New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Feb 18, 2007


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Note: I would like to thank Colin and John for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors contribute significantly to the reader's pleasure.

Chapter Thirty-Six: New Horizons

Daniel and Arthur sat in the study during the pre-dawn hour reviewing the documents John faxed over during the night. The documents substantiated what John had been told and relayed to them the previous evening. The data was sufficient to let Daniel know he could achieve one of the dramatic statements he had set as goals. But, one was not good enough.

"Arthur," Daniel began almost as though he were actually talking to himself, "someone has constructed a web of companies, corporations and trusts that are so tightly interwoven most people would give up before they could get it untangled. Anyone willing to go to that much trouble, I believe is trying to hide something. I think I know what that 'something' is and I want proof. If you don't mind, I'd like to call dad in on this. He has some pretty good contacts. Maybe between all of us, we'll get to the truth."

"Daniel," Arthur replied with all sincerity, "you know I don't mind your dad being in on this. Your mother would be thrilled to work with him. Personally, I like the man; he's got good old-fashioned guts and common sense. That's what it's going to take."

"Well, it's still a little early. If I call him now he may want to take some of those guts and wrap them around my neck. I'll call him while we're on the road and then again tonight if I need to. In the meantime, can I interest you in some coffee and a peaceful breakfast? Once the boys get up, there will be no peace; or, at least no quiet."

The two men smiled and walked together towards the kitchen. This was a coffee- drinking household and there was always a fresh pot brewed or waiting to be brewed. While the coffee brewed they began pulling out the raw materials for the morning's breakfast. Daniel told Arthur the boys would be fine with just pancakes. Arthur insisted on giving them bacon as a side.

Daniel and Arthur drank their coffee and discussed the day's upcoming events. While they talked one of the older boys walked out. He didn't appear to be too alert. Arthur noticed the boy's problem and told him he could use the bathroom in his study. When the boy returned Daniel walked up to him. Holding the boy's shoulders and trying to look in his eyes, Daniel knew the boy was half asleep. Daniel told him he didn't have to get up for another hour and a half and suggested he go back to bed. Without a word or gesture the boy headed back in a zombie-like state to the bedroom.

"Daniel, when food doesn't get the attention of a teenage boy, you know he's sick, asleep, or in love." Daniel and Arthur looked at one another and laughed.

Returning to the study with a fresh pot of coffee, Arthur expressed his concern over the plans to go to Miami and how they were to deal with the overall situation.

"Daniel, I know you haven't said anything to the boys. Don't you think you should?"

"Yeah, I know." Daniel responded while in deep thought. "I was waiting until I knew everything was in place. Now that it is, well practically, I'm not a hundred percent sure of what I should tell them."

"May I make a suggestion?" Arthur asked. Daniel responded by raising his eyebrows. "Tell them the truth. Those boys trust you, Daniel. Don't risk that at this point. I know it'll be hard, but I wouldn't underestimate these kids. I think they're a lot stronger than most people give them credit for. How else did they survive?"

"Actually, I know you're right. My main concern is for the little ones."

"Daniel, again I say don't underestimate them. I bet that when you tell them, you'll be surprised how much they are willing to support the effort and the project. Think about it."

"Think about what?" Linda asked as she walked into the study, surprising both men. "How long have you two been up, anyway? It's barely day break."

"We haven't been up very long, honey" Arthur responded, "why don't you go back to bed and get some more rest?"

"Pooh, I can do that after the boys leave this morning." Linda said with a smile. "Daniel, listen to Arthur and you'd think I was running out of steam. I better not, not with fifteen boys to feed."

"Mom, you should think about trying to feed over a hundred of them three times a day plus snacks." Daniel said, laughing with his mom.

"Nooooo, thankyou! I wouldn't trade this experience for anything, Daniel. Reminds me of when you used to bring a lot of your friends over. But that was then, and this is now; I'm a lot older. Now, if you two boys will excuse me, I'm going to go pick some fresh oranges off our trees."

When Linda left, Arthur and Daniel became serious again and returned to the matter at hand. Arthur advised Daniel there was only one way to guarantee they could reach the set objective and that was to seal their transaction prior to one o'clock. Daniel agreed and suggested they take that option. Any difference in cost would be more than offset by the anticipated impact.

"Daniel, there's one more issue we need to deal with." Arthur looked at Daniel to assure himself Daniel was listening to every word. "The boy, Clay, I know you mailed a schedule to his mother and gave her this number. If she calls, what do we say? Also, does the boy know what you're doing?"

"Clay doesn't know yet. I didn't want to create a hope just to have him hurt." Daniel told Arthur. "The problem here is Clay's status. My original intent was for the mother to know her son was being cared for and was safe. I think the boy needs to see his mother. I had him send her a letter at the same time we sent her a schedule for this week. My understanding is that the boy's father is the problem. I'm hoping that if mother and son can see that each accepts the current situation, then maybe each of them can find a little peace."

"Suppose the mother wants Clay to come back home? What then?"

"First, he's a ward of the state, so going home right away, if at all, is not an option. I'll have to let them know that. Second, if the father is there, I'm not sure Clay will go back. Arthur, there are no set answers in these situations. We deal with them one at a time the best we can. I think you and mom will get some first hand experience on that, shortly. You are sure you want this, right?"

"I'll assume that's a rhetorical question; you know the answer," replied Arthur. "When you and the boys leave this morning for the station, I'll head down to Boca and meet John at his office. The two of us will then drive down to Miami. When we finish in Miami, we'll head back up to Lauderdale to locate the house and pictures you wanted. We don't anticipate being back until later in the afternoon."

While they talked, Daniel prepared and forwarded an email to his dad with the information they had and outlining the plan. He told his dad he would call him later in the morning with more details and to answer any questions.

During the drive, Arthur contacted his banker; he wanted to confirm the funds were transferable on demand, and, for the third time in two days his banker reassured him there would be no problem. Arthur and John were both anxious; neither had ever attended a slave auction.

After registering and qualifying for the auction, the two men toured the facility. Cameras were not allowed. Getting the pictures Daniel needed for his presentations was not going to be easy. The cameras were surrendered at the admissions area and could be reclaimed on leaving the facility. Cell phones were allowed. Both Arthur and John had cell phones with picture taking features. Arthur's phone would also record a mini-video. The men knew if they were caught they would be ejected and their phones confiscated.

The facility was much as Daniel had described what he saw in Tampa. Slaves were separated by gender. The women were on one side of the central walkway, men on the other.

Arthur and John found that they were also separated by status; newly enslaved or experienced, with a wide range of ages and physical builds. Common to all the slaves was that they were naked, wore leg manacles, and wore a collar to which their wrists were secured. This was done to facilitate inspections.

The newly enslaved wore expressions of fear, while the experienced simply showed indifference. Another big difference was that it was not unusual for the experienced to show whipping scars.

Individuals attending the sale also appeared to cover a broad spectrum. The minimum age for entering the facility was sixteen; therefore, no young free children were exposed to the activities. The men did observe on more than one occasion what appeared to be a father instructing his teenage son on the proper techniques for inspecting a slave. The teenager held the slaves testicles while looking at and listening to the advice of the adult. Another man appeared to be giving instructions to a younger man on muscular development.

Only those wearing a buyer's pass were allowed onto the inspection floor. Members of the general public sat in an elevated gallery from which they could observe the activities.

Some of the buyers wore company identification so it was easy to discern those representing construction or construction related companies. Others wore fine suits, so it wasn't possible to guess whether they represented themselves or were acting as agents for private clients. Some looked primarily to the well built and obviously strong slave. Others looked primarily at those with slender builds, were young and possibly considered attractive as pleasure slaves.

"Arthur," John said nervously, "I don't see what Daniel wanted us to get. Do you think there could be another viewing or inspection area?"

"John, I'm not sure. This is my first, and hopefully last, venture into this type of thing," Arthur responded while surveying the hall. "Let's find an official and ask."

The official they located reminded them that the facility had a reputation to maintain. So that it did not risk its good name, slaves placed in the viewing hall had to meet certain standards. All others were kept in a secured holding area away from the general public.

Before escorting John and Arthur to the secured area the official tried to talk them into purchasing a slave from the stock on display. John and Arthur advised the official that they only needed someone capable of handling a pool and light yard duties. They were not interested in a big slave with a strong back or a slave for pleasure; therefore, they were able to have lower standards and enjoy the benefits of a lower price. The official stated that there was only one slave currently available that might meet their requirements and was available only on an as-is condition; the sale would be final. He also said that if the slave was not sold during the current sale, he would be sold to the recycling facility.

After a careful inspection of the slave, they inquired whether there was a pre-sale price set. The official recommended they wait and try to purchase the slave during the auction; they would probably get a better price. But, the two men advised they didn't believe the price could get much lower and agreed to purchase the slave at the pre-sale price. After signing the disclosure and arranging for the transfer of funds, delivery was scheduled.

Having left the facility, both men sat on a convenient bench while they considered what they had just witnessed. Each viewed the photos on their cell phones to determine if any might be of use to Daniel for his presentations.

After a few minutes, John spoke. "Arthur, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep it together in there. What I saw made me sick; I wanted to puke all over that auction official. I don't understand how they can do it. It really upsets me when I think how close my own son came to being there."

"I know, John," Arthur responded. "It's sad. I don't feel so much for the true hard-core criminals, but some of those men were hardly more than kids. What could they have done to have their lives taken away like that? After what we just saw, if Linda asks me anything, I can only tell her that words can't describe what we saw. I'm just glad we didn't have to go through the auction part, I don't think I could have handled it."

Daniel finished his interview on the morning show and was watching the boys mingle with audience members. All morning his thoughts switched between what John and Arthur were doing in Miami, and talking with Clay. There was nothing he could do about the mission to Miami, but there was something he could do with Clay. However, he didn't want to get the boy's hopes up just to see him hurt.

During his presentation, Daniel had spotted a lady in the audience who kept looking around. She hadn't paid any attention to what he said, but her eyes followed the boys as though she was looking for someone. The lady may or may not be Clay's mother. He was backstage in the dressing rooms. Daniel did not want to risk him coming out unprepared; nor did he want to see the boy's mother expecting too much. Daniel decided to approach the woman. Moving behind the scenes he was able to get behind the audience to make his approach. When he was almost beside the woman he quietly and politely asked, "Mrs. Holmes?"

Not expecting anyone to call her name, the woman turned with a startled expression and answered, "Yes? You're Daniel Thompson!"

"Yes, I am," Daniel answered with a slight smile. "I'll assume you are Mrs. Holmes?" She nodded, tears forming in her eyes. "Please, Mrs. Holmes, follow me so we can talk in private."

When they were away from and behind most of the audience, Mrs. Holmes became very anxious. "Please, Mr. Thompson. Clayton, I don't see him; is he here?"

"Yes, Clay's here, but he's not out here in the audience. He's backstage, but we need to talk first. Clay doesn't know we sent you a schedule and has no idea that you might be here. Are you alone?"

"Yes, I came alone. My husband doesn't know where I am. I was afraid he might try to stop me. But, Clayton, is he alright?" asked a very excited and concerned mother.

"Mrs. Holmes^Å"

"Please, Mary. My name is Mary."

"Mary, I'm going to take you to see Clay. Please understand that this could get very emotional. I'm sure you would like to have Clay home, but right now he will have to stay with us; he's a ward of the state assigned to our care. It's best that no promises be made to him that we don't know can be kept. Do you understand?" Daniel was trying to explain things very calmly and realized he should have said something to Clay prior to this time. Right now, it was too late.

"Mr. Thompson, I understand, I know what you are saying. Right now, I'm a mother who wants to know her baby is alright. I don't want to see him hurt any more, either." She had regained her composure and fully understood what might have to be said to Clay. As a mother she needed to know her child was well and was strong enough to tell him not to come home when it was in his best interest.

Daniel led her to the dressing room. When he opened the door he saw Clay sitting there alone watching the other boys on a monitor. Clay looked over at Daniel who then stepped aside to let Mary enter.

Initially Clay was stunned, then " ^Å.MAMA!" A sobbing Clay ran to his mother. He longed to feel her loving arms wrapped around him.

Mary held her son tightly. She pulled his head back, holding it with both hands, and smothered him with kisses. Between kisses she kept repeating "My baby ^Å my son^Å" Eventually she told him how much she loved him and missed him; never letting him go. That was okay because he didn't let her go; he continued to cry and whisper "mama".

Daniel stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him to give them some privacy. The other boys would return in a few minutes; they could use the adjoining room. While he waited he took the opportunity to call his dad in Tallahassee. He advised him of their plans, the issues that still needed to be resolved and answered his dad's questions regarding the email. Daniel ended the call when he heard the other boys approach.

Daniel told them what was going on and he'd like to let clay and his mother have just a few more minutes alone; the boys became very quiet. Daniel could read the boys' faces. All understood, many wished they could be held by their mother. Danny walked up to Daniel and gave the man a pleading look.

Daniel held Danny in his arms. He tapped on the door, entered and told Clay it was time for them to leave for the next speaking engagement. Neither Clay nor Mary wanted their time together to end. Clay had to travel with the boys, but Daniel told Mary where they were going and she was welcome to follow and spend a little more time with him. Mary let Daniel know she understood and thanked him for the opportunity to see her son.

On the way to the speaking engagement Daniel received a call from John and Arthur letting him know they were inside the sale facility. They advised him of the loss of the cameras, but let him know they hoped to compensate with the cell units. They would call and advise him later if they reached their objectives. Daniel also received a call from Elizabeth and Walter. They wanted to talk and again offered to treat the boys to lunch. Daniel let them know where he was going and would speak to them there.

This engagement was with another group of business and professional people. Unlike the previous day, this group had a full lunch. Daniel was the post luncheon speaker. Satisfied with the reaction to the previous day's presentation, Daniel elected to use the same presentation at all of the speaking engagements this week. Again, the presentation had a warm reception.

Mary and Clay stayed together during Daniel's presentation. This time they didn't talk so much as just held on to one another. Mary did comment on the way Clay and the other boys were dressed. Clay explained that it was the uniform for the Cherubs. Mary thought that was a perfect name for young boys. She also noticed the all over tan Clay was developing and the highlights in the boys' hair. She was proud when she learned the highlights were her son's idea and work.

Before Daniel finished, Elizabeth and Walter walked in. They recognized Clay, but not the lady with him. Clay introduced his mother to Elizabeth who, in turn, introduced Walter. Walter, the long time news man, knew he smelled a great story.

When Daniel finished and the room was mostly cleared, he joined the small group on the side. Daniel told Clay he needed to rejoin the other boys and change. Reluctant to leave his mother, the boy did as he was asked, but only after his mother promised not to leave while he was gone.

"Mr. Thompson," Mary began, "I can't thank you enough for helping Clayton. I have been so worried. There were times that I didn't think I would ever see him again."

"Mary, please call me Daniel." Daniel responded, "Clay's a good boy. Did he tell you it was his idea for the boys to have highlights in their hair and that he did all the work? He told me you're the one that taught him how."

"Yes, he told me and I'm very proud of the job he did. Daniel, please understand a mother's concern, but, I was wondering, well^Å when might I see him again? Also, he has a younger brother who talks about him almost every day."

"You know, Mary, when we sent that schedule to you and then didn't hear from you, I was worried that maybe you didn't want to see Clay. He didn't know anything about us sending you contact information; I didn't want his hopes built up, just to be hurt again. As long as Clay doesn't object, I have no objections to you seeing him as long as we're here. Beyond that, we'll need to talk."

"Speaking of talking," Walter interjected, "the boys are coming out and if they're anything like yesterday, I bet they're starved. Why don't we continue this conversation over some lunch? Mary, will you join us?"

Mary looked to Daniel, who nodded, she then graciously accepted the invitation.

Walter chose to take the boys to a restaurant where they could all sit down in a general area and be waited on. To let the older boys have time for themselves, Mark and Jeff stayed with the younger boys. Danny wanted to stay with Daniel, but with the bribe of a toy on the kid's menu if he sat with the others Daniel was able to have time with the adults. Daniel, Mary, Elizabeth and Walter sat at a table where they could talk without being overheard, but kept an eye on the boys.

After placing their order, Walter asked Mary to tell him Clay's story. Daniel listened carefully and found that Clay had told him the same story.

"Clayton's father and I have had a very strained relationship since he threw Clayton out." Mary began, fighting back tears mixed with a tone of deep resentment. "Clayton told his father he was gay. His father didn't even try to listen or talk with his son. I didn't hear all the argument, but I know he told Clayton he was a fag, sick and a disgrace to the family; he was not going to have the opportunity to infect his younger brother. My husband talked about being gay as though it was a disease. He threw Clayton out like he was nothing." Mary had to sit back and take a few deep breaths to maintain her composure.

"That night Clayton stayed in his little hide-out behind the house. The next day I brought Clayton back in, but his father wouldn't allow him to stay. That second night when he wouldn't let Clayton stay in the house^Å. I don't know how to say it. Clayton is my oldest son. Gay or not gay, he is my son and I will always love him. When I saw him land on the ground and the door slammed, part of me left with him. Right now, his father and I are husband and wife in name only. There is a bitterness in me that may never go away."

"Mary," Daniel tried to speak in a very gentle and understanding voice, "What about Clay's younger brother. How is your husband acting towards him? Any problems there?"

"No," answered Mary, "Not that I know of. My husband can be very demanding; he's old school. To him, he is head of the family and he makes all the decisions about our lives. Naturally, since I own several salons, he doesn't make all the decisions. The salons are mine. Marich, Clayton's younger brother, misses him and talks to me about him often, but never around his father. I notice you call him Clay, so does Marich."

"He told us he prefers to be called Clay." Daniel responded. "Mary, would you like for Marich to be able to see Clay?"

"Could he?" asked a hopeful mother, "It would mean so much to Marich to see and know his brother is alright. The problem is, Daniel, I would not risk it around their father. I know he would not approve, but I do and I want them to see one another. I'll face my husband and deal with him to protect my sons."

Daniel listened and observed the lady. There was no doubt that she would stand up to almost anything to make her sons happy. "Mary, here's the address of where we are staying. If you would like to come visit tonight, or any other night we are here, please feel free to just come by. It's my mother's home and there's plenty of room. I should warn you about the boys though."

"Daniel," Mary said with a smile, "are you going to tell me how they get such beautiful tans with no lines?" Daniel blushed.

"Elizabeth," Daniel continued, "Why don't you and Walter come over tonight? In fact, you can follow us when we leave here. Arthur will be home and we can all discuss what he was doing today with Mark's dad, John. I think you'll find it all very interesting; it will fit right in with the story."

Elizabeth looked at Walter who jumped at the opportunity. A major human interest story had fallen into his lap and was developing right in front of him. This was any newsman's dream.

Daniel used the rest of their lunch time to talk with Mary concerning Clay's future. He knew the subject of Clay returning home would come up and he didn't want to see anyone get their hopes up and then be disappointed. The truth was that this situation had not come up before and was new territory. Mary made it quite clear that if she could take her son home and his father did not approve, then she would be happy to share the home just with her two sons. She said she understood the situation and at the moment was happy to know her son was being well cared for; she would be patient, knowing things would work for the best.

On the return trip to West Palm, the little ones fell asleep. These days and nights had been busier and more hectic than their normal schedule. However, when they arrived and were awakened, it only took a few minutes for them to realize where they were and remember the cookie jar. Daniel laughed when he saw them walking around with a cookie in each hand. Linda was spoiling the little ones and having a good time doing it. They had a problem trying to hold on to their cookies and get rid of their clothes so they could get in the pool.

The boys settled into various areas to entertain themselves. Mark and Jeff stayed outside to supervise them. When Daniel introduced Walter and Elizabeth to Linda, the four of them moved to the kitchen where they shared a pot of coffee. Walter explained to Linda what he and Elizabeth were doing and that he had received preliminary approval from the network. Next, he told her that it would help tremendously if she could share her feelings at the time Daniel was enslaved.

"Feelings?" Linda began, "I'm not sure I really had any immediately. I was in shock. I remember that day like it was yesterday and the days immediately preceding it. I recall sitting on the floor holding him in my lap. He was naked. He was crying; so was I. He was scared; so was I. He was lost; so was I. I wiped my child off with a damp cloth and tried to soothe him. I didn't understand what was happening. No matter how much I begged and pleaded, my husband wouldn't listen. Then the SP people came and took him from me. When he left, part of me left with him. I was in shock and collapsed on the floor." Walter and Elizabeth looked at one another. Mary had expressed the same feelings about part of her leaving with her son.

Linda continued to relate the story of how she searched for her son. The check came from the auction house. The money was placed in an account her husband couldn't access. It was blood money; it was to be used to get her son back. She couldn't find him. Every night she cried herself to sleep. Beginning that first night, she never shared a bedroom with her husband again. Eventually they divorced. Later he committed suicide, but Linda felt no remorse, not even pity.

Linda also told of the night she received the phone call from Dr. Thompson. He had Daniel, had had him for several weeks. He wasn't aware of the circumstances of Daniel's enslavement and was, at first, reluctant to call. Linda said that was the day she started living again. While they spoke, the door bell chimed.

Daniel answered the door and welcomed Mary and the boy with her. When Mary introduced her son to Daniel, Marich extended a nervous hand and nodded his greeting. Daniel escorted Mary and Marich to the kitchen where he introduced them to the people at the table. Marich appeared to be very nervous and was looking at his surroundings. He saw the naked boys in and around the pool; he didn't see Clay. Daniel knew the boy was looking for his brother and stepped out to the patio and asked where Clay was. He was told that Clay was in the game room.

Daniel walked Marich towards the game room. Before they reached the room, the sliding door opened and Clay ran to his brother. Marich broke into a run a jumped in his brother's arms. Both boys immediately broke into tears. Daniel suggested the boys move over to one of the sitting areas beside the guest house and visit. Before leaving them, Daniel told Marich to make himself at home and feel free to play with the other boys.

Daniel returned to the house to find Mary had joined the group in the kitchen. Walter asked Mary about younger boy's name, it was unusual. Mary explained that both her family and her husband, Michael's, family originally came from what was Yugoslavia. Her father's name was Marich, he was killed in the revolution. Michael's father was also killed in the revolution. His name at birth was Michelle, but since coming to America as a small child, his mother changed his name to Michael. She eventually remarried, to an American who adopted Michael and gave him his last name.

While the group talked, Walter recorded the conversations with the participants' permission. Years of experience had taught Walter that asking the right questions does not always make a good journalist or a good story. Sometimes, it was best to sit back and listen to the conversation and allow the story to unfold on its own. Walter sat back, listening to what he knew could easily become a national news story, not just a local or statewide story.

As the group talked everyone would occasionally look out to check on the boys. Mary sat so she could see both her boys in a secluded area next to the guesthouse. After a while the boys entered the guesthouse. They came out in a few minutes, naked. The boys joined in the fun at the pool. The faint tan lines around Marich's butt suggested this was not his first experience at skinny dipping.

When Linda pointed at the boys and laughed, Mary could only show the smile and pride of a loving mother. The two mothers exchanged stories of how their sons enjoyed running free as much as possible. Mary became serious when she told the group her husband blamed her, and letting Clayton go naked a lot, for him being gay. Her husband didn't approve of the practice and forbid Marich to play naked.

"I still let him run free and play when he wants to." Mary stated, "He's only young once. I want him to stay innocent and care-free for as long as he can. Once it's gone, it's gone. I told Michael that he's too old fashioned and blaming Clayton's being gay on him running free was foolishness. I wanted my boys to enjoy their childhood and have good memories. Michael ruined that for Clayton."

"But, Mary," Linda asked, "what will happen when Michael gets home and you and Marich aren't there?"

"What will happen?" Mary responded, "I don't think I care what he thinks. Like I said earlier, since he threw Clayton out, we are married in name only. I left him a note telling him we were visiting Clayton. I didn't tell him where. I think I would like it better if, when we go home, he was gone."

While the group talked, Arthur came in accompanied by John and Elaine. After the introductions, Arthur suggested Daniel join him and John in the study where they could bring Daniel up to date on the day's activities. Walter was invited to join them. Elaine and Elizabeth stayed with Linda and Mary.

Arthur told Daniel they accomplished their primary goal and were able to get some pictures. The authorities would not allow cameras in the halls, but the cell phones did get some pictures. The men thought the pictures might be interesting since they weren't able to aim them, but could only guess at their shots. Arthur plugged his cell into his computer and began the slide show.

While the men talked, the ladies realized there were a lot of male appetites to be satisfied at supper. Linda planned to serve spaghetti with a salad and garlic sticks. All the ladies insisted on helping. While they cooked Linda invited Mary and Marich to stay the night. Mary said she must return home to calm her husband who would be furious anyway. After a few minutes Mary told Linda that if the invitation was still open, she would let Marich stay with his brother. The boys were excited when they found out Marich would stay overnight and they would have more time together.

After dinner was cleaned up and a little time spent visiting, Mary knew she had to leave. In her heart she didn't want to leave her boys. In her mind, she knew she needed to deal with their father and it was best to do it while Marich was not there. There were plenty of kisses, hugs and tears exchanged with a promise of seeing one another tomorrow. Marich was worried what his father would do when he learned where Marich was. Mary assured him his father would not do or say anything.

Marich joined Clay and the other boys in the guesthouse. First, they took showers to rinse off the sweat, dirt and chlorine and then sat in a circle on the floor in the sitting room. Mark and Kevin joined them. The boys talked about the day's events. They talked about what life was like for them on the street before Daniel found them. Mark again told his story of how Daniel saved him.

A big topic of interest was what life had been like for Clay and Marich. The boys admitted to never knowing their grandparents or family from Yugosalvia, but always being curious. They talked of the boys' father and what could make him so strict. Thad asked if there was a possibility that maybe, Clay could go back home. If he did, he would be the first boy from New Horizons to return home.

Clay had given returning home some thought, but didn't think it possible because of how his father felt. When he saw his mother he thought the troubles of his world were lifted from his shoulders. When they returned to Linda's and he saw all the other boys and they began to relax and play, he knew he had a home with them too. He wanted to go home, but he liked staying at New Horizons where he was accepted for who and what he was.

The conversation worked its way back around to their fathers. Everyone agreed that Daniel and Mark had great dads. The boys decided there was a big difference between a father and a dad. In the end they all agreed that Clay and Marich's father was a bigoted prick.

End Chapter Thirty-Six

To Be continued; comments welcome, contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 37

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