New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Feb 24, 2007


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Note: I would like to thank Colin and John for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors contribute significantly to the reader's pleasure.

Chapter Thirty-Seven: New Horizons

The boys were allowed to sleep a little later than normal. This was Wednesday; the morning television appearance was in West Palm Beach. The afternoon speaking engagement was in Boca, only a few minutes away. Daniel rose at his normal time. While he dressed, he detected the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Arthur sat in the kitchen watching the sunlight play off the water in the pool. He thought of yesterday's activities and what would happen later this afternoon when the delivery arrived. Arthur remained deep in thought and didn't notice when Daniel entered the kitchen.

"Morning, Arthur, you look deep in thought."

Arthur, startled by the sound, hesitated and then answered, "Oh, good morning, Daniel. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in. Coffee?"

"Yeah, I think I could use the whole pot this morning," Daniel answered with a little smile. "I told the boys they could sleep in a little this morning. But I couldn't do it myself; too much on my mind."

"I know what you mean. I can't stop thinking about what we saw yesterday. Then, of course, there's this afternoon. Have you said anything to the boys yet?"

"Not yet," Daniel responded, becoming more somber. "I know what I need to say to them, or what I want to say. I just haven't quite decided on how to say it."

"Well, I'm sure you'll work it out, but time is running out, you know."

As the two men talked, Linda entered. She heard them and understood Daniel's dilemma. After pouring herself a cup of coffee, she joined her husband and son, giving each a hug and a good morning kiss. Linda looked at Arthur, conveying an unspoken message.

"Daniel, your mother and I have been talking. We understand that timing is very important with the plan and you want to coordinate with Walter and Elizabeth on any announcements. Last night, I told Linda what we saw in Miami and my feelings. What I'm trying to tell you is that we'd like to move as quickly as possible. This afternoon, we'll have standing and can proceed as soon as you say it's time."

"Sounds like we all lost sleep last night over the same issues. I stayed awake last night remembering what it was like for me. Auction halls are not pleasant places. I never told the boys what I saw in Tampa. Prepubescent boys being collared and numbered. As soon as I saw it I had Kyle taken away; he never knew. It's a sickening sight." Daniel paused a moment to take a breath. Linda put a hand on his shoulder.

"At yesterday's television broadcast I emphasized the challenge to Arnold for five debates to be broadcast. We haven't heard anything from his people. This morning, I'll reiterate the challenge. Elizabeth contacted her station in Orlando and they played up the challenge on their news broadcasts. Walter contacted the home office and asked them to have all the stations in the state start following the story. We're hoping to pressure Arnold and his people into accepting the challenge or explaining why they won't. With a little luck, we'll have an answer today. If we do, and you are satisfied with standing, file the papers."

"Daniel," Arthur spoke in a sincere and solemn tone, "you realize that once the papers are filed and we request an emergency hearing, you're going to be swamped by the media. You've dealt with politics and the media enough to know they'll try to trip you just to sensationalize the story. What I'm trying to tell you is if you need back-up or someone to work as a shield, we're here."

Three of the boys appeared as Arthur finished his statement. Daniel acknowledged what Arthur said with a nod and turned to the boys to let them know they didn't need to get up.

"Mr. Dan'l, we wanted to know if we could go for a quick swim before breakfast. When all of us are up there's never enough room to swim and enjoy it."

"If you like," Daniel answered, "just try to keep it down so those who want to sleep can."

Daniel and Arthur continued to sit where they could see the boys and enjoy their coffee. All three boys slipped quietly into the water. One boy began swimming to the other end of the pool. When he reached the other end he stopped and the second boy then swam the length of the pool, he was followed by the third boy. The boys spoke for a moment and the first boy again began swimming. This time, he swam a full lap using a backstroke. When he finished the lap he stopped and waited for the other two to take their turns.

The boys continued to swim until each completed several laps. They never hollered out to one another, but quietly enjoyed their swim as Daniel had asked. Daniel and Arthur were impressed at how the boys worked together to achieve their common goal and showed consideration for the boys still sleeping. When they climbed out of the pool they planed the water off their bodies and waved to Daniel and Arthur as they returned to the game room where they had slept.

Gerry, Josh and Joey noticed on entering the game room that their charges were still sleeping. The three boys signaled one another to stay quiet and pointed to the adjoining bathroom. The bathroom was intended to serve the game room and could also be entered from the garage. There was no tub, but there was a very large shower with the showerhead pointing down from the ceiling. There were also two hand held showerheads. The boys turned on the overhead unit and stepped in to enjoy its gentle pulsating action.

The three boys stood in a triangle, holding their faces up to the water to enjoy the gentle massage. Gerry placed a hand on each of the other boys' cheek. When he did, Joey and Josh leaned into one another and met in a passionate kiss. While the two boys kissed Gerry lightly ran his finger tips up and down their cracks, causing each boy to shiver and form goose bumps. Joey and Josh then placed an arm around Gerry's waist and pulled him in closer. After a couple of minutes the two boys leaned into Gerry's neck, teasing him with kisses and a tongue bath. While the boys teased one another they ran fingers up and down one another's cracks until all three moaned with pleasure. After a few minutes they moved to suck, nibble and pinch another boy's nipples. All three boys enjoyed the pleasures of their adolescent bodies.

Gerry moved his left hand to the small of Josh's back and reached out and grasped Joey's tool. Joey followed suit by placing his left hand in the small of Gerry's back and reaching for Josh's tool. Josh followed suit. The boys continued to tease one another with kisses and by tonguing another boy's ear while both giving and receiving a slow and sensual masturbation. Within a few minutes, all three boys whimpered with the high that accompanied their climax.

While Gerry was in the throes of his climax he felt another hand slide across his butt. He turned to see his charge, ten year old Jimmy, standing there watching them. "I wanna play, too."

Initially surprised, the three boys then laughed. When they ask him how long he'd been standing there he told them a long time. The boys saw that Jimmy was standing in full salute and knew that he had seen enough. The three older boys placed little Jimmy in the middle of them and helped him experience a little boy's tingles and thrills.

Daniel saw a smiling Joey and Josh come out of the game room and head to the kitchen. He smiled to himself thinking the kitchen is a normal place for a teenage boy to head early in the morning ^Ö the draw of food. Gerry was behind them holding Jimmy's hand. Gerry leaned over and whispered something to Jimmy who then broke free and ran up to Daniel.

Showing the innocence of a small child Jimmy stopped, placing a hand on each of Daniel's knees, looked up with a big smile and said simply, "Hi!"

"Hi, yourself," Daniel answered with a smile and rubbed the boy's head, "would you like some breakfast?" Jimmy kept his smile and nodded enthusiastically.

Joey proceeded to the laundry room, followed by Josh and then Gerry. The three boys retrieved shorts for themselves and their charges. Gerry called Jimmy over and stood behind the boy while he leaned over holding his shorts. Jimmy held on to Gerry's arms while he stepped into the shorts. Neither Josh nor Joey bothered to dress. They returned to the game room to tend to their young charges. Both boys knew they would most likely have to carry the younger boys into the shower. A few minutes later Josh and Joey emerged carrying their giggling charges over their shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

Life was beginning to emerge from the various rooms. It was time to cook breakfast.

At the television station the boys quickly changed into their Cherub outfits and were ready. Marich accompanied his brother and would observe from off stage. As they waited for their cue, Daniel called Michael to advise him of their progress and that he was needed in West Palm that night. When he finished the call, Daniel looked at the boys and knew he would have to talk with them right after the show.

During the show Daniel focused on the challenge of five debates with David Arnold, making it clear that Arnold's camp had yet to respond to the offer and was not giving any reasons for not accepting the challenge. The host for the segment seemed to pick up on what Daniel wanted and continued a not too obvious attack and questioning for not hearing from Arthur's camp. While still on stage, Daniel saw Walter and Elizabeth enter the studio. They stood to the side with Marich, observing.

As with previous shows, when the segment ended, Daniel left the stage, but left the boys mingling with the audience. Daniel always stood nearby, keeping an eye out for his boys. Walter advised Daniel the network had received word that Arnold's camp had accepted the challenge for five debates and would make an announcement around noon. The network planned on including the announcement as part of their 1:00 o'clock news broadcast. Daniel was pleased and could only smile.

When the morning show ended and the boys returned to the dressing room Daniel let them know he needed to speak with them. Walter and Elizabeth stood with Daniel. Marich moved over to be near his brother.

"Boys, there's something we need to let you know about. Rumors will start flying soon and it's best you hear the truth from us and know what's going on. First, I want to know if you understand or are familiar with the rules stating a child can be declared property and sold to pay the parent's debts?" The older boys nodded, acknowledging they were familiar with the rule. Some of the younger boys were not, so Daniel gave them a simple explanation and told them that rule is most likely why their parents sent them away. It was also the reason the boys lost their families.

"All of you know that not only me, but all persons associated with New Horizons, oppose the enslavement of children. For us to challenge the court ruling finding children to be the property of the parents would take a long time. The wheels of our judicial and legislative systems do not move very quickly. However, we believe we have discovered a way to actually use not only the case determining children are property, but attach existing laws to the case and protect many of the children. We can't save all of them now, but we believe our research shows we can protect a large percentage of them.

"You were told the other day that Mr. Arthur is an attorney. He and several colleagues have devoted a lot of time researching and preparing a lawsuit to accomplish our short- term goal. The only thing that has held us back to this point has been what is called 'standing'. Standing is the right of a person or entity to file a lawsuit. The person filing is called the plaintiff. The plaintiff must be a party that stands to gain or lose something because of the facts set forth in the suit. None of us had standing. Are you with me so far?" Daniel knew the little ones would not understand what he was saying, but thought the older boys could understand enough to follow him.

"To get standing, Mr. Arthur needed a slave that met specific criteria. After a lot of research and help from supporters, we located such a slave in Miami. Mr. Arthur and Mr. John, Mark's father, traveled to the Miami auction yesterday and bought that slave. The slave will be delivered to the house this afternoon." Daniel paused to read the boys' reaction.

"Mr. Dan'l? What can we do to help?"

"Gerry, we need for all of you to understand what is going on and most of all, trust us. This slave will receive help. Dr. Mike is on his way over now so he can examine the slave and set up any necessary treatments, if any are needed. Walter and Elizabeth know what is happening. Television crews will be at the house when we get back. Try to stay out of their way and let them do their jobs. They will be there only a short while.

"Now, how can you help? The slave will be brought in through the garage and taken straight to the guesthouse. Those of you that have been staying in the guesthouse will be moved to my room. Mr. Mark and I will stay in the guesthouse with the slave. Do not go near the guesthouse, do not attempt any contact with the slave. If you see him come in, please stay quiet. We believe that in the beginning it's important for him not to be influenced or affected in any way by contact with anyone, except Mark and I of course, since we will be in the guest house with him.

"You older boys, protect your charges. I'm not sure how they will react if they see the slave and I don't want the little ones frightened. Keep them near you. If you see the slave come in, have the little ones look away.

"Tomorrow, the slave will be taken to the debate site. During the debate he will be brought out on stage. After that, we feel it is important that he have contact with others so you may speak to him after the debate. Any questions?"

The boys looked at Daniel and then one another. No one had any questions. All of them were quiet.

When they arrived at the site for the speaking engagement, Daniel noticed the boys appeared to be very somber. He expected his talk with them to have this type of effect, but not to this degree.

"Guys, look at me. What's wrong? Now I knew my little talk with you would be a bit of a downer, but not like this. I thought I was showing you that I trusted you and relied on you by telling you the truth and being open with you. Does somebody want to tell me what's wrong here?"

"Mr. Dan'l," Kevin began reluctantly, "the guys don't understand why you won't let them have contact with the slave, sir. You said he'd get help, and, well, we just want to help."

"I see. Okay, like I said before fellas, we need for you to trust us, but I will tell you a little more. This slave has been grossly abused and it shows in his appearance and attitude. We want him to keep that same appearance and attitude while we show the audience what can happen to a person that's been enslaved. If he has contact with you right now, that could give him hope and the initial shock factor we want would be lost. Remember, I said after the introduction tomorrow, you can have contact with him. In fact, I would encourage it. Now, can I have some smiling faces for this presentation?"

"Yes, sir. We're with you Mr. Dan'l." The boys left the vans smiling.

Daniel understood how the boys felt. He gave the same presentation using Lady Liberty that he had given the past two days. He had trouble concentrating, his mind wandering to thoughts of the new slave. The only difference in this talk and the previous presentations was that he mentioned to the audience his hope they would tune in to hear the debates with David Arnold, assuming he accepted the challenge.

Marich followed the boys to the dressing area. Mary had come in during the presentation and stood with Elizabeth. Walter commented on the boys appearing to be preoccupied or down about something. Daniel told him it began when Daniel told the boys about the slave that was just purchased. When the boys returned, Walter asked them where they'd like to go for lunch; the boys did not show any of their normal enthusiasm. Elizabeth asked Daniel and Walter to let her speak with the boys, alone.

"Boys, I know you know about the slave. Now, tell me what's going on here."

"Ms. 'lizabeth," Gerry began, "well, we just never figured Mr. Dan'l'd buy a slave. It seems like it's the opposite of everything we thought."

"Boys, you know Mr. Daniel. You know how fond he is of all of you and how much he has fought against enslaving children, right?" The boys nodded their heads. "Well, where's the trust?. I would think that you know him well enough that if is doing something like this, there has to be a damn good reason for it, right?" The boys nodded their heads again. "Think about this. Right now you aren't showing him your full support. Hasn't he always given you his trust and support, no matter what? Aren't you now letting him down and putting more pressure on him?"

"We didn't think about it like that, Ms. 'liz'beth."

"I know that, fellas. But right now, believe me, Daniel is putting a lot on the line and he needs your support."

"We'll do it, Ms. 'liz'beth. We support Mr. Dan'l, always."

When the boys joined the men outside, they asked if they could get pizza today. Walter told them, pizza it was for lunch. The boys all surrounded Daniel as they walked to the vans.

Walter and Daniel decided on a restaurant with a pizza buffet. All tastes and appetites could be satisfied. The men had forgotten this particular chain of pizza parlors also had jukeboxes in their restaurants. It was loud, it was raucous, and it was fun watching the boys. Particularly the young ones, who bounced out of sync with the rhythm of the music.

Walter received a phone call. The station advised him that David Arnold just announced he would accept the invitation of five debates with Daniel. The debates would be televised. Details to be worked out between all the parties, but the first debate would be in three weeks.

While the boys enjoyed themselves, Elizabeth asked Mary if there were any problems with her husband and leaving Marich with Clay. Mary rolled her eyes a little and smiled.

"Problem wouldn't really be the right term. He told me he was the man of the house and would make the rules. He ordered me to go get Marich and never let him see Clayton again. He was not going to have his son infected."

"I told him no 'man' would turn his own son away like he did. I also reminded him we lived in America, not the old country and I was his wife, not his servant. Marich is my son too, and so is Clayton. The boys will be allowed to see each other and I was going to do everything I could to get my son back. If he couldn't live under the same roof as Clayton, then he could find another roof. I said a few other things too, but a lady shouldn't repeat such things."

The way she told her story caused everyone to laugh. They all realized this was a strong willed lady who was willing to fight for those she loved.

The group arrived back at the house around mid-afternoon. During lunch and the trip back Mary was apprised of what was happening. Daniel wanted Mary to have the opportunity of taking Marich away before the delivery arrived. Mary decided it might be best for Marich to be exposed to this so he would know that the horror stories they hear are not just stories.

The boys had been home for about an hour. Many were in the pool, others in the game room when the truck stopped out front. They saw a large truck with slatted sides pull in and back up to the garage. Arthur went outside to meet the driver.

Daniel knew the truck contained the expected delivery and quickly told the older boys to get their charges and move them inside. Daniel was still concerned over the effect the slave might have on the younger boys, but he was also concerned how the boys might affect the slave. When the boys were inside, Daniel left to meet with Arthur.

The back of the truck was opened so they could view the slave. Daniel knew the slave's condition, but knowing and seeing were not the same. He couldn't believe the gut wrenching reaction he felt together with absolute disgust for anyone to allow this to happen. Unpleasant memories flooded Daniel's mind. The slave was curled into a fetal position with his wrists chained to the collar around his neck. Another chain ran from the ankles up between the legs and was fastened to the same collar. The cage left no room for movement. Daniel began taking pictures. The driver saw the anger on Daniel's face and was unsure what to do or say.

Arthur opened the garage door and asked the driver to unchain the slave and remove him from the cage built into the truck. The driver explained this was the standard procedure for delivering a slave within a four-hour drive of the market. On short distance deliveries the slave did not require a catheter because he was not given fluids for twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled delivery. Sufficient enemas were administered to make sure the slave was clean should the new owner want to conduct a thorough inspection before accepting delivery. With the explanation, the driver looked to Arthur anticipating an answer.

"Do you know if he was sequestered as requested?" Arthur asked.

"Oh, yes, sir. He was kept away from all the other slaves and strict orders were given not to touch him. If anyone did and was caught, the punishment was immediate enslavement, sir. He has not been touched." the driver assured them.

"Do you know when he was last fed?"

"Day before yesterday, sir." the driver answered.

While they spoke the driver removed the chains and pulled the slave from the transport cage. The slave was laid on the ground to remove the chain connecting the collar and ankles. Once removed, the driver ordered the slave to stand. When the slave had trouble straightening his body, the driver became abusive.

"Move, or you'll feel the whip. Up!" the driver spoke in a threatening manner.

"No! Driver, if you damage my property without permission I'll have you reported for destruction of private property. Do you know the penalty for such criminal activity?" Arthur spoke in a strong, authoritarian tone.

"Yes, sir. I mean, No sir. As you say, sir. I wasn't really intending on whipping him, just trying to get him moving faster. I'm sorry, sir." the driver couldn't explain or apologize fast enough.

While Arthur signed the delivery papers and sent the truck on its way, Daniel leaned down to speak with the slave. Daniel reassured him no one would harm him and encouraged him to stretch his legs out. The slave returned a blank stare. Daniel rubbed his legs to help get the circulation restored.

"Daniel, according to these papers he was loaded on that truck over six hours ago. That's his problem, he was kept cramped up like that for so long he probably doesn't have much feeling or control over his limbs.

"Arthur, the boys are in the house. Why don't we put a blanket over him and carry him to the guesthouse? The driver said he was cleaned out, but from the smell of him he needs to be cleaned again."

Arthur retrieved a blanket from the house and covered the slave. Both men told him to relax, they just wanted to move him to different quarters so they could inspect and treat him. When they had the slave in the guesthouse, Daniel returned to the main house to talk to the boys.

"Okay, fellas. I know you've all guessed that the slave was just delivered. He's in the guest house." With those words Linda headed to the guesthouse. "Now, the slave is fine. He was kept in a transport cage a little too long and he's having trouble with circulation. We'll work with him and have him moving around soon."

"Mr. Dan'l? Are we gonna see 'im?" one of the boys asked.

"Not today. Like I said earlier, we don't want him having contact with any of you until after the debate tomorrow. After the debate, he will be brought back here and I'll explain a lot more of what's going on to you. For right now, the best you can do for him, and for us, is to go about your normal activities. Dr. Mike will be here soon to help."

Daniel returned to the guesthouse. Linda was sitting with the slave. Satisfied there didn't appear to be any serious physical damage, she left to get him some soup. While Linda prepared soup, Arthur and Daniel talked. Soon, Arthur left to file the court papers.

"Daniel," Linda said as she entered the guesthouse, "Do you really think you're being fair to those boys out there? You know, I understand what this means to you and to a lot of other people. I think you need to remember how you felt that day when the SP came and dragged you away. Think how you felt knowing you were being taken to the auction house. In this case, haven't you to an extent brought the auction house to the boys? They trust you Daniel. Are you being fair to them?"

Daniel listened and thought about what his mother said. He looked at his mother, remembering how frightened and lost he felt. He still could hear her crying and begging them not to take her baby. He gave her a smile and a kiss on the cheek before going outside.

"Boys," Daniel began, "Maybe I haven't been as open as I should be with you. What we are doing directly affects you and a lot of other boys. Let's gather in the sitting area by the guesthouse and I'll explain everything. I think we'll all feel better then."

End Ch Thirty-Seven

To Be Continued; comments welcome, contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 38

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