?"

"It said this was a test to see if I read the instructions and I was to turn around and smile at the person helping me. It also said I earned a five minute break before beginning part two. How'd they know I needed a break before you ate everything?" Kevin continued to smile and held out the bag of apple slices to Jeremy.

"Jeremy, can I ask you somethin'?" Jeremy just looked at Kevin and waited. "I don't know if you realize it or not, but you're sportin' a pretty big package for a kid your age. In fact, you don't really look like you're really into puberty yet. All you have for pubes is peach fuzz, but you have big boy equipment." Jeremy smiled from both embarrassment and maybe a little boyish pride.

"All boys came in small and didn't none of us have pubes. We got shots sometimes every day and sometimes weekly. They gave me shots right into my nuts; they hurt like hell, too. Then I got another kind of shot in the butt. The masters said men wanted us to sport big dicks but still look like young boys. They exercised us so we didn't get any fat on us but we couldn't do anything that might make the muscles too big."

"Why would they want you to have a big package. If they wanted you to look like little boys, why not leave you alone?"

"We weren't just simple whores for men. Sometimes we had ta put on shows. Sometimes it was at the place, sometimes it was somewhere else. The favorite thing ta have us do was wrestle to the fuck. I was paired with another boy, Ricky, who was about a year and a half older'n me. He'd been given shots, too, so he had a good size dick. People for some reason enjoyed seein' us beat up one each other and then the winner got to fuck the loser anyway he wanted; unless the master said do it some other way. We tried not to hurt each other. You always got hit with a fist or kicked, but we made sure we didn't break nothin'. Since he was older and bigger than me, he won the most, but not all the time. If we didn't put on a good show, we got caned that night. It never happened ta me, but I seen it done to other boys. That's why I fought so hard. I'd rather get whipped wrestlin' and fucked than caned." Jeremy thought back to that boy wondering where Ricky was now.

"One of the other guys showed me how to use my small size to get Ricky down. When he'd run at me I'd drop to my knee and he'd go over me. If I was fast and lucky, I pinned an arm under my leg and put a knee to his throat. I'd pop him on his ears or give him a split lip for show and then I grabbed his balls and squeezed as hard as I could. The people watchin' us cringed, but you could see them get hot and excited. The harder I squeezed, the louder he yelled, and the more they liked it. It didn't take long for me and him to work things out so we could put on a good show and took turns with the fuckin'. Thing is, those shots that made me so big, they also made sure I stayed horned up. Weird." Kevin wasn't sure how to interpret the expression on Jeremy's face as he talked. Kevin also noticed that Jeremy showed signs of getting aroused and decided they should return to the practice tests.

Jeremy completed parts two and three of the test before lunch. Kevin was able to have the results computer analyzed and told Jeremy that according to the test results he functioned on a fifth and sixth grade level. Jeremy should have been beginning the seventh grade, but had been a slave for two years, so the results were a little surprising until Jeremy told Kevin that he had been part of an advanced education program at school.

After lunch, during which Daniel announced the priests would be arriving and staying as long as the boys needed them, Kevin let Jeremy know he could go play and relax for a couple of hours if he wanted to before resuming his tests. Jeremy asked Kevin if they could just stay together and talk. The two boys wandered off beyond the garden and settled under a tree near the grove.

"Okay, here we are in private and I'm yours for as long as you need me." Kevin stated, trying to be light with Jeremy. "What'cha wanna talk about?" Jeremy looked at Kevin for a moment and then sat beside his new friend. He looked off into the sky.

"There's somethin' I wanna ask ya and somethin' I kinda wanna say." Jeremy looked down at the ground, picked up a twig and started drawing circles. "It's somethin' I hadn't even told Mr. Arthur or Daniel." Kevin waited and then realized Jeremy was waiting on reassurance his privacy would be respected.

"Jeremy, whatever you say or ask, I won't tell anyone unless you say it's okay. Believe me, all of us here have felt like you do right now at one time or other."

"I just kinda learned about fuckin' and stuff shortly before they made me a slave. The guys at school talked about it and they talked about jackin'. I really didn't know what that was and when I said somethin' the other guys, they just laughed at me. Then one day one of the guys, when we were in the bathroom, well, he pulled his dick out and started jackin' away. I just stood there and stared. I was scared ta death at what he was doin'."

"Why were you so scared?"

"My mom told me when I was little that I couldn't play with my toy, that's what she called it around me, or I'd wear it out. Besides, it was a dirty thing to do and good boys didn't do it." Kevin smiled as he responded.

"Jer, we all hear something like that. My dad used ta tell me that I liked ta play with myself practically from the day I was born. The only time I got in trouble about it was if I started playing with it in public. My mom told me if I didn't stop doing that in public she was going to put something on it to make me leave it alone. She did. I don't know what it was, but when I rubbed it, it got hot. I stopped playin' with it in public, but I still enjoyed it when I wasn't in public. Like a lot of kids when I was little, they let me run naked. Me and a friend would sneak off behind the storage shed and compare our 'thingys'." Kevin couldn't help but smile and laugh as he resurrected old, but fond, memories. "You know, I hadn't thought about it before, but I know a lot of the guys did the same as me and most of us ran free when we were little. I wonder if part of the reason we like doin' it now is because it reminds us of those good times? Anyway, back to you."

"I was only allowed to run naked in the backyard. If we had any company over I couldn't do it either. I used to get jealous of some of the neighborhood kids 'cause they got to run free all the time and ran all over the neighborhood naked. Sometimes, I'd sit at the window and just watch 'em. They always seemed to be havin' such a good time. If they got all dirty and messed up, who cared? Me, I had to wear clothes. If they dirty or messed up I got fussed at." Jeremy also smiled at the memory, still regretting that he wasn't allowed to run all over the neighborhood naked.

"Kev . . . . I told you 'bout me and Ricky wrestlin' to the fuck? Well, ya know . . . well, him and me . . . . truth is, I got to where I liked it. We got ta be good friends and tried to take care of each other, ya know? I liked it when he fucked me and I liked it when I fucked him. When we did that sometimes we got ta kiss each other; it was nice, real nice. We'd forget about people watchin' us until they started hootin' and hollerin' and tellin' us to do more." Kevin wrapped an arm around Jeremy's shoulder.

"Jeremy, I'm not going to tell you that it's bad for you to like it. That's something you have to decide for yourself. You've been around here long enough to know that there's stuff that goes on between the boys here. You also know the rules. No one can be forced to do anything. However, if you and another boy each agree you want to have sex, that's between the two of you. If you're worried about it being wrong, I think you need to talk to Mr. Daniel or the priest. You know he'll be here tomorrow and he's heard a lot of stories like yours, at least about sex anyway."

"The guys tell the priest?" Jeremy asked, amazed.

"Yeah.' Kevin answered simply. "He's not dumb. He knows what boys like to do and the pleasure you can get from your body. I think you'll discover that it's okay so long as you respect yourself and the other person. Do yourself a favor a talk to the priest. I do and I always feel better afterwards. Tell me somethin', was there anybody that would come to see you in the brothel that you kinda liked to see?" Jeremy blushed and tried to hide his smile as he remembered.

"There was one special man. He told me to call him Uncle Greg. At first, I thought he was kinda old, but soon I learned what old was and it wasn't him. After the first few times he told me that he was in his early thirties and was a boy lover. He'd buy me for the night which was about four hours, sometimes more. I think it depended on how much money he had. Every time he came to see me I knew I was going to have a good night. He'd always come on Wednesday night, sometimes he'd come twice a week. He never fucked me. He just told me how beautiful I was and how he wished he could afford to buy me and take me home." Jeremy paused a moment while a tear formed in his eyes, then continued.

"He'd get naked and we'd both lay on the bed. He'd turn the lights down low and I knew he was about to make me feel good. I can still feel his finger tips tracing all over my body. He always gave me a tongue bath. He was gentle, real gentle. As we lay there he was always rubbing my back or massaging me, and I don't mean just my package, although he did a lot of that too. He always liked to take my balls in his mouth and roll them around. I'd start whimpering and moaning, and the next thing I knew he was propped up on his elbows watching me, smiling. It was a warm, loving smile. He pulled me close to him; I could feel his body hair touching me all up and down. He held me tight and I'd forget that I was a slave. Near the end he'd tongue bathe my package and give me a rim job. Sometimes he'd stick a finger in me and massage what he said was my magic spot. I'd whimper and cry out how good it felt and he'd keep going and going until I shot all I had into his mouth. At the end I'd be covered in sweat and panting like I'd been runnin' forever. He'd cradle me and let me sleep until time was up. Sometimes he pulled me up on his chest and stomach. I'd just lay there and whimper while he rubbed ever so gently; I'd be lost in a world where there was no pain or hurt." Jeremy didn't cry, but tears ran down his face as he remembered Uncle Greg.

"One night, instead of falling asleep, I slipped down and took him in my mouth. He never asked me to blow him; he hardly ever asked me ta do anything to 'im. We were always prepared for a customer. We were cleaned out and lubed up real good so the customer wasn't uncomfortable. Anyway, I got him real hard and straddled him. I slipped down on his tool and when he reached for me, we locked our fingers together. We never moved. I was taught how to use my muscles inside to milk him, and that's what I did. I'll never for get the look on his face while I did it. I didn't know it then, but that was the last time I ever saw him."

"He didn't come back any more? Didn't he tell you he had to leave? Sounds like he cared 'bout you."

"He did care; at least, I liked to believe he did. He would tell me how if he could take me home he'd keep me there and protect me. Said he'd love me, and not just sex, but love from in here. When he said it he'd tap my chest with his finger. After that night, one of the masters said it was time for fresh meat and they was gonna get their money's worth outta me. That's when I learned what happened to some of the other boys I'd see taken out but didn't come back."

"They moved me to a different cage. It was actually a small room with just a toilet and cot. There was a dim light on all the time, but no windows. I never knew if it was day or night. People came in for what they called quickies. It was an area where they didn't pay so much, but they didn't get much time either. They'd come in and tell me what ta do. I got called every name you can think of; the most popular names were pussy boy or cunt.. I'd get fucked in the butt or the mouth. I tried to get some sleep between fucks. Every time I got it in the butt another slave came in soon as the trick left and took me to the slave shower. His job was to shove a hose in me and get me clean and lubed up for the next trick."

"I don't know how long it lasted, but somewhere during that time I just went numb. I didn't care no more. Finally, I got to the point I couldn't control myself. I'd eat and a little while later, my own shit was running down my leg. I couldn't close up anymore. Right after that I was put in a storage cage. They didn't even bother to feed me much anymore. If I had ta go to the bathroom I just did it in the cage. The handlers would walk by and say what an animal or piece of trash I was. Eventually, I was hosed off and shipped out." As he spoke, Jeremy's voice got lower and trailed off. The two boys sat quietly staring at the sky.

End Ch Sixty-Five

To Be Continued: comments welcome; contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 66

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